Wisdom No. 58: Little by little becomes much, and drop by drop becomes a flood. Meaning...
حکمت شماره ۵۸: اندک اندک خیلی شود و قطره قطره سیلی گردد. یعنی ...
Little by little becomes much, and drop by drop becomes a flood. That is, those who do not have the power of force should keep small stones until the opportunity arises to bring ruin upon the oppressor.
اندک اندک خیلی شود و قطره قطره سیلی گردد. یعنی آنان که دست قوّت ندارند، سنگ خرده نگه دارند تا به وقت فرصت دمار از دماغ ظالم برآرند.
And a drop upon a drop, when they come together, [forms] a stream,
And a stream upon a stream, when they gather, [becomes] a sea.
وَ قَطرٌ عَلیٰ قَطرٍ اِذَا اتَّفَقَت نَهرٌ
وَ نَهرٌ عَلیٰ نَهرٍ اِذَا اجتَمَعَت بَحرٌ
Little by little becomes much,
Grain by grain is the grain in the storehouse.
اندک اندک به هم شود بسیار
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Wisdom No. 58: Little by little becomes much, and drop by drop becomes a flood. Meaning...
Book: Gulistan