Hekayat No. 10: One of the scholars had many dependents and little sustenance

حکایت شماره ۱۰: یکی از علما خورنده بسیار داشت و کفاف اندک. یکی ...

One of the scholars had many mouths to feed and meager means. He told one of the dignitaries in whom he had faith. He frowned at his expectation, and he considered the impropriety of asking from men of letters as reprehensible.

یکی از علما خورندهٔ بسیار داشت و کَفافِ اندک. یکی را از بزرگان که در او معتقد بود بگفت. روی از توقّعِ او در هم کشید و تعرّضِ سؤال از اهلِ ادب در نظرش قبیح آمد.

With an angry face due to fortune, before a dear friend

Do not go, lest you also make life bitter for him

ز بخت، روی‌تُرُش‌کرده، پیشِ یارِ عزیز

مرو، که عیش بر او نیز تلخ گردانی

When you go for a need, go with a cheerful and smiling face, for a generous person will not hinder your affairs.

به حاجتی که رَوی، تازه‌روی و خندان رو فرو نبندد کارِ گشاده‌پیشانی

It is said that he slightly increased his allowance but greatly decreased his devotion. When the scholar did not see the usual affection after a few days, he said:

آورده‌اند که اندکی در وظیفهٔ او زیادت کرد و بسیاری از ارادت کم. دانشمند چون پس از چند روز مودّتِ معهود بر‌قرار ندید گفت:

Wretched are the foods when humiliation earns them

The pot is set up (ready to cook), but the worth (of the person) is diminished

بِئْسَ الْمَطَاعِمُ حِینَ الذُلُّ یَکْسِبُها

الْقِدْرُ مُنْتَصَبٌ وَ الْقَدْرُ مَخْفوُضٌ

He increased my bread but decreased my honor

Poverty is better than the humiliation of asking

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