Section 9: When the shining sun showed its back

بخش ۹: چو خورشید تابنده بنمود پشت

When the shining sun turned its back

The air became black and the earth became rough

چو خورشید تابنده بنمود پشت

هوا شد سیاه و زمین شد درشت

Siavosh drew the army to the Oxus River

With his eyelashes, he drew blood from his liver

سیاووش لشکر به جیحون کشید

به مژگان همی از جگر خون کشید

When he came inside Termez, the roofs and streets

Were like spring, full of color and scent

چو آمد به ترمذ درون بام و کوی

بسان بهاران پر از رنگ و بوی

All the cities were like that up to Chach

You would say it is a wedding with necklace and crown

چنان بد همه شهرها تا به چاچ

تو گفتی عروسی‌ست با طوق و تاج

In every stage, food was prepared

Beautiful dishes and spreads

به هر منزلی ساخته خوردنی

خورش‌های زیبا و گستردنی

Thus, he drove (his army) up to Qachqar

He dismounted there and stayed for a while

چنین تا به قچقار باشی براند

فرود آمد آنجا و چندی بماند

When the news arrived, they came to meet him

All the chiefs came with drums

چو آگاهی آمد پذیره شدند

همه سرکشان با تبیره شدند

Piran chose a thousand from his relatives

He arranged the affair of welcoming (Siavosh)

ز خویشان گزین کرد پیران هزار

پذیره شدن را برآراست کار

Adorned four white elephants

He gave the entire army the good news

بیاراسته چار پیل سپید

سپه را همه داد یکسر نوید

One throne was placed, made of turquoise

A banner waving like a tree

یکی برنهاده ز پیروزه تخت

درفشنده مهدی بسان درخت

Its top was a golden moon and its background was violet

A silken banner woven with gold

سرش ماه زرین و بومش بنفش

به زر بافته پرنیایی درفش

Along with the golden throne, three other elephants

A hundred moon-faced ones with golden belts

ابا تخت زرین سه پیل دگر

صد از ماه‌رویان زرین کمر

An army in such a way that you would say it was the sky

Adorned the face of the earth with kindness

سپاهی بران سان که گفتی سپهر

بیاراست روی زمین را به مهر

A hundred precious horses with golden saddles

Adorned from head to toe with brocade

صد اسپ گرانمایه با زین زر

به دیبا بیاراسته سر به سر

Siavosh heard that the army had come

The king prepared to go to meet them

سیاووش بشنید کامد سپاه

پذیره شدن را بیاراست شاه

He saw the banner of the commander Piran

He heard the roaring of elephants and horses

درفش سپهدار پیران بدید

خروشیدن پیل و اسپان شنید

He went quickly and took him in his arms

He asked him about the renowned king

بشد تیز و بگرفتش اندر کنار

بپرسیدش از نامور شهریار

He said to him, "O champion of the army

Why did you trouble your soul on the journey?"

بدو گفت کای پهلوان سپاه

چرا رنجه کردی روان را به راه

The first thought in my heart was this

That my two eyes would see you healthy and well

همه بر دل اندیشه این بُد نخست

که بیند دو چشمم ترا تندرست

Piran kissed his head and feet

That same good-faced, heart-ravishing one

ببوسید پیران سر و پای او

همان خوب چهر دلارای او

He said thus, "O young king

If my soul had shown me this in a dream

چنین گفت کای شهریار جوان

مراگر به خواب این نمودی روان

I would first offer praise before God

Since I saw you radiant and healthy

ستایش کنم پیش یزدان نخست

چو دیدم ترا روشن و تندرست

Afrasiab is like a father to you

We are all your servants on this side of the water

ترا چون پدر باشد افراسیاب

همه بنده باشیم زین روی آب

There are more than a thousand from your kin

Who are your worshippers, wearing earrings

ز پیوستگان هست بیش از هزار

پرستندگان‌ند با گوشوار

Do not take a single breath without your heart's desire

Men and women are constantly your servants

تو بی‌کام دل هیچ دم بر مزن

ترا بنده باشد همی مرد و زن

If you accept me, with my old head

I will gird my loins for service

مرا گر پذیری تو با پیر سر

ز بهر پرستش ببندم کمر

The two went together happily

They recalled words, more and less

برفتند هر دو به شادی به هم

سخن یاد کردند بر بیش و کم

All the way, from the sound of the harp and rebec

The head of the sleeping one arose from sleep

همه ره ز آوای چنگ و رباب

همی خفته را سر برآمد ز خواب

The earth became musky from musk and gold

The Arabian horse spread its wings

همی خاک مشکین شد از مشک و زر

همی اسپ تازی برآورد پر

When Siavash saw that, tears from his two eyes

Poured down, and he became angry from thought

سیاوش چو آن دید آب از دو چشم

ببارید و ز اندیشه آمد به خشم

Because the land of Zabulistan came to his mind

Adorned up to Kabulistan

که یاد آمدش بوم زابلستان

بیاراسته تا به کابلستان

The same city of Iran came to his mind

He drew a cold sigh from his liver

همان شهر ایرانش آمد به یاد

همی برکشید از جگر سرد باد

His heart remembered Iran and burned

His face glowed like fire

ز ایران دلش یاد کرد و بسوخت

به کردار آتش رخش برفروخت

He turned away from Piran and covered his face

The commander saw his sorrow and pain

ز پیران بپیچید و پوشید روی

سپهبد بدید آن غم و درد اوی

He knew what had come to his mind

He became sad and put his teeth on his lip

بدانست کاو را چه آمد بیاد

غمی گشت و دندان به لب بر نهاد

They descended at Qachqar Bashi

They sat down and took a breath

به قچقار باشی فرود آمدند

نشستند و یکبار دم بر زدند

Piran looked at his appearance

Sat and (considered) his stature, mane, and speech

نگه کرد پیران به دیدار او

نشست و بر و یال و گفتار او

He stared at him with both eyes

He constantly recited the name of God

بدو در دو چشمش همی خیره ماند

همی هر زمان نام یزدان بخواند

He said to him, "O renowned king

You are a memorial of the kings of the world"

بدو گفت کای نامور شهریار

ز شاهان گیتی توی یادگار

There are three things about you in the world

That no one else has from the seed of the great ones

سه چیزست بر تو که اندر جهان

کسی را نباشد ز تخم مهان

One is that from the lineage of Keyqobad

They say they take their lineage from you

یکی آنک از تخمهٔ کیقباد

همی از تو گیرند گویی نژاد

And the other is a tongue with this uprightness

Adorned with good speech

و دیگر زبانی بدین راستی

به گفتار نیکو بیاراستی

The third is that it seems that from your face

Your kindness constantly rains down upon the earth

سه دیگر که گویی که از چهر تو

ببارد همی بر زمین مهر تو

Siavosh replied to him thus

That, "O pure and truthful old man"

چنین داد پاسخ سیاووش بدوی

که ای پیر پاکیزه و راست‌گوی

Renowned in the world for kindness and loyalty

Far from Ahriman and far from injustice

خنیده به گیتی به مهر و وفا

ز آهرمنی دور و دور از جفا

If now you make a pact with me

I know that you will not break my pact

گر ایدونک با من تو پیمان کنی

شناسم که پیمان من مشکنی

If being here is good for me

I should not weep for what I have done

گر از بودن ایدر مرا نیکویست

برین کردهٔ خود نباید گریست

And if it is not, command me to pass on

Show me the way to another country

و گر نیست فرمای تا بگذرم

نمایی ره کشوری دیگرم

Piran said to him, "Do not worry about this"

