Hekayat No. 4: A scholar debated with a heretic...
حکایت شماره ۴: عالمی معتبر را مناظره افتاد با یکی از ملاحده، ...
A respected scholar had a debate with one of the heretics, may God curse them separately, and could not prevail over him with argument; he surrendered and returned. Someone said to him: Despite all the knowledge and ادب you possess, you could not argue with an irreligious person? He said: My knowledge is the Quran, Hadith, and the sayings of the elders, and he does not believe in these and does not listen; what is the use of me hearing his blasphemy?
عالمی معتبر را مناظره افتاد با یکی از مَلاحده، لَعَنَهُمُ اللهُ عَلیٰ حِدَةٍ، و به حجّت با او بس نیامد؛ سپر بینداخت و برگشت. کسی گفتش: تو را با چندین فضل و ادب که داری، با بیدینی حجّت نماند؟ گفت: علمِ من قرآن است و حدیث و گفتارِ مشایخ و او بدینها معتقد نیست و نمیشنود؛ مرا شنیدنِ کفرِ او به چه کار میآید؟
The one who does not refrain from him with the Quran and Hadith
The answer to him is: do not answer him.
آن کس که به قرآن و خبر زو نرهی
آن است جوابش که: جوابش ندهی
Hekayat No. 4: A scholar debated with a heretic...
Book: Gulistan