Wisdom No. 47: If it were not for the oppression of the stomach (hunger), no bird would fall into the hunter's trap ...

حکمت شماره ۴۷: گر جور شکم نیستی، هیچ مرغ در دام صیاد نیوفتادی بلکه صیاد خود دام ننهادی.

If it were not for the tyranny of the stomach, no bird would fall into the hunter's trap; rather, the hunter himself would not even set the trap.

گر جور شکم نیستی، هیچ مرغ در دام صیاد نیوفتادی بلکه صیاد خود دام ننهادی.

Wise men eat infrequently, worshippers eat half-full, ascetics eat just enough to sustain life, young people eat until they can hold no more, and old people eat until they sweat, but wandering dervishes eat so much that there is no room left for breath in their stomachs and no food left on the table for anyone else.

حکیمان دیر دیر خورند و عابدان نیم سیر و زاهدان سد رمق و جوانان تا طبق برگیرند و پیران تا عرق بکنند، اما قلندران چندان که در معده جای نفس نماند و بر سفره روزی کس.

One who is a prisoner of their stomach will not sleep for two nights:

One night from a heavy stomach, and one night from longing (for more).

اسیر بند شکم را دو شب نگیرد خواب

شبی ز معدهٔ سنگی شبی ز دلتنگی

Wisdom No. 47: If it were not for the oppression of the stomach (hunger), no bird would fall into the hunter's trap ...

Book: Gulistan

Author: Saadi Moshrefoldin Mosleh ebn Abdollah