Wisdom No. 82: The forbearance of a camel, as is known, even if a child takes its rein and...

حکمت شماره ۸۲: حلم شتر چنان که معلوم است اگر طفلی مهارش گیرد و ...

The forbearance of a camel, as is known, is such that if a child takes its rein and leads it for a hundred leagues, it will not turn its neck away from following him. But if a terrifying valley appears that would lead to destruction, and the child foolishly intends to go there, it will break the rein from his hand and will no longer obey, for leniency is reprehensible in times of severity, and they say an enemy will not become a friend through leniency, but rather will become more greedy.

حلم شتر چنان که معلوم است اگر طفلی مهارش گیرد و صد فرسنگ برد، گردن از متابعتش نپیچد. اما اگر دره‌ای هولناک پیش آید که موجب هلاک باشد و طفل آنجا به نادانی خواهد شدن، زمام از کفش در گسلاند و بیش مطاوعت نکند که هنگام درشتی ملاطفت مذموم است و گویند دشمن به ملاطفت دوست نگردد بلکه طمع زیادت کند.

Be the dust of the feet of the one who shows you kindness,

And if he acts hostilely, throw dust in both his eyes.

کسی که لطف کند با تو خاک پایش باش

وگر ستیزه برد در دو چشمش آکن خاک

Do not speak with kindness and generosity to a harsh-natured person,

For rust cannot be removed by a soft file.

سخن به لطف و کرم با درشتخوی مگوی

که زنگ خورده نگردد به نرم سوهان پاک