Wisdom No. 42: Not everyone who is beautiful in appearance has a beautiful character. The essence lies within, not in the skin.
حکمت شماره ۴۲: نه هر که به صورت نکوست سیرت زیبا در اوست. کار اندرون دارد نه پوست.
Not everyone with a beautiful face has a beautiful character. The essence lies within, not in the skin.
نه هر که به صورت نکوست سیرت زیبا در اوست. کار اندرون دارد نه پوست.
One can recognize in a single day from a man's appearance
How far he has reached in the realm of knowledge.
توان شناخت به یک روز در شمایل مرد
که تا کجاش رسیدهست پایگاه علوم
But do not be secure and conceited about his inner self,
For the wickedness of the soul may not be known for many years.
ولی ز باطنش ایمن مباش و غره مشو
که خبث نفس نگردد به سالها معلوم
Wisdom No. 42: Not everyone who is beautiful in appearance has a beautiful character. The essence lies within, not in the skin.
Book: Gulistan