When you have passed from the land of Iran

بدو گفت پیران که مندیش زین

چو اندر گذشتی ز ایران زمین

Do not turn your heart away from the kindness of Afrasiab

Do not rush in any way to leave

مگردان دل از مهر افراسیاب

مکن هیچ‌گونه به رفتن شتاب

His scattered name in the world is evil

But besides this, he is a divine man

پراگنده نامش به گیتی بدی‌ست

ولیکن جز اینست مرد ایزدی‌ست

He has wisdom and opinion and lofty intellect

He does not come to the path of harm in vain

خرد دارد و رای و هوش بلند

به خیره نیاید به راه گزند

I also have kinship with him by blood

I am both his champion and his guide

مرا نیز خویشی‌ست با او به خون

همش پهلوانم همش رهنمون

Indeed, on this land and territory, a hundred thousand

And more will be riders under my command

همانا برین بوم و بر صد هزار

به فرمان من بیش باشد سوار

I have both land and territory and also sheep

Also horses and weapons and bow and lasso

همم بوم و بر هست و هم گوسفند

هم اسپ و سلیح و کمان و کمند

I am independent of everyone

Besides this, I also have much hidden

مرا بی‌نیازیست از هر کسی

نهفته جزین نیز هستم بسی

May all that I have be sacrificed for you

If now you sit down in happiness

فدای تو بادا همه هرچ هست

گر ایدونک سازی به شادی نشست

I have accepted you from the pure God

With the opinion and heart of your wise men

پذیرفتم از پاک یزدان ترا

به رای و دل هوشمندان ترا

That no harm will come to you from evils

No one knows the secret of the high heavens

که بر تو نیاید ز بدها گزند

نداند کسی راز چرخ بلند

Unless trouble arises in the city because of you

You mix from afar antidote and poison

مگر کز تو آشوب خیزد به شهر

بیامیزی از دور تریاک و زهر

Siavosh was tamed by those words

He became radiant and worthy of the cup

سیاووش بدان گفت‌ها رام شد

برافروخت و اندر خور جام شد

They sat down to eat together

Siavosh became the son and Piran the father

به خوردن نشستند یک با دگر

سیاوش پسر گشت و پیران پدر

They went with laughter and joy

They did not seek any time on the way

برفتند با خنده و شادمان

به ره بر نجستند جایی زمان

Thus they arrived in the city of Geng

Where there was a pleasant place to stay

چنین تا رسیدند در شهر گنگ

کزان بود خرم سرای درنگ

Afrasiab came on foot to the street

From the palace, with his waist tied and in haste

پیاده به کوی آمد افراسیاب

از ایوان میان بسته و پر شتاب

When Siavosh saw him on foot

He came down from his horse and ran towards him

سیاوش چو او را پیاده بدید

فرود آمد از اسپ و پیشش دوید

They embraced each other

They kissed each other many times on the eyes and head

گرفتند مر یکدگر را به بر

بسی بوس دادند بر چشم و سر

After that, Afrasiab said thus

That the heroes of the world have fallen asleep

ازان پس چنین گفت افراسیاب

که گردان جهان اندر آمد به خواب

From now on, neither turmoil nor war will arise

The sheep and the leopard will come to the watering place together

ازین پس نه آشوب خیزد نه جنگ

به آبشخور آیند میش و پلنگ

The world was disturbed by the brave Turanian

Now the face of the world is weary of war

برآشفت گیتی ز تور دلیر

کنون روی گیتی شد از جنگ سیر

The two countries were entirely full of turmoil

The heart of the world was blind to peace

دو کشور سراسر پر از شور بود

جهان را دل از آشتی کور بود

Now the world will become tamed by you

It will rest from war and the boiling of blood

به تو رام گردد زمانه کنون

برآساید از جنگ وز جوش خون

Now the city of Turan are your servants

All hearts are filled with your kindness

کنون شهر توران ترا بنده‌اند

همه دل به مهر تو آگنده‌اند

My possessions, along with my life, are before you

The commander is yours in soul and body

مرا چیز با جان همی پیش تست

سپهبد به جان و به تن خویش تست

Siavosh praised him greatly

That perhaps fortune gave (me) from your essence

سیاوش برو آفرین کرد سخت

که از گوهر تو مگر داد بخت

Thanks to the God who created the world

From Him is peace and conflict and vengeance

سپاس از خدای جهان آفرین

کزویست آرام و پرخاش و کین

The commander took Siavosh's hand in his hand

And came and sat upon the majestic throne

سپه‌دار دست سیاوش به‌دست

بیامد به تخت مهی بر نشست

He looked at Siavosh's face and said

That this one has no equal in the world

به روی سیاوش نگه کرد و گفت

که این را به گیتی کسی نیست جفت

There has never been such a person in the world

Such a face and stature and glory and greatness

نه زین‌گونه مردم بود در جهان

چنین روی و بالا و فر و مهان

After that, he said thus to Piran

That Kavus is impetuous and has little wisdom

ازان پس به پیران چنین گفت رد

که کاووس تندست و اندک خرد

How can he be patient with the face of such a son?

Such a tall stature and so many talents

که بشکیبد از روی چونین پسر

چنین برز بالا و چندین هنر

My eyes, from seeing his beautiful face

My heart is astonished by his actions

مرا دیده از خوب دیدار او

بمانده‌ست دل خیره از کار او

That someone should have such a child

And turn his two eyes away to the ground

که فرزند باشد کسی را چنین

دو دیده بگرداند اندر زمین

From the palaces, he then chose one

And spread all the palace with gold-woven fabrics

از ایوان‌ها پس یکی برگزید

همه کاخ زربفت‌ها گسترید

They placed a golden throne before him

All its legs like the head of a water buffalo

یکی تخت زرین نهادند پیش

همه پایها چون سر گاومیش

They adorned it with Chinese brocade

And summoned many attendants

به دیبای چینی بیاراستند

فراوان پرستندگان خواستند

He then ordered him to go towards the palace

To be as he wished and sit comfortably

بفرمود پس تا رود سوی کاخ

بباشد به کام و نشیند فراخ

When Siavosh arrived before the palace

The top of the palace's arch reached Saturn

سیاوش چو در پیش ایوان رسید

سر طاق ایوان به کیوان رسید

He came and sat upon that golden throne

And the wise soul was lost in thought

بیامد بران تخت زر بر نشست

هشیوار جان اندر اندیشه بست

When the commander's table was arranged

Someone came and summoned Siavosh

چو خوان سپهبد بیاراستند

کس آمد سیاووش را خواستند

All sorts of words were spoken at the table

They laid the foundation for all joy

ز هر گونه‌ای رفت بر خوان سخن

همه شادمانی فگندند بن

When the leader rose from the table

They arranged a place for drinking wine

چو از خوان سالار برخاستند

نشستنگه می بیاراستند

They went with lutes and musicians

All the leaders sat down to drink wine

برفتند با رود و رامشگران

بباده نشستند یکسر سران

Afrasiab gave him his soul and heart

He could not sleep without Siavosh

بدو داد جان و دل افراسیاب

همی بی سیاوش نیامدش خواب

He drank wine until the world became dark

The wine drinkers became intoxicated from the wine

همی خورد می تا جهان تیره شد

سرمیگساران ز می خیره شد

Siavosh strode happily to the palace

In his drunkenness, he did not remember Iran

سیاوش به ایوان خرامید شاد

به مستی ز ایران نیامدش یاد

That same night, the king commanded

To those who were at the banquet

بدان شب هم اندر بفرمود شاه

بدان کس که بودند بر بزمگاه

He said thus to Shideh Afrasiab

When Siavosh raises his head from sleep

چنین گفت با شیده افراسیاب

که چون سر برآرد سیاوش ز خواب

You, with my champions and relatives

Whoever is the leader of the assembly

تو با پهلوانان و خویشان من

کسی کاو بود مهتر انجمن

At dawn, with gifts and servants

And precious horses with golden saddles

به شبگیر با هدیه و با غلام

گرانمایه اسپان زرین ستام

From the army, everyone with offerings

Of dinars and royal jewels

ز لشکر همی هر کسی با نثار

ز دینار وز گوهر شاهوار

In this manner, they proceed before Siavosh

Wise and awake and silent they go

ازین‌گونه پیش سیاوش روند

هشیوار و بیدار و خامش روند

The commander sent many things

In this way, a week also passed

فراوان سپهبد فرستاد چیز

بدین گونه یک هفته بگذشت نیز

One night, the king said thus to Siavosh

That tomorrow, we two will prepare at dawn

شبی با سیاوش چنین گفت شاه

که فردا بسازیم هر دو پگاه

That we will go to the field with ball and polo stick

For a while, we will gallop and be laughing

که با گوی و چوگان به میدان شویم

زمانی بتازیم و خندان شویم

I have heard from everyone that your polo playing

The heroes do not see (its like) in your field

ز هر کس شنیدم که چوگان تو

نبینند گردان به میدان تو

You are our son and the beauty of the throne

You are the Kayanian crown and the support of the army

تو فرزند مایی و زیبای گاه

تو تاج کیانی و پشت سپاه

He said to him, "O king, may you be immortal

May (the sight of you) be a provision for the soul

بدو گفت شاها انوشه بدی

روان را به دیدار توشه بدی

Kings seek skill from you

That (someone) may have recourse to you in every matter

همی از تو جویند شاهان هنر

که یابد به هرکار بر تو گذر

My bright day is in seeing you

I always seek good and bad from you

مرا روز روشن به دیدار تست

همی از تو خواهم بد و نیک جست

At dawn, the heroes went to the field

Strutting and galloping and laughing they became

به شبگیر گردان به میدان شدند

گرازان و تازان و خندان شدند

Then the king of Turan said thus to him

That we will choose companions in the striking of the ball

چنین گفت پس شاه توران بدوی

که یاران گزینیم در زخم گوی

You will be on that side and I on this side

We two are half of this assembly from this sign

تو باشی بدان‌روی و زین‌روی من

بدو نیم هم زین نشان انجمن

Siavosh said to him, "O king

Where will I have hand and polo stick to use?

سیاوش بدو گفت کای شهریار

کجا باشدم دست و چوگان به کار

I cannot strike the ball equally with you

Seek another opponent in the field

برابر نیارم زدن با تو گوی

به میدان هم‌آورد دیگر بجوی

Since I am worthy to be your friend

On this wide field, I am your rider

چو هستم سزاوار یار توام

برین پهن میدان سوار توام

The commander became happy from his words

The speech of everyone became wind

سپهبد ز گفتار او شاد شد

سخن گفتن هر کسی باد شد

He swore by the life and head of King Kavus

That you will be my opponent and match

به جان و سر شاه کاووس گفت

که با من تو باشی هم‌آورد و جفت

Show your skill before the riders

So that they do not say that he chose badly

هنر کن به پیش سواران پدید

بدان تا نگویند کاو بد گزید

My men will praise you

My laughing face will be delighted

کنند آفرین بر تو مردان من

شگفته شود روی خندان من

Siavosh said to him, "The command is yours

The riders and the field and the polo stick are yours"

سیاوش بدو گفت فرمان تراست

سواران و میدان و چوگان تراست

The commander chose Kalbad

Like Garsivaz and Jahan and Pulad

سپهبد گزین کرد کلباد را

چو گرسیوز و جهن و پولاد را

Like Piran and the warrior Nastyhan

Like Homan who can lift the ball from the water

چو پیران و نستیهن جنگجوی

چو هومان که بردارد از آب گوی

He sent companions to Siavosh

Like Ruyin and like the renowned Shideh

به نزد سیاووش فرستاد یار

چو رویین و چون شیدهٔ نامدار

And another, Andariman, the brave rider

Like Arjasp, the horse-throwing lion

دگر اندریمان سوار دلیر

چو ارجاسپ اسپ افگن نره شیر

Siavosh said thus, "O seeker of fame

Who from among them dares to be the first to speak?"

