Hekayat No. 17: Muhammad Khwarazmshah and Khita

حکایت شماره ۱۷: سالی محمد خوارزمشاه رحمة الله علیه با ختا برای ...

One year, Muhammad Khwarazmshah, may God have mercy on him, made peace with Khotan for an expediency. I entered the Jami Mosque of Kashgar and saw a boy, a grammarian, of utmost moderation and ultimate beauty, as they say in his examples:

سالی محمد خوارزمشاه رحمة الله علیه با ختا برای مصلحتی صلح اختیار کرد. به جامع کاشغر در آمدم، پسری دیدم نحوی به غایت اعتدال و نهایت جمال چنان که در امثال او گویند:

Your teacher taught you nothing but playfulness and charm

Taught you cruelty, coquetry, reproach, and tyranny.

معلمت همه شوخی و دلبری آموخت

جفا و ناز و عتاب و ستمگری آموخت

I have not seen a person with such form, character, stature, and manner

Unless he learned this way from a fairy.

من آدمی به چنین شکل و خوی و قد و روش

ندیده‌ام مگر این شیوه از پری آموخت

He had Zamakhshari's Introduction to Grammar in his hand and was reading: 'Zayd hit Amr, and the transgressor was Amr.' I said: O boy, Khwarazm and Khotan have made peace, and Zayd and Amr still have enmity? He laughed and asked my birthplace, I said: The land of Shiraz. He said: What do you have of Saadi's words? I said:

مقدمه نحو زمخشری در دست داشت و همی خواند: ضرب زیدُ عمرواً و کان المتعدیّ عمرواً. گفتم: ای پسر، خوارزم و ختا صلح کردند و زید و عمرو را همچنان خصومت باقیست؟ بخندید و مولدم پرسید، گفتم: خاک شیراز. گفت: از سخنان سعدی چه داری؟ گفتم:

I am afflicted with a grammarian who attacks angrily

Against me like Zayd in confrontation with Amr.

بُلیتُ بِنَحویٍّ یَصولُ مُغاضِباً

عَلَیَّ کَزَیدٍ فی مُقابَلَةِ العَمرو

Dragging his garment, he does not raise his head

And does raising (the noun) agree with a factor of genitive case?

علی جَرِّ ذَیلٍ لَیسَ یَرفَعُ رَأسَهُ

وَ هَل یَستَقیمُ الَّرفعُ مِن عامِلِ الجَرِّ

He pondered for a moment and said: Most of his poems in this field are in Persian, if you say it in Persian it will be closer to understanding. Speak to people according to their understanding. I said:

لختی به اندیشه فرو رفت و گفت: غالب اشعار او در این زمین به زبان پارسیست، اگر بگویی به فهم نزدیکتر باشد. کَلِّمِ الناسَ عَلی قَدرِ عُقولِهِم. گفتم:

Since your nature desired grammar

It erased the image of patience from our hearts.

طبع تو را تا هوس نحو کرد

صورت صبر از دل ما محو کرد

O heart of lovers, captured in your snare

We are preoccupied with you, and you with Amr and Zayd.

ای دل عشاق به دام تو صید

ما به تو مشغول و تو با عمرو و زید

In the morning, when the intention to travel was decided, they had told him that so-and-so is Saadi. He came running and showed kindness and regretted why I had not said I was him for so long so that he could have dedicated himself to serving great men. I said:

بامدادان که عزم سفر مصمم شد، گفته بودندش که فلان سعدیست. دوان آمد و تلطف کرد و تأسف خورد که چندین مدت چرا نگفتی منم تا شکر قدوم بزرگان را میان به خدمت ببستمی. گفتم: