Hekayat No. 12: A preacher with an unpleasant voice thought himself melodious...
حکایت شماره ۱۲: خطیبی کریهالصوت خود را خوشآواز پنداشتی و ...
A harsh-voiced preacher considered himself to have a pleasant voice and raised a useless cry. It was said that the croaking of the raven was in the melody of his tunes, or the verse “Indeed, the harshest of sounds” was about him.
خطیبی کَریهالصّوت خود را خوشآواز پنداشتی و فریادِ بیهده برداشتی. گفتی نَعیبِ غُرابَالْبَیْن در پردهٔ اَلحانِ اوست، یا آیتِ «اِنَّ اَنْکَرَ الْاَصْواتِ» در شأنِ او.
When the preacher, Abu al-Fawaris, brayed
He has a clamor that shakes the mountains of Fars.
اِذا نَهَقَ الْخَطیبُ اَبُوالْفَوارِسْ
لَهُ شَغَبٌ یَهُدُّ اصْطَخْرَ فٰارِسْ
The people of the village, due to the position he held, endured his affliction and did not consider it wise to bother him. Until one of the preachers of that region, who had a secret enmity with him, once came to visit him; he said: I have seen a dream about you, may it be good. He said: What did you see? He said: I saw that you had a pleasant voice and people were comfortable with your breath.
مردمِ قَرْیه به علّتِ جاهی که داشت، بَلیّتش میکشیدند و اذیّتش را مصلحت نمیدیدند. تا یکی از خُطبایِ آن اقلیم که با او عِداوتی نهانی داشت، باری به پرسش آمده بودش؛ گفت: تو را خوابی دیدهام، خیر باد. گفتا: چه دیدی؟ گفت: چنان دیدمی که تو را آواز خوش بود و مردمان از اَنْفاسِ تو در راحت.
The preacher thought about this for a moment and said: This is a blessed dream that you saw, which made me aware of my flaw. It became clear that I have an unpleasant voice and people are in pain from my loud recitation. I repented that from now on I will not give a sermon except softly.
خطیب اندر این لَختی بیندیشید و گفت: این مبارک خواب است که دیدی که مرا بر عیب خود واقف گردانیدی. معلوم شد که آوازِ ناخوش دارم و خلق از بلند خواندنِ من در رنج. توبه کردم کز این پس خطبه نگویم مگر به آهستگی.
I am pained by the companionship of a friend
Who makes my bad manners seem good.
از صحبت دوستی به رنجم
که اخلاق بَدَم، حَسَن نماید
He sees my flaws as art and perfection
He makes my thorns seem like roses and jasmine.
عیبم هنر و کمال بیند
خارم گل و یاسمن نماید
Where is the impudent, impure enemy
So that he may show me my flaws?
کو دشمنِ شوخچشم ِ ناپاک
تا عیبِ مرا به من نماید؟
Hekayat No. 12: A preacher with an unpleasant voice thought himself melodious...
Book: Gulistan