Hekayat No. 20: They tell a story of a terrifying beggar who had amassed abundant wealth.
حکایت شماره ۲۰: گدایی هول را حکایت کنند که نعمتی وافر اندوخته بود.
They tell a story of a greedy beggar who had accumulated a considerable fortune.
گدایی هول را حکایت کنند که نعمتی وافر اندوخته بود.
One of the kings said to him: 'It is said that you have boundless wealth, and we have an important matter. If you help us with some of it, when it is resolved, your kindness will be repaid and thanks will be given.'
یکی از پادشاهان گفتش: همینمایند که مالِ بیکران داری و ما را مهمّی هست، اگر به برخی از آن دستگیری کنی چون ارتفاع رسد وفا کرده شود و شُکر گفته.
He said: 'O Lord of the Earth! It is not befitting the noble status of the king to stain his generous hand with the wealth of a beggar like me, which I have gathered penny by penny through begging.'
گفت: ای خداوندِ روی زمین! لایقِ قَدرِ بزرگوارِ پادشاه نباشد دستِ همّت به مالِ چون من گدایی آلوده کردن که جو جو به گدایی فراهم آوردهام.
He said: 'It does not matter if I give it to an infidel, the corrupt things are for the corrupt.'
گفت: غم نیست که به کافر میدهم، اَلْخَبیثاتُ لِلْخَبیثین.
If the water of a Christian's well is not pure
What does it matter if you wash a dead Jew with it?
گر آبِ چاهِ نَصرانی نه پاک است
جهودِ مُرده میشویی چه باک است؟
They said, 'Lime plaster is not pure'
We said, 'We use it to seal the cracks of the latrine.'
قالوُا عَجِینُ الْکِلْسِ لَیْسَ بِطاهِرٍ
قُلْنٰا نَسُدُّ بِهِ شُقوُقَ الْمَبْرَزِ
I heard that he disobeyed the king's command and began to argue and act impudently.
شنیدم که سر از فرمانِ ملک باز زد و حُجَّت آوردن گرفت و شوخچشمی کردن.
The king ordered that the content of his address be extracted from him through coercion and reprimand.
بفرمود تا مَضمونِ خِطاب از او به زجر و توبیخ مُخَلَّص کردند.
When a matter cannot be resolved with gentleness
It will inevitably lead to disrespect.
به لطافت چو برنیاید کار
سر به بیحرمتی کِشَد ناچار
Whoever is not merciful to himself
It is likely that no one will be merciful to him.
هرکه بر خویشتن نبخشاید
گر نبخشد کسی بر او، شاید
Hekayat No. 20: They tell a story of a terrifying beggar who had amassed abundant wealth.
Book: Gulistan