Hekayat No. 2: A merchant lost a thousand dinars and told his son...
حکایت شماره ۲: بازرگانی را هزار دینار خسارت افتاد. پسر را گفت: ...
A merchant suffered a loss of a thousand dinars. He told his son: You should not share this matter with anyone. The son said: O father! Your command is right, I will not tell, but I would like you to inform me of the benefit of this matter: What is the wisdom in keeping it secret? He said: So that the misfortune does not become twofold; one, the loss of wealth, and the other, the taunts of the neighbors.
بازرگانی را هزار دینار خسارت افتاد. پسر را گفت: نباید که این سخن با کسی در میان نهی. گفت: ای پدر! فرمان تو راست، نگویم، ولکن خواهم مرا بر فایدهٔ این مطلع گردانی که: مصلحت در نهان داشتن چیست؟ گفت: تا مصیبت دو نشود؛ یکی نقصانِ مایه و دیگر شماتتِ همسایه.
Do not tell your sorrow to enemies,
For they will say 'There is no power except with God' while rejoicing.
مگوی اندُهِ خویش با دشمنان
که لاحَوْل گویند شادیکنان
Hekayat No. 2: A merchant lost a thousand dinars and told his son...
Book: Gulistan