Wisdom No. 85: Lying is like a necessary blow, for even if the wound heals...
حکمت شماره ۸۵: دروغ گفتن به ضربت لازم ماند که اگر نیز جراحت درست ...
Lying is like a permanent blow; even if the wound heals, the scar remains. Just like Joseph's brothers, who became known for a lie, no one trusted their truthful words afterward. He said, 'Rather, your souls have enticed you to a matter.'
دروغ گفتن به ضربت لازم ماند که اگر نیز جراحت درست شود، نشان بماند. چون برادران یوسف که به دروغی موسوم شدند نیز به راست گفتن ایشان اعتماد نماند. قالَ بَل سَوَّلَت لَکُم اَنفُسُکُم اَمرا.
Someone who is accustomed to telling the truth,
If a mistake occurs from him, they will overlook it.
یکی را که عادت بود راستی
خطایی رود در گذارند از او
And if someone becomes known for lying,
No one will believe his truth anymore.
و گر نامور شد به قول دروغ
دگر راست باور ندارند از او
Wisdom No. 85: Lying is like a necessary blow, for even if the wound heals...
Book: Gulistan