Hekayat No. 4: I saw a book teacher in the land of Maghreb, with a sour face and bitter words...
حکایت شماره ۴: معلم کتابی دیدم در دیار مغرب ترشروی تلخ گفتار ...
I saw a schoolteacher in a western land, with a sour face, bitter words, bad temper, tormenting people, miserly and unrestrained, so that Muslims' joy was ruined by seeing him and their hearts darkened by his recitation of the Quran. A group of pure boys and virgin girls were caught in his cruelty, having neither the courage to laugh nor the power to speak. Sometimes he would slap one's silvery cheek and sometimes torture another's crystal leg.
معلم کُتّابی دیدم در دیار مغرب ترشروی تلخ گفتار بدخوی مردم آزار گدا طبع ناپرهیزگار که عیش مسلمانان به دیدن او تبه گشتی و خواندن قرآنش دل مردم سیه کردی. جمعی پسران پاکیزه و دختران دوشیزه به دست جفای او گرفتار نه زهره خنده و نه یارای گفتار گه عارض سیمین یکی را طپنچه زدی و گه ساق بلورین دیگری شکنجه کردی.
In short, I heard that they discovered some of his inner wickedness, beat him, and drove him away, and gave his school to a reformer, a pious, wise, good, and gentle man who spoke only when necessary and whose words never caused anyone harm.
القصه شنیدم که طرفی از خباثت نفس او معلوم کردند و بزدند و براندند و مکتب او را به مصلحی دادند پارسای سلیم نیک مرد حلیم که سخن جز به حکم ضرورت نگفتی و موجب آزار کس بر زبانش نرفتی.
The children's fear of the first teacher vanished, and they saw the second teacher's kingly manners and each one became a devil. Relying on his gentleness, they abandoned learning. They often gathered together to play and broke slates on each other's heads without completing their lessons.
کودکان را هیبت استاد نخستین از سر برفت و معلم دومین را اخلاق ملکی دیدند و یک یک دیو شدند. به اعتماد حلم او ترک علم دادند. اغلب اوقات به بازیچه فرا هم نشستندی و لوح درست ناکرده در سر هم شکستندی.
When the teacher is harmless
Children play knucklebones in the market
استاد معلم چو بود بی آزار
خرسک بازند کودکان در بازار
After two weeks, I passed by that mosque and saw the first teacher, whom they had appeased and brought back to his place. Honestly, I was annoyed and said 'There is no power and no strength except with God' (a phrase expressing disapproval) why did they make the devil a teacher of angels again?
بعد از دو هفته بر آن مسجد گذر کردم، معلم اولین را دیدم که دل خوش کرده بودند و به جای خویش آورده. انصاف برنجیدم و لاحول گفتم که ابلیس را معلم ملائکه دیگر چرا کردند.
A king sent his son to school
He placed a silver tablet beside him
پادشاهی پسر به مکتب داد
لوح سیمینش بر کنار نهاد
On his tablet was written in gold
A teacher's harshness is better than a father's love
بر سر لوح او نبشته به زر
جور استاد به ز مهر پدر
Hekayat No. 4: I saw a book teacher in the land of Maghreb, with a sour face and bitter words...
Book: Gulistan