Hekayat No. 3: I heard a dervish who was burning in the fire of poverty
حکایت شماره ۳: درویشی را شنیدم که در آتش فاقه میسوخت و رقعه بر خرقه همیدوخت و تسکین خاطر مسکین را همیگفت:
I heard of a dervish who was burning in the fire of poverty, patching his cloak, and saying to comfort his poor heart:
درویشی را شنیدم که در آتشِ فاقه میسوخت و رُقعه بر خِرقه همیدوخت و تسکینِ خاطرِ مسکین را همیگفت:
Let us be content with dry bread and a patched garment
For the burden of one's own hardship is better than the burden of obligation to people
به نانِ خشک قناعت کنیم و جامهٔ دَلْق
که بارِ محنتِ خود بِهْ که بارِ منّتِ خَلق
Someone said to him: Why do you sit here when so-and-so in this city has a generous nature and widespread generosity, has devoted himself to serving free men and sits at the door of hearts. If he becomes aware of your situation as it is, he will consider it an obligation and a blessing to respect the wishes of dear ones.
کسی گفتش: چه نشینی که فلان در این شهر طبعی کریم دارد و کَرَمی عَمیم، میان به خدمتِ آزادگان بسته و بر دَرِ دلها نشسته. اگر بر صورتِ حالِ تو چنانکه هست وقوف یابد، پاسِ خاطرِ عزیزان داشتن منّت دارد و غنیمت شمارد.
He said: Silence! For dying in obscurity is better than taking one's need before anyone.
گفت: خاموش! که در پَسی مردن بِهْ که حاجت پیشِ کسی بردن.
Patching is better and adhering to the corner of patience
Than writing a plea to the nobles for a garment
هم رُقعه دوختن بِهْ و الزامِ کنجِ صبر
کز بهرِ جامه، رُقعه بَرِ خواجگان نبشت
Truly, it is equal to the torment of hell
To go for the intercession of a neighbor in paradise
حقّا که با عقوبتِ دوزخ برابر است
رفتن به پایمردیِ همسایه در بهشت
Hekayat No. 3: I heard a dervish who was burning in the fire of poverty
Book: Gulistan