Wisdom No. 24: Crush the serpent's head with the enemy's hand, so that from no one...

حکمت شماره ۲۴: سر مار به دست دشمن بکوب که از احدی ...

Strike the snake's head with the enemy's hand, for it will not be devoid of one of two good outcomes: if the former prevails, you will have killed the snake, and if the latter, you will have gotten rid of the enemy.

سر ِ مار به دست ِ دشمن بکوب که از اِحدَی الحُسنَیَین خالی نباشد: اگر این غالب آمد، مار کُشتی و گر آن، از دشمن رَستی.

In the day of battle, do not feel secure from a weak enemy,

For he can bring out the lion's brains when he risks his life.

به روز ِ معرکه ایمِن مشو ز خصم ِ ضعیف

که مغز ِ شیر برآرد چو دل ز جان برداشت