سیاوش چنین گفت کای نامجوی

ازیشان که یارد شدن پیش‌گوی

They are all the king's companions and I am alone

I am the sole keeper of the polo stick

همه یار شاهند و تنها منم

نگهبان چوگان یکتا منم

If now the king gives the command

I will bring riders from Iran to the field

گر ایدونک فرمان دهد شهریار

بیارم به میدان ز ایران سوار

They will be my companions in striking the ball

In the manner that is customary on both sides

مرا یار باشند بر زخم گوی

بران سان که آیین بود بر دو روی

When the commander heard the story from him

He became a partner in that story

سپهبد چو بشنید زو داستان

بران داستان گشت هم داستان

Siavosh chose seven men from the Iranians

Chosen, worthy of the task

سیاوش از ایرانیان هفت مرد

گزین کرد شایستهٔ کارکرد

The roar of the drums rose from the field

The dust became level with the sky

خروش تبیره ز میدان بخاست

همی خاک با آسمان گشت راست

From the sound of the cymbals and the breath of the curved flute

You would say the field moved from its place

از آوای سنج و دم کره نای

تو گفتی بجنبید میدان ز جای

Siavosh spurred his war horse

As the ball came whirling before him

سیاووش برانگیخت اسپ نبرد

چو گوی اندر آمد به پیشش به گرد

He struck (the ball) as soon as he reached the field

In such a way that it disappeared from sight

بزد هم چنان چون به میدان رسید

بران سان که از چشم شد ناپدید

Then the lofty king commanded

That they should bring the ball to Siavosh

بفرمود پس شهریار بلند

که گویی به نزد سیاوش برند

Siavosh kissed that ball

The roaring of flutes and drums arose

سیاوش بران گوی بر داد بوس

برآمد خروشیدن نای و کوس

Siavosh mounted another horse

And threw that royal ball into the air

سیاوش به اسپی دگر برنشست

بیانداخت آن گوی خسرو به دست

After that, he worked with the polo stick on it

It became such that it met with the moon

ازان پس به چوگان برو کار کرد

چنان شد که با ماه دیدار کرد

From his polo stick, the ball became invisible

You would say that the heavens were lifting it up

ز چوگان او گوی شد ناپدید

تو گفتی سپهرش همی برکشید

Afrasiab became happy from that ball (play)

The heads of the renowned ones arose from sleep

ازان گوی خندان شد افراسیاب

سر نامداران برآمد ز خواب

They said aloud, "Never a rider

Have we seen such a famous one on the saddle"

به آواز گفتند هرگز سوار

ندیدیم بر زین چنین نامدار

They set up a place to sit on one side of the field

And came and sat on the king's throne

ز میدان به یکسو نهادند گاه

بیامد نشست از برگاه شاه

Siavosh sat with him on the throne

The king became very happy at seeing him

سیاووش بنشست با او به تخت

به دیدار او شاد شد شاه سخت

Then the seeker of fame said thus to the army

That the field is yours, and the polo stick and the ball

به لشگر چنین گفت پس نامجوی

که میدان شما را و چوگان و گوی

The two armies were preparing for battle

The dust rose up to the sun

همی ساختند آن دو لشکر نبرد

برآمد همی تا به خورشید گرد

همی بردن گوی را خواستند

They wanted to take the ball away

چو ترکان به تندی بیاراستند

When the Turks quickly arrayed themselves

The Iranians snatched the ball first

The Turks were left behind in their action

ربودند ایرانیان گوی پیش

بماندند ترکان ز کردار خویش

Siavosh became sad because of the Iranians

He spoke in the language of chivalry

سیاووش غمی گشت ز ایرانیان

سخن گفت بر پهلوانی زبان

That (this) is a field of play, not a battlefield

In this turning and distribution of time

که میدان بازیست گر کارزار

برین گردش و بخشش روزگار

When the field is finished, turn your face

Hand over the ball to them once

چو میدان سرآید بتابید روی

بدیشان سپارید یک‌بار گوی

The riders gently pulled their reins

They did not then release the hot horses

سواران عنانها کشیدند نرم

نکردند زان پس گسی اسپ گرم

The Turks threw a ball

They charged like fire

یکی گوی ترکان بینداختند

به کردار آتش همی تاختند

When the commander heard the voice of the Turks

He knew what that chivalry was

سپهبد چو آواز ترکان شنود

بدانست کان پهلوانی چه بود

Then the king of the Turan army said thus

That a well-wisher has said to me

چنین گفت پس شاه توران سپاه

که گفتست با من یکی نیک‌خواه

That he has no equal in the world

How he can pierce two shields with arrow and bow

که او را ز گیتی کسی نیست جفت

به تیر و کمان چون گشاید دو سفت

When Siavosh heard the words of the elder

He drew a Kayanian bow from its case

سیاوش چو گفتار مهتر شنید

ز قربان کمان کیی برکشید

The commander asked for the bow to look at it

So that one of those present would bring it

سپهبد کمان خواست تا بنگرد

یکی برگراید که فرمان برد

He looked at the bow and remained astonished

He recited many Kayanian praises

کمان را نگه کرد و خیره بماند

بسی آفرین کیانی بخواند

He gave (the bow) to Garsivaz, the sword striker

To rub the house (of the bow) and string it

به گرسیوز تیغ زن داد مه

که خانه بمال و در آور به زه

He tried to string the bow

It did not work for him, he became astonished and suspicious

بکوشید تا بر زه آرد کمان

نیامد برو خیره شد بدگمان

The king took it from him and sat on his knees

He rubbed the house (of the bow) with his hand

ازو شاه بستد به زانو نشست

بمالید خانه کمان را به دست

He strung it and said thus, laughing, the king

That this is a bow as it should be on the path (of war)

به زه کرد و خندان چنین گفت شاه

که اینت کمانی چو باید به راه

In my youth also, my bow

Was like this, and now times have changed

مرا نیز گاه جوانی کمان

چنین بود و اکنون دگر شد زمان

In Turan and Iran, no one can

Manage to hold it during war

به توران و ایران کس این را به چنگ

نیارد گرفتن به هنگام جنگ

Besides this, Siavosh's stature and mane and shoulders

Will not need a bow on the field of vengeance

بر و یال و کتف سیاوش جزین

نخواهد کمان نیز بر دشت کین

They placed a mark on the horse (of Siavosh)

Siavosh did not contend with anyone

نشانی نهادند بر اسپریس

سیاوش نکرد ایچ با کس مکیس

He sat upon a swift horse like a demon

He spurred his thigh and a cry arose

نشست از بر بادپایی چو دیو

برافشارد ران و برآمد غریو

He shot an arrow into the middle of the target

At which the proud ones had set their eyes

یکی تیر زد بر میان نشان

نهاده بدو چشم گردنکشان

He shot another arrow with four feathers

He threw it from the wind and opened its wings

خدنگی دگر باره با چارپر

بینداخت از باد و بگشاد پر

He struck the target again with one gallop

And riddled it with holes as he shot

نشانه دوباره به یک تاختن

مغربل بکرد اندر انداختن

He twisted the reins in his right hand

He struck once more in the direction he wanted

عنان را بپیچید بر دست راست

بزد بار دیگر بران سو که خواست

He drew the bowstring and threw it down

And came to the lofty king

کمان را به زه بر بباز و فگند

بیامد بر شهریار بلند

He dismounted and the king rose to his feet

And asked for blessings for him from the Creator

فرود آمد و شاه برپای خاست

برو آفرین ز آفریننده خواست

And from that place towards the lofty palace

They went, happy of heart and esteemed

وزان جایگه سوی کاخ بلند

برفتند شادان دل و ارجمند

They sat down, the table was set and wine was arranged

They seated whoever was worthy

نشستند خوان و می آراستند

کسی کاو سزا بود بنشاستند

They drank some wine and became happy

And made mention of the name of Siavosh

میی چند خوردند و گشتند شاد

به نام سیاووش کردند یاد

The king arranged a robe of honor at the table

Of horse and saddle and throne and crown

بخوان بر یکی خلعت آراست شاه

از اسپ و ستام و ز تخت و کلاه

Also a golden hand (ornament) and uncut cloth

That no one in the world had seen before that

همان دست زر جامهٔ نابرید

که اندر جهان پیش ازان کس ندید

Of dinars and bags of dirhams

Of rubies and turquoise, more and less

ز دینار وز بدرهای درم

ز یاقوت و پیروزه و بیش و کم

Many attendants and several servants

One cup full of shining rubies

پرستار بسیار و چندی غلام

یکی پر ز یاقوت رخشنده جام

He ordered that the goods be counted

And all be taken to Siavosh's palace

بفرمود تا خواسته بشمرند

همه سوی کاخ سیاوش برند

From everyone who was his kin in the land of Turan

There was more kindness towards him

ز هر کش به توران زمین خویش بود

ورا مهربانی برو بیش بود

He said thus to his relatives, "All of you

Are his retinue, like a flock"

به خویشان چنین گفت کاو را همه

شما خیل باشید هم چون رمه

The king said thus to that prince

That one day you should come with me to the hunting ground

بدان شاهزاده چنین گفت شاه

که یک روز با من به نخچیرگاه

If you come, we will make our hearts happy and joyful

We will make our souls free from sorrow in the hunt

گر آیی که دل شاد و خرم کنیم

روان را به نخچیر بی‌غم کنیم

He said to him, "Whenever your opinion comes

To that side where your heart guides you"

بدو گفت هرگه که رای آیدت

بران سو که دل رهنمای آیدت

One day they went to the hunting ground

The king went with cheetah and falcon

برفتند روزی به نخچیرگاه

همی رفت با یوز و با باز شاه

An army of all kinds went with him

From Iran and Turan, eager for the hunt

سپاهی ز هرگونه با او برفت

از ایران و توران بنخچیر تفت

Siavosh saw a wild ass in the plain

Like the wind that blows through the army

سیاوش به دشت اندرون گور دید

چو باد از میان سپه بردمید

The reins became light and the stirrup heavy

He galloped in the ups and downs

سبک شد عنان و گران شد رکیب

همی تاخت اندر فراز و نشیب

He struck one with his sword and cut it in two

Its two hands were like scales and the wild ass was silver

یکی را به شمشیر زد بدو نیم

دو دستش ترازو بد و گور سیم

It was not heavier than the other by a barleycorn

That army of the king quickly became spectators

به یک جو ز دیگر گرانتر نبود

نظاره شد آن لشکر شاه زود

The entire assembly said unanimously

That this one is honored and a swordsman

بگفتند یکسر همه انجمن

که اینت سرافراز و شمشیرزن

They said to each other aloud

That evil has come to our heads from Iran

به آواز گفتند یک با دگر

که ما را بد آمد ز ایران به سر

The heads of the leaders became distressed

It is fitting that we prepare for war with the king

سر سروران اندر آمد به تنگ

سزد گر بسازیم با شاه جنگ

Siavosh was constantly hunting

He galloped and felled wild asses in the plain

سیاوش هیمدون به نخچیر بود

همی تاخت و افگند در دشت گور

He galloped in the cave and on the mountain and in the plain

He struck with sword and arrow and spear

به غار و به کوه و به هامون بتاخت

بشمشیر و تیر و بنیزه بیاخت

In every place he made a pile (of hunted animals)

He relieved the army from hunting

به هر جایگه بر یکی توده کرد

سپه را ز نخچیر آسوده کرد

And from that place towards the king's palace

They all took the path with happy hearts

وزان جایگه سوی ایوان شاه

همه شاد دل برگرفتند راه

Whether the commander was happy or sad

He was never intimate with anyone except Siavosh

سپهبد چه شادان چه بودی دژم

بجز با سیاوش نبودی به هم

From Jahan and from Garsivaz and whoever else there was

He did not reveal secrets to anyone and was not happy

ز جهن و ز گرسیوز و هرک بود

به کس راز نگشاد و شادان نبود

Except with Siavosh, day and night

His two lips would open in laughter from him

مگر با سیاوش بدی روز و شب

ازو برگشادی به خنده دو لب

In this manner, they spent a year

They shared both sorrow and joy

برین گونه یک سال بگذاشتند

غم و شادمانی بهم داشتند

One day, Siavosh and Piran together

Sat down and talked, more and less

سیاوش یکی روز و پیران بهم

نشستند و گفتند هر بیش و کم

Piran said to him, "In this land and territory

As much as there may be someone passing by"

بدو گفت پیران کزین بوم و بر

چنانی که باشد کسی برگذر

With this kindness that the king has towards you

(It is as if) he sleeps in peace in your name

بدین مهربانی که بر تست شاه

به نام تو خسپد به آرامگاه

Know that you are his joyous spring

You are his adornment, you are his comforter

چنان دان که خرم بهارش توی

نگارش تویی غمگسارش تویی

You are great and the son of King Kavus

Your head, from so many skills, has reached the moon

بزرگی و فرزند کاووس شاه

سر از بس هنرها رسیده به ماه

Your father has become old, you are a young heart

Be careful not to remove your head from the Kayanian crown

پدر پیر سر شد تو برنا دلی

نگر سر ز تاج کیی نگسلی

You are the king in Iran and Turan

A memorial of the kings, full of skill

به ایران و توران توی شهریار

ز شاهان یکی پرهنر یادگار

Set your heart on this land and build a place

Such as is worthy of your desire and grace

بنه دل برین بوم و جایی بساز

چنان چون بود درخور کام و ناز

May I not see you constantly involved in someone's blood

Where there are many who have kindness towards you

نبینمت پیوستهٔ خون کسی

کجا داردی مهر بر تو بسی

You have no brother, no sister, no wife

Like a rose branch on the edge of the meadow

برادر نداری نه خواهر نه زن

چو شاخ گلی بر کنار چمن

Look for a wife worthy of yourself

Do not bring pain and anxiety from Iran

یکی زن نگه کن سزاوار خویش

از ایران منه درد و تیمار پیش

After the death of Kavus, Iran is yours

The same crown and throne of the brave ones are yours

پس از مرگ کاووس ایران تراست

همان تاج و تخت دلیران تراست

Behind the curtain of the world's king

There are three months hidden with adornments

پس پردهٔ شهریار جهان

سه ماهست با زیور اندر نهان

If you had seen the moon blackened

You would not have taken your eyes off the moon

اگر ماه را دیده بودی سیاه

از ایشان نه برداشتی چشم ماه

Three are in the women's quarters of Garsivaz

Who are related to Barzand from mother and father's side

سه اندر شبستان گرسیوزاند

که از مام وز باب با پروزاند

Granddaughters of Fereydun and daughters of the king

Who have both rank and crown and throne

نبیره فریدون و فرزند شاه

که هم جاه دارند و هم تاج و گاه

But that one is more worthy of you

That you seek a pearl from the king's skirt

ولیکن ترا آن سزاوارتر

که از دامن شاه جویی گهر

Behind my curtain, there are four young women

Who should be counted as your servants

پس پردهٔ من چهارند خرد

چو باید ترا بنده باید شمرد

Among them, Jarireh is the eldest

Who has no equal among the beautiful ones

ازیشان جریرست مهتر بسال

که از خوبرویان ندارد همال

There is one daughter, adorned

Like the shining moon with desire

یکی دختری هست آراسته

چو ماه درخشنده با خواسته

She does not want anyone who is not of that opinion

Except the face of the king, which is not her heart's desire

نخواهد کسی را که آن رای نیست

بجز چهر شاهش دلارای نیست

Among the beautiful ones, Jarireh is your companion

She will be your bright day's confidante

ز خوبان جریرست انباز تو

بود روز رخشنده دمساز تو

If it is your wish, she is your servant

She is a worshipper before you

اگر رای باشد ترا بنده‌ایست

به پیش تو اندر پرستنده‌ایست

Siavosh said to him, "I am grateful

Consider me above (having) children myself"

سیاوش بدو گفت دارم سپاس

مرا خود ز فرزند برتر شناس

If she is my soul's and body's darling

I will not want anyone else from this assembly

گر او باشدم نازش جان و تن

نخواهم جزو کس ازین انجمن

You are placing a favor upon my head for this

Whose right I will not repay as long as I live

سپاسی نهی زین همی بر سرم

که تا زنده‌ام حق آن نسپرم

Then Piran, from near him

Turned his face towards his own house

پس آنگاه پیران ز نزدیک اوی

سوی خانهٔ خویش بنهاد روی

When Piran went from before Siavosh

He hastened eagerly to Golshahr

چو پیران ز پیش سیاوش برفت

به نزدیک گلشهر تازید تفت

He said to him, "Arrange the matter of Jarireh

For the glory of Siavosh, the king with grace"

بدو گفت کار جریره بساز

به فر سیاووش خسرو به ناز

How should we not be happy today?

Since the grandson of Qobad will be our son-in-law

چگونه نباشیم امروز شاد

که داماد باشد نبیره قباد

Golshahr brought his daughter

And placed her upon the top of his crown

بیاورد گلشهر دخترش را

نهاد از بر تارک افسرش را

With brocade and dinars and pearls and dirhams

With fragrance and color and all sorts of things, more and less

به دیبا و دینار و در و درم

به بوی و به رنگ و به هر بیش و کم

He adorned her like a joyous spring

And sent her to the king at night

بیاراست او را چو خرم بهار

فرستاد در شب بر شهریار

He joined her with the new king

And seated her upon the throne like the new moon

مراو را بپیوست با شاه نو

نشاند از بر گاه چون ماه نو

No one knew the number of his treasures

Of rubies and the jewel-adorned crown

ندانست کس گنج او را شمار

ز یاقوت و ز تاج گوهرنگار

When Siavosh saw the face of Jarireh

He liked it, laughed, and chose joy

سیاوش چو روی جریره بدید

خوش آمدش خندید و شادی گزید

He was happy with her day and night

He did not remember Kavus and his stories

همی بود با او شب و روز شاد

نیامد ز کاووس و دستانش یاد

In this way, the wheel of fortune turned for a while

Siavosh's bad fortune came from his good fortune

برین نیز چندی بگردید چرخ

سیاووش را بد ز نیکیش برخ

For him, every moment before Afrasiab

His honor and rank and prestige increased

ورا هر زمان پیش افراسیاب

فزونتر بدی حشمت و جاه و آب

One day, Piran, in the course of time

Said to Siavosh, "O renowned one"

یکی روز پیران به به روزگار

سیاووش را گفت کای نامدار

You know that the leader of the Turan army

Raises his crown above the peak of the heavens

تو دانی که سالار توران سپاه

ز اوج فلک برفرازد کلاه

You are the light of his bright soul day and night

You are his heart and intellect and strength and power

شب و روز روشن روانش توی

دل و هوش و توش و توانش توی

When you become related to him by blood

You will increase from this level every moment

چو با او تو پیوستهٔ خون شوی

ازین پایه هر دم به افزون شوی

His hope in you will be strong

That you will be steadfast before him

بباشد امیدش به تو استوار

که خواهی بدن پیش او پایدار

Even though my son is your relative

My sorrow is for your more or less (fortune)

اگر چند فرزند من خویش تست

مرا غم ز بهر کم و بیش تست

Farangis is superior to his beauties

You will not see such hair and face in the world

فرنگیس مهتر ز خوبان اوی

نبینی به گیتی چنان موی و روی

In height, she is superior to the tall cypress tree

A crown of black musk is upon her head

به بالا ز سرو سهی برترست

ز مشک سیه بر سرش افسرست

Her skills and knowledge are beyond measure

She keeps wisdom as her attendant before her

هنرها و دانش ز اندازه بیش

خرد را پرستار دارد به پیش

If you ask from Afrasiab, it is proper

Where is there a beauty like her in Kashmir and Kabul?

از افراسیاب ار بخواهی رواست

چنو بت به کشمیر و کابل کجاست

The wealthy king will become your relative

Your glory and throne will become radiant

شود شاه پرمایه پیوند تو

درفشان شود فر و اورند تو

When you command, I will tell him

I will seek honor for this purpose near him

چو فرمان دهی من بگویم بدوی

بجویم بدین نزد او آبروی

Siavosh looked at Piran and said

That the command of God should not be concealed

سیاوش به پیران نگه کرد و گفت

که فرمان یزدان نشاید نهفت

If such is the heavenly decree

My soul has no standing with the heavens

اگر آسمانی چنین است رای

مرا با سپهر روان نیست پای

If I am not destined to reach Iran

I will not see the face of Kavus

اگر من به ایران نخواهم رسید

نخواهم همی روی کاووس دید

Like Dastan, who is my nourisher

Tahmtan, who is my bright spring

چو دستان که پروردگار منست

تهمتن که روشن بهار منست

Like Bahram and like Zangeh of Shaveran

Besides these renowned warriors

چو بهرام و چون زنگهٔ شاوران

جزین نامدران کنداوران

When it is necessary to cut oneself off from their faces

A place must be chosen in Turan

چو از روی ایشان بباید برید

به توران همی جای باید گزید

Be a father and arrange this marriage

Do not speak this word to anyone except in secret

پدر باش و این کدخدایی بساز

مگو این سخن با زمین جز به راز

If fortune is kind to me

Perhaps it will lead the way to a royal alliance

اگر بخت باشد مرا نیکخواه

همانا دهد ره به پیوند شاه

He said this and his eyelashes filled with tears

And heaved a cold sigh in the midst of it

همی گفت و مژگان پر از آب کرد

همی برزد اندر میان باد سرد

Piran said to him, "With the times

Wisdom does not make war"

بدو گفت پیران که با روزگار

نسازد خرد یافته کارزار

You cannot pass from the revolving heavens

From which comes peace and conflict and kindness

نیابی گذر تو ز گردان سپهر

کزویست آرام و پرخاش و مهر

If you had friends in Iran

You would have entrusted them to God and left (them)

به ایران اگر دوستان داشتی

به یزدان سپردی و بگذاشتی

Your seat and position are now here

The head of the throne of Iran is in your hand

نشست و نشانت کنون ایدرست

سر تخت ایران به دست اندرست

He said this and rose from before him

When he became aware of his more and less

بگفت این و برخاست از پیش او

چو آگاه گشت از کم و بیش او

He went happily to the king's court

He dismounted and they opened the way

به شادی بشد تا بدرگاه شاه

فرود آمد و برگشادند راه

He remained before him for a while

The well-meaning leader said to him

همی بود بر پیش او یک زمان

بدو گفت سالار نیکوگمان

That "Why do you stand before me so much?

What do you want in the world? What is your opinion?"

که چندین چه باشی به پیشم به پای

چه خواهی به گیتی چه آیدت رای

My army and the treasures are before you

Your benefit is my more and less

سپاه و در گنج من پیش تست

مرا سودمندی کم و بیش تست

Whoever is in my prison and bondage

Releasing him is my pain and harm

کسی کاو به زندان و بند منست

گشادنش درد و گزند منست

He was freed from my wrath and bondage

My war became wind for your sake

ز خشم و ز بند من آزاد گشت

ز بهر تو پیگار من باد گشت

Ask for whatever you need, much or little

From sword and kindness and throne and crown

ز بسیار و اندک چه باید بخواه

ز تیغ و ز مهر و ز تخت و کلاه

The wise man gave such an answer in return

That may the world never be without you

خردمند پاسخ چنین داد باز

که از تو مبادا جهان بی‌نیاز

I have wealth and treasures and army

By your fortune, I have both sword and crown and throne

مرا خواسته هست و گنج و سپاه

به بخت تو هم تیغ و هم تاج و گاه

For the sake of Siavosh, a long message

I will convey in secret to the commander's ear

ز بهر سیاوش پیامی دراز

رسانم به گوش سپهبد به راز

He told me to say to the king of the Turks

That "I have become happy of heart and a seeker of fame"

مرا گفت با شاه ترکان بگوی

که من شاد دل گشتم و نامجوی

"You nurtured me like a father in your embrace

Your fortune brought all happiness in return"

بپروردیم چون پدر در کنار

همه شادی آورد بخت تو بار

"Now also arrange a marriage

In good and bad, I am not independent of you"

کنون همچنین کدخدایی بساز

به نیک و بد از تو نیم بی‌نیاز

"Behind your curtain, there is one daughter

Who is worthy of my palace and throne"

پس پردهٔ تو یکی دخترست

که ایوان و تخت مرا درخورست

"Her mother calls her Farangis

She will be happy if I am her husband"

فرنگیس خواند همی مادرش

شود شاد اگر باشم اندر خورش

Afrasiab's soul became full of thought

He said thus, his eyes filled with water

پراندیشه شد جان افراسیاب

چنین گفت با دیده کرده پرآب

That I have said this story before

You were not in agreement with that saying

که من گفته‌ام پیش ازین داستان

نبودی بران گفته همداستان

A wise man said thus to me

Whose opinion was wise and knowledge lofty

چنین گفت با من یکی هوشمند

که رایش خرد بود و دانش بلند

That, "O nurse of the lion cub

What a trouble it is that you even carry your life (for him)"

که ای دایهٔ بچهٔ شیرنر

چه رنجی که جان هم نیاری به بر

And also, from before the warriors

From the work of the star-counting wise men

و دیگر که از پیش کندآوران

ز کار ستاره شمر بخردان

The counting of the stars before his father

They were all driving (the stars) scattered

شمار ستاره به پیش پدر

همی راندندی همه دربدر

That from these two lineages, one king

Will come and take the world in his embrace

کزین دو نژاده یکی شهریار

بیاید بگیرد جهان در کنار

For him, no land or growth will remain in Turan

He will first throw my crown off in vengeance

به توران نماند برو بوم و رست

کلاه من اندازد از کین نخست

Now I believe what he said

What the revolving heavens have hidden

کنون باورم شد که او این بگفت

که گردون گردان چه دارد نهفت

Why should one plant a tree with one's hand

Whose fruit is poison and its leaves are bitter?

چرا کشت باید درختی به دست

که بارش بود زهر و برگش کبست

From Kavus and from the seed of Afrasiab

(Their nature) is like a sharp fire or a wave of water

ز کاووس وز تخم افراسیاب

چو آتش بود تیز یا موج آب

I do not know if he will incline towards Turan with kindness

Or if he will turn his pure face towards Iran

ندانم به توران گراید به مهر

وگر سوی ایران کند پاک چهر

Why should one taste poison based on suspicion?

One should not foolishly choose the snake's bite

چرا بر گمان زهر باید چشید

دم مار خیره نباید گزید

Piran said to him, "O king

Do not make your heart sad because of this matter"

بدو گفت پیران که ای شهریار

دلت را بدین کار غمگین مدار

Whoever is from the lineage of Siavosh

Is wise and awake and silent

کسی کز نژاد سیاوش بود

خردمند و بیدار و خامش بود

Do not believe at all the words of the astrologer

Be wise and arrange the affairs of Siavosh

بگفت ستاره‌شمر مگرو ایچ

خردگیر و کار سیاوش بسیچ

That from these two lineages, one renowned person

Will raise his shining head to the sun

کزین دو نژاده یکی نامور

برآرد به خورشید تابنده سر

He will be the king of Iran and Turan

The two countries will be at peace from war

بایران و توران بود شهریار

دو کشور برآساید از کارزار

And if the heavens hold a secret from this sign

It will increase his kindness along with thought

وگر زین نشان راز دارد سپهر

بیفزایدش هم باندیشه مهر

What is destined to be will undoubtedly happen

What is to be increased will not decrease by avoidance

بخواهد بدن بی‌گمان بودنی

نکاهد به پرهیز افزودنی

Consider that this matter is auspicious

From fortune, whatever they ask is the answer

نگه کن که این کار فرخ بود

ز بخت آنچ پرسند پاسخ بود

From the seed of Fereydun and from Keyqobad

There will be no lineage more glorious than this

ز تخم فریدون وز کیقباد

فروزنده‌تر زین نباشد نژاد

Then the king said thus to Piran

That your opinion does not lead to evil

به پیران چنین گفت پس شهریار

که رای تو بر بد نیاید به کار

I have spoken according to your command and opinion

Go and do whatever is necessary well

به فرمان و رای تو کردم سخن

برو هرچ باید به خوبی بکن

Piran bowed twice and offered his prayers

He gave many blessings and returned back

دو تا گشت پیران و بردش نماز

بسی آفرین کرد و برگشت باز

He quickly strode to Siavosh

And recounted to him what had transpired

به نزد سیاوش خرامید زود

برو بر شمرد آن کجا رفته بود

They sat together that night, happy of heart

They washed their souls of sorrow with wine

نشستند شادان دل آن شب بهم

به باده بشستند جان را ز غم

When the sun from the revolving sky

Raised its head like a golden shield

چو خورشید از چرخ گردنده سر

برآورد برسان زرین سپر

The commander, Piran, tied his waist belt

And mounted a swift-going steed

سپهدار پیران میان را ببست

یکی بارهٔ تیزرو برنشست

He set his face towards Siavosh's palace

He recited many blessings upon his glory

به کاخ سیاووش بنهاد روی

بسی آفرین خواند بر فر اوی

He said to him, "Today, prepare for the affair

For the feast of the king's daughter"

بدو گفت کامروز برساز کار

به مهمانی دختر شهریار

If you command, I am worthy of him

I will gird my loins for his business"

چو فرمان دهی من سزاوار او

میان را ببندم پی کار او

Siavosh's heart was full of modesty

His cheeks were full of shame from Piran

سیاووش را دل پر آزرم بود

ز پیران رخانش پر از شرم بود

He said to him, "Go, prepare whatever is necessary

You know that I have no secrets from you"

بدو گفت رو هرچ باید بساز

تو دانی که از تو مرا نیست راز

When Piran heard this, he went towards his house

He set his heart and soul on that ardent task

چو بشنید پیران سوی خانه رفت

دل و جان ببست اندر آن کار تفت

In the house, (he gathered) uncut cloth

Piran entrusted the key to Golshahr

در خانهٔ جامهٔ نابرید

به گلشهر بسپرد پیران کلید

Where the lady of the champion was

A praiseworthy woman was she, with a bright soul

کجا بود کدبانوی پهلوان

ستوده زنی بود روشن روان

Inside the treasure chamber, whatever was renowned

A thousand chosen pieces of Chinese brocade

به گنج اندرون آنچ بد نامدار

گزیده ز زربفت چینی هزار

Emerald platters and turquoise cups

Full of pods of musk and raw aloeswood

زبرجد طبقها و پیروزه جام

پر از نافهٔ مشک و پر عود خام

Two crowns full of royal jewels

Two bracelets, one necklace, and two earrings

دو افسر پر از گوهر شاهوار

دو یاره یکی طوق و دو گوشوار

Sixty camel loads of spreads

Three sets of gold-woven garments

ز گستردنیها شتروار شست

ز زربفت پوشیدینها سه دست

All their bodies were reddened with gold

And various kinds of jewels were woven on them

همه پیکرش سرخ کرده به زر

برو بافته چند گونه گهر

Thirty camel loads of silver and gold

Platters and garments of Persian cloth

ز سیمین و زرین شتربار سی

طبقها و از جامهٔ پارسی

One golden throne and four chairs

Three pairs of golden shoes adorned with emeralds

یکی تخت زرین و کرسی چهار

سه نعلین زرین زبرجد نگار

Three hundred attendants with golden hats

A hundred close relatives, well-wishers

پرستنده سیصد به زرین کلاه

ز خویشان نزدیک صد نیک‌خواه

Attendants with golden cups, sixty each

Each holding one of those cups in their hands

پرستار با جام زرین دو شست

گرفته ازان جام هر یک به دست

Also a hundred trays of musk and a hundred of saffron

They all entrusted them to the obedient ones

همان صد طبق مشک و صد زعفران

سپردند یکسر به فرمانبران

In golden litters and magnificent brocade

They went, group after group, with the goods

به زرین عماری و دیبا جلیل

برفتند با خواسته خیل خیل

The lady brought, as offerings

Thirty thousand dinars with her

بیورد بانو ز بهر نثار

ز دینار با خویشتن سی‌هزار

They brought the things to Farangis

Their souls were also full of blessings

به نزد فرنگیس بردند چیز

روانشان پر از آفرین بود نیز

And from that side, Piran and Afrasiab

Were all hastening for Siavosh's sake

وزان روی پیران و افراسیاب

ز بهر سیاوش همه پرشتاب

For a week, (no one) slept on fowl or fish

No one's head remained hidden (from activity)

به یک هفته بر مرغ و ماهی نخفت

نیامد سر یک تن اندر نهفت

The earth became a garden from border to border

From joy and the sound of musicians

زمین باغ گشت از کران تا کران

ز شادی و آوای رامشگران

They continuously established witnesses

When they finished with this agreement and pact

به پیوستگی بر گوا ساختند

چو زین عهد و پیمان بپرداختند

Piran sent a message like smoke (quickly)

He said to Golshahr, "Farangis, quickly"

پیامی فرستاد پیران چو دود

به گلشهر گفتا فرنگیس زود

"Should go to Siavosh's palace tonight

Wisely and alertly and silently should go"

هم امشب به کاخ سیاوش رود

خردمند و بیدار و خامش رود

When the lady heard his message

She turned her face towards Farangis

چو بانوی بشنید پیغام اوی

به سوی فرنگیس بنهاد روی

Golshahr kissed the ground and said

That the sun has found its mate in Venus

زمین را ببوسید گلشهر و گفت

که خورشید را گشت ناهید جفت

"Tonight she must go to the king

To adorn his throne with the moon (i.e., Farangis)"

هم امشب بباید شدن نزد شاه

بیاراستن گاه او را به ماه

Farangis came like the new moon

To the presence of that crowned new king

بیامد فرنگیس چون ماه نو

به نزدیک آن تاجور شاه نو

In this matter, a week also passed

The commander arranged many things

بدین کار بگذشت یک هفته نیز

سپهبد بیاراست بسیار چیز

Of Arabian horses and of sheep

Also armor and helmets and swords and lassoos

از اسپان تازی و از گوسفند

همان جوشن و خود و تیغ و کمند

Of dinars and bags of dirhams

Of clothing and of all kinds of things, more and less

ز دینار و از بدرهای درم

ز پوشیدنیها و از بیش و کم

And from this border to before the China Sea

They were mentioning the names of cities and lands

وزین مرز تا پیش دریای چین

همی نام بردند شهر و زمین

Its height was a hundred farsakhs

Its width could not be measured

به فرسنگ صد بود بالای او

نشایست پیمود پهنای او

They wrote a decree on silk

All the kingship according to the Kayanian custom

نوشتند منشور بر پرنیان

همه پادشاهی به رسم کیان

The king sent to the house of Siavosh

A golden throne and a golden crown

به خان سیاوش فرستاد شاه

یکی تخت زرین و زرین کلاه

After that, he arranged a banquet field

Whoever went, from near and far

ازان پس بیاراست میدان سور

هرآنکس که رفتی ز نزدیک و دور

Found wine and food and cooks

Ate and as much as you turned away (you could take)

می و خوان و خوالیگران یافتی

بخوردی و هرچند برتافتی

You would take (food) and go to your own house

You would make your guests happy for a week

ببردی و رفتی سوی خان خویش

بدی شاد یک هفته مهمان خویش

He opened the closed doors of the prisons

From this, fortune was happy and he (the prisoner) was also happy

در بسته زندانها برگشاد

ازو شادمان بخت و او نیز شاد

On the eighth day, Siavosh came at dawn

Together with Piran, to the king's presence

به هشتم سیاوش بیامد پگاه

اباگرد پیران به نزدیک شاه

They both offered blessings to him

That, "O elder and king of the earth"

گرفتند هر دو برو آفرین

که‌ای مهتر و شهریار زمین

"May your days be forever lasting

In happiness, and may the back of the ill-wisher be bent"

همیشه ترا جاودان باد روز

به شادی و بدخواه را پشت کوز

And from that place, they returned happily

They remembered much of the world's (history)

وزان جایگه بازگشتند شاد

بسی از جهاندار کردند یاد

In this way also, for a year, the revolving sky

Kept watch, with justice and kindness

چنین نیز یک سال گردان سپهر

همی گشت بیدار بر داد و مهر

A messenger came from the king's presence

A well-wisher to Siavosh

فرستاده آمد ز نزدیک شاه

به نزد سیاوش یکی نیک‌خواه

Who asks the king, the ruler

And says, "O renowned elder"

که پرسد همی شاه را شهریار

همی گوید ای مهتر نامدار

"Is it that your heart is becoming weary of me?

And are you becoming averse to this sitting (here)?"

بود کت ز من دل بگیرد همی

وزین برنشستن گزیرد همی

"From here, I have given you (permission) up to China

Go around and see the land"

از ایدر ترا داده‌ام تا به چین

یکی گرد برگرد و بنگر زمین

"To a city where you find peace and approval

And where your wishes are fulfilled"

به شهری که آرام و رای آیدت

همان آرزوها بجای آیدت

"Be in happiness and remain in goodness

Do not turn your heart away from goodness for even a moment"

به شادی بباش و به نیکی بمان

ز خوبی مپرداز دل یک زمان

Siavosh became happy from his words

He played the flute and drum and prepared the baggage

سیاوش ز گفتار او گشت شاد

بزد نای و کوس و بنه برنهاد

Weapons, army, ring, and crown

They carried in this manner with him on the way

سلیح و سپاه و نگین و کلاه

ببردند زین‌گونه با او به راه

They adorned many litters

They adorned the beauties behind the curtains

فراوان عماری بیاراستند

پس پرده خوبان بپیراستند

They seated Farangis in a litter

They prepared the baggage and moved the army

فرنگیس را در عماری نشاند

بنه برنهاد و سپه را براند

Piran did not separate from him

He prepared the baggage and took the army

ازو بازنگسست پیران گرد

بنه برنهاد و سپه را ببرد

They went happily towards Khotan

All the renowned ones gathered

به شادی برفتند سوی ختن

همه نامداران شدند انجمن

That the leader Piran was from that city

Who was devoid of suspicion

که سالار پیران ازان شهر بود

که از بدگمانیش بی‌بهر بود

He was his guest for a month

On that matter, such was his promise

همی بود یکماه مهمان او

بران سر چنین بود پیمان او

The king did not rest from eating for a single day

Sometimes music and wine, sometimes hunting

ز خوردن نیاسود یک روز شاه

گهی رود و می گاه نخچیرگاه

At the beginning of the month, the sound of the drums arose

At the time when the rooster's crow rises

سر ماه برخاست آوای کوس

برانگه که خیزد خروش خروس

He came towards his own kingdom

The army behind him and Piran in front

بیامد سوی پادشاهی خویش

سپاه از پس پشت و پیران ز پیش

They became aware in that territory and land

The nobles went to meet the king of kings

بران مرز و بوم اندر آگه شدند

بزرگان به راه شهنشه شدند

They rose happily from their places

They adorned the world according to custom

به شادی دل از جای برخاستند

جهانی به آیین بیاراستند

From that kingdom, a roar arose

You would say the earth became level with the sky

ازان پادشاهی خروشی بخاست

تو گفتی زمین گشت با چرخ راست

From the abundance of music and the sound of trumpets

You would say the heart would move from its place

ز بس رامش و نالهٔ کرنای

تو گفتی بجنبد همی دل ز جای

They arrived at a place that was prosperous

It was a good (place) with a blessed foundation

بجایی رسیدند کاباد بود

یکی خوب فرخنده بنیاد بود

On one side, the sea, and on the other, the mountain

Groups of game were on it (the mountain)

به یک روی دریا و یک روی کوه

برو بر ز نخچیر گشته گروه

Many trees and flowing water

It would make an old heart young again

درختان بسیار و آب روان

همی شد دل سالخورده جوان

Siavosh opened his speech to Piran

That this is a blessed land and territory

سیاوش به پیران سخن برگشاد

که اینت بر و بوم فرخ نهاد

I will build here a good place

That will guide me to happiness

بسازم من ایدر یکی خوب جای

که باشد به شادی مرا رهنمای

I will erect a wide city

I will make many gardens and palaces within it

برآرم یکی شارستان فراخ

فراوان کنم اندرو باغ و کاخ

I will raise a dwelling place to the moon

Such as is worthy of the crown and throne

نشستن‌گهی برفرازم به ماه

چنان چون بود در خور تاج و گاه

Piran said to him, "O good-opinioned one

Go where your thought leads you to the right place"

بدو گفت پیران که ای خوب رای

بران رو که اندیشه آرد بجای

When you command, I, in the manner that he desires

Will erect a place straight up to the moon

چو فرمان دهد من بران سان که خواست

برآرم یکی جای تا ماه راست

I do not want that there be for me land and treasure

I hold time and land as a loan from you

نخواهم که باشد مرا بوم و گنج

زمان و زمین از تو دارم سپنج

I will build here a wide city

Many palaces and mansions within it

یکی شارستان سازم ایدر فراخ

فراوان بدو اندر ایوان و کاخ

Siavosh said to him, "O fortunate one

You are bringing a great tree to fruition"

سیاوش بدو گفت کای بختیار

درخت بزرگی تو آری به بار

My treasure and goodness are all from you

In every place, I see your trouble first

مرا گنج و خوبی همه زان تست

به هر جای رنج تو بینم نخست

I will build a city in this place of mine

That the hearts of the assembly will remain astonished

یکی شهر سازم بدین جای من

که خیره بماند دل انجمن

When they returned from that joyous land

Siavosh was pondering in his heart

ازان بوم خرم چو گشتند باز

سیاوش همی بود با دل به راز

The king asked the astrologers

That if I build a place here

از اخترشناسان بپرسید شاه

که گر سازم ایدر یکی جایگاه

Will my glory and fortune be in order from it?

Or will the matter be with the war-makers?

ازو فر و بختم به سامان بود

وگرکار با جنگ سازان بود

They all said to the chosen king

That this foundation is not very auspicious

بگفتند یکسر به شاه گزین

که بس نیست فرخنده بنیاد این

He became angry with the astrologers

His heart became full of pain and his eyes full of tears

از اخترشناسان برآورد خشم

دلش گشت پردرد و پرآب چشم

Where they had told him before

That when the wheel of fortune turns in its course

کجا گفته بودند با او ز پیش

که چون بگذرد چرخ بر کار خویش

In the end, when your time comes

Fortune will become a teacher in ugliness (misfortune)

سرانجام چون گرددت روزگار

به زشتی شود بخت آموزگار

He held the reins of his swift horse gently

Warm tears flowed from his eyes

عنان تگاور همی داشت نرم

همی ریخت از دیدگان آب گرم

Piran said to him, "O king

What has happened to you that you have become so mournful?"

بدو گفت پیران که ای شهریار

چه بودت که گشتی چنین سوگوار

He answered thus, "The lofty heavens

Have filled my heart with pain and my soul with sorrow"

چنین داد پاسخ که چرخ بلند

دلم کرد پردرد و جانم نژند

That no matter how much wealth I gather

Both from treasure and from the adorned crown

که هر چند گرد آورم خواسته

هم از گنج و هم تاج آراسته

In the end, all of it will reach the enemy

And a terrible death will reach my body"

به فرجام یکسر به دشمن رسد

بدی بد بود مرگ بر تن رسد

Where are those wise men and knowers?

The same suffering, burden-bearing readers (of fate)?

کجا آن حکیمان و دانندگان

همان رنج‌بردار خوانندگان

Where is that head, the crown of the kings of kings?

Where are those brave, esteemed heroes?

کجا آن سر تاج شاهنشهان

کجا آن دلاور گرامی مهان

Where are those beauties full of coquetry and modesty?

With good speech and soft voices?

کجا آن بتان پر از ناز و شرم

سخن گفتن خوب و آوای نرم

Where is he whose lair was on the mountain?

Fleeing from peace and desire and fame?

کجا آنک بر کوه بودش کنام

رمیده ز آرام وز کام و نام

When the world is emptied of the righteous

Do not tell tales of staying here

چو گیتی تهی ماند از راستان

تو ایدر ببودن مزن داستان

We are from dust and must go under the dust

Every place is full of fear and anxiety and dread

ز خاکیم و باید شدن زیر خاک

همه جای ترسست و تیمار و باک

You will go, and the world will remain long

No one will openly know the secret

تو رفتی و گیتی بماند دراز

کسی آشکارا نداند ز راز

The world, from head to toe, is a lesson and wisdom

Why is all of it, for my sake, negligence?

جهان سر به سر عبرت و حکمت‌ست

چرا زو همه بهر من غفلت‌ست

When the year reaches sixty-six, seek a solution

Turn your face away from excess and suffering

چو شد سال بر شست و شش، چاره جوی

ز بیشی و از رنج برتاب روی

You have struck the chord of excess on the world

Many companions have passed over you

تو چنگ فزونی زدی بر جهان

گذشتند بر تو بسی همرهان

When the world became empty of those renowned ones

Why do you place the crown of excess upon your head?

چو زان نامداران جهان شد تهی

تو تاج فزونی چرا برنهی

Do not be in agreement with this saying

Go, read a book of ancient times

نباشی بدین گفته همداستان

یکی شو بخوان نامهٔ باستان

From them, the world was entirely prosperous

At the time when there was justice in the world

کزیشان جهان یکسر آباد بود

بدانگه که اندر جهان داد بود

Hear from me the story of the Kang Dez fortress

Be in agreement with this story

ز من بشنو از گنگ دژ داستان

بدین داستان باش همداستان

That since there is no place like Kang Dez in the world

There is no such beautiful land

که چون گنگ دژ در جهان جای نیست

بدان سان زمینی دلارای نیست

Which Siavosh had brought into being

He had endured many hardships within it

که آن را سیاوش برآورده بود

بسی اندرو رنجها برده بود

In one month, on the other side of the China Sea

Which was nameless at that time, both the place and the land

به یک ماه زان روی دریای چین

که بی‌نام بود آن زمان و زمین

A desert will appear when you cross the sea

You will see a wide, waterless plain

بیابان بیاید چو دریا گذشت

ببینی یکی پهن بی‌آب دشت

When you pass through this, you will see a prosperous city

From those cities, one can have a share (of prosperity)

کزین بگذری بینی آباد شهر

کزان شهرها بر توان داشت بهر

After that, you will see a tall mountain

Whose height is beyond measure and description

ازان پس یکی کوه بینی بلند

که بالای او برتر از چون و چند

The Kang Dez fortress is in the middle of this mountain

Which, (knowing about it) will not harm you in knowledge

مرین کوه را گنگ دژ در میان

بدان کت ز دانش نیاید زیان

A hundred farsakhs is the circumference around the mountain

From its height, the eye becomes weary

چو فرسنگ صد گرد بر گرد کوه

ز بالای او چشم گردد ستوه

From whichever side you go, there is no way to it

All around it, (the paths) are one

ز هر سو که پویی بدو راه نیست

همه گرد بر گرد او در یکیست

On this mountain, you will see a narrow passage of two farsakhs

On this side and that side, a wall of stone

بدین کوه بینی دو فرسنگ تنگ

ازین روی و زان روی دیوار سنگ

In this few farsakhs, if five men

Are on the way for a task

بدین چند فرسنگ اگر پنج مرد

بباشد به راه از پی کارکرد

A hundred thousand (men)

Armored and mail-clad and mounted, will not be able to pass them

نیابد بریشان گذر صد هزار

زره‌دار و برگستوان‌ور سوار

When you pass through this, you will see a wide city

All gardens and orchards and mansions and palaces

چو زین بگذری شهر بینی فراخ

همه گلشن و باغ و ایوان و کاخ

The whole city is (full of) bathhouses and rivers and streams

In every neighborhood, (there are) fire and color and fragrance

همه شهر گرمابه و رود و جوی

به هر برزنی آتش و رنگ و بوی

Every mountain is (full of) game, and deer in the plain

When you see this city, it is impossible to pass by

همه کوه نخچیر و آهو به دشت

چو این شهر بینی نشاید گذشت

Pheasants and peacocks and partridges

You will find when you pass through the mountains

تذروان و طاووس و کبک دری

بیابی چو از کوهها بگذری

Neither its heat is hot nor its cold is cold

Everywhere is joy and peace and food

نه گرماش گرم و نه سرماش سرد

همه جای شادی و آرام و خورد

You will not see any sick person in that city

It is simply a garden of paradise

نبینی بدان شهر بیمار کس

یکی بوستان بهشتست و بس

All the waters are clear and pleasant to drink

Its land and territory are always like spring

همه آبها روشن و خوشگوار

همیشه بر و بوم او چون بهار

Its length and width are thirty times thirty (farsakhs)

If a Persian were to measure it

درازی و پهناش سی بار سی

بود گر بپیمایدش پارسی

One and a half farsakhs is the height of the mountain

That from walking on it, a man becomes weary

یک و نیم فرسنگ بالای کوه

که از رفتنش مرد گردد ستوه

And from that side, a plain appears

That no one has seen better places than it

وزان روی هامونی آید پدید

کزان خوبتر جایها کس ندید

It was all gardens and orchards and mansions

Whose mansions' tops were towards Saturn

همه گلشن و باغ و ایوان بود

کش ایوانها سر به کیوان بود

The son of Kavus went and saw that place

And chose it over Iran

بشد پور کاووس و آنجای دید

مر آن را ز ایران همی برگزید

He made his own body renowned

And also added a wall

تن خویش را نامبردار کرد

فزونی یکی نیز دیوار کرد

It was of stone and plaster and some marble

And of a substance whose name we do not know

ز سنگ و ز گچ بود و چندی رخام

وزان جوهری کش ندانیم نام

Two hundred *rash* more was its height

The same thirty-five (farsakhs) is its width

دو صد رش فزونست بالای اوی

همان سی و پنچ‌ست پهنای اوی

That which, until someone sees it with their eyes

You would say they would be angry with the speaker (for exaggerating)

که آن را کسی تا نبیند به چشم

تو گویی ز گوینده گیرند خشم

Neither a catapult nor an arrow can reach it

It is inevitable that you must see it

نیاید برو منجنیق و نه تیر

بباید ترا دیدن آن ناگزیر

From its (the wall's) top to the ground

All around its base is a ditch

ز تیغش دو فرسنگ تا بوم خاک

همه گرد بر گرد خاکش مغاک

The eye cannot see from the bottom to the top of the mountain

Also, from climbing it, a man becomes weary

نبیند ز بن دیده بر تیغ کوه

هم از بر شدن مرد گردد ستوه

By that blessing, since He created it thus

He created it both openly and secretly

بدان آفرین کان چنان آفرید

ابا آشکارا نهان آفرید

It needed neither a helper nor a teacher

Upon it, all difficult tasks are easy

نبایست یار و نه آموزگار

برو بر همه کار دشوار خوار

Do not call anyone but Him the Creator of the world

Do not consider anyone but Him, the open and the hidden

جز او را مخوان کردگار جهان

جز او را مدان آشکار و نهان

We send blessings upon his prophet

Likewise upon each of his companions

به پیغمبرش بر کنیم آفرین

بیارانش بر هر یکی همچنین

May the glory of giving goodness be my companion

And may wisdom and awakened fortune be (with me)

مرا فر نیکی‌دهش یار بود

خردمندی و بخت بیدار بود

In this manner, they built a city

They adorned its top with the Pleiades (stars)

برین سان یکی شارستان ساختند

سرش را به پروین پرداختند

Now we will also put (effort) into this

We will bring much adornment to it

کنون اندرین هم به کار آوریم

بدو در فراوان نگار آوریم

Why do you bind your heart in a transient house?

Why do you strive in suffering and boast of treasure?

چه بندی دل اندر سرای سپنج

چه یازی به رنج و چه نازی به گنج

That from the suffering (of accumulating wealth), someone else will benefit

Why nurture a world-seeking enemy?

که از رنج دیگر کسی برخورد

جهانجوی دشمن چرا پرورد

When the adorned place becomes prosperous

Wealth will appear from every side

چو خرم شود جای آراسته

پدید آید از هر سوی خواسته

My being here will not be for long

Someone else will sit in this place

نباشد مرا بودن ایدر بسی

نشیند برین جای دیگر کسی

Neither I will be happy, nor my child

Nor will you become wealthy from my alliance

نه من شاد باشم نه فرزند من

نه پرمایه گردی ز پیوند من

My life will not be long

I will become independent of palace and mansion

نباشد مرا زندگانی دراز

ز کاخ و ز ایوان شوم بی‌نیاز

My throne will become the seat of Afrasiab

And death will hasten upon me without cause

شود تخت من گاه افراسیاب

کند بی‌گنه مرگ بر من شتاب

Such is the decree of the lofty heavens

Sometimes it keeps (one) happy, sometimes destitute

چنین است رای سپهر بلند

گهی شاد دارد گهی مستمند

Piran said to him, "O exalted one

Do not needlessly prolong the thought of your heart"

بدو گفت پیران کای سرفراز

مکن خیره اندیشهٔ دل دراز

For Afrasiab is your support against calamity

The ring of kingship is on your finger

که افراسیاب از بلا پشت تست

به شاهی نگین اندر انگشت تست

As for me, as long as there is life in my body

I will strive not to break your covenant

مرا نیز تا جان بود در تنم

بکوشم که پیمان تو نشکنم

I will not allow even a breeze to pass over you

Or even the air to count a hair on you

نمانم که بادی به تو بگذرد

وگر موی بر تو هوا بشمرد

Siavosh said to him, "O one with a good name

I desire nothing but your good name"

سیاوش بدو گفت کای نیکنام

نبینم جز از نیکنامیت کام

You have such a covenant and a righteous opinion

But the heavens desire otherwise

تو پیمان چنین داری و رای راست

ولیکن فلک را جز اینست خواست

All my secrets are revealed to you

For you are awake of heart and healthy

همه راز من آشکارا به تست

که بیدار دل بادی و تندرست

I have knowledge of the glory of God

And I am also aware of the secret of the high heavens

من آگاهی از فر یزدان دهم

هم از راز چرخ بلند آگهم

I will tell you the things that will happen correctly

First, I will enter the palace and mansion

بگویم ترا بودنیها درست

ز ایوان و کاخ اندرآیم نخست

So that you do not say when you see the world

That this was hidden from Siavosh

بدان تا نگویی چو بینی جهان

که این بر سیاوش چرا شد نهان

You, O Piran, possessor of much wisdom

Open your ears wide to these words

تو ای گرد پیران بسیار هوش

بدین گفتها پهن بگشای گوش

Many days will not pass like this

That by the hand of an awake-hearted king

فراوان بدین نگذرد روزگار

که بر دست بیداردل شهریار

I will be pitifully killed without guilt

Someone else will adorn this crown and throne

شوم زار من کشته بر بی‌گناه

کسی دیگر آراید این تاج و گاه

From the words of the ill-wishers and from bad fortune

Such evil will befall me without guilt

ز گفتار بدخواه و ز بخت بد

چنین بی‌گنه بر سرم بد رسد

From the killing, life will become gloomy

Iran and Turan will be thrown into turmoil together

ز کشته شود زندگانی دژم

برآشوبد ایران و توران بهم

The whole earth will become full of suffering

The two countries will become full of swords and vengeance

پر از رنج گردد سراسر زمین

دو کشور شود پر ز شمشیر و کین

Many red and yellow and black and violet (flags)

You will see banners from Iran and Turan

بسی سرخ و زرد و سیاه و بنفش

از ایران و توران ببینی درفش

Much plundering and carrying away of wealth

Scattering of adorned treasure

بسی غارت و بردن خواسته

پراگندن گنج آراسته

Many countries that, under the feet of steeds

They will trample and turn into a stream of salt water

بسا کشورا کان به پای ستور

بکوبند و گردد به جوی آب شور

A cry will rise from Iran and Turan

The world will boil from my blood

از ایران و توران برآید خروش

جهانی ز خون من آید به جوش

The world-holder has written thus on the heavens

By his command, whatever is sown will be reaped

جهاندار بر چرخ چونین نوشت

به فرمان او بردهد هرچ کشت

The commander of the Turks, from his own actions

Will be ashamed also of his own words

سپهدار ترکان ز کردار خویش

پشیمان شود هم ز گفتار خویش

Regret at that time will not benefit him

When smoke rises from the prosperous land

پشیمانی آنگه نداردش سود

که برخیزد از بوم آباد دود

Come, let us eat and give in happiness

When the time to pass comes, we will pass

بیا تا به شادی خوریم و دهیم

چو گاه گذشتن بود بگذریم

When Piran heard and pondered

His heart became full of pain from his words

چو بشنید پیران و اندیشه کرد

ز گفتار او شد دلش پر ز درد

He said thus, "Evil has come to me from myself

If he is indeed telling the truth in these words"

چنین گفت کز من بد آمد به من

گر او راست گوید همی این سخن

It was I who brought him to the land of Turan

And scattered the seeds of vengeance in the world

ورا من کشیدم به توران زمین

پراگندم اندر جهان تخم کین

I considered all the king's words as wind

He was also saying this to me at dawn

شمردم همه باد گفتار شاه

چنین هم همی گفت با من پگاه

And after that, he said thus with kindness in his heart

That from the movement and secret of the revolving heavens

وزان پس چنین گفت با دل به مهر

که از جنبش و راز گردان سپهر

Who knows what secrets have been revealed to it (the heavens)?

Perhaps (thoughts) of Iran came to his mind

چه داند بدو رازها کی گشاد

همانا ز ایرانش آمد بیاد

Of Kavus and of the throne of kings

The good old days came to his memory

ز کاووس و ز تخت شاهنشهی

بیاد آمدش روزگار بهی

He made his own heart content with that saying

And did not follow the opinion of the wise

دل خویش زان گفته خرسند کرد

نه آهنگ رای خردمند کرد

All the way, he spoke and conversed in this manner

His heart was full of inquiry about what would happen

همه راه زین‌گونه بد گفت و گوی

دل از بودنیها پر از جست و جوی

When they dismounted from their horses

They immediately stopped talking

چو از پشت اسپان فرود آمدند

ز گفتار یکباره دم برزدند

They arranged a golden feast

They called for wine and musical instruments and musicians

یکی خوان زرین بیاراستند

می و رود و رامشگران خواستند

They remained happy in this way for a week

They reminisced about the kings of the world

ببودند یک هفته زین‌گونه شاد

ز شاهان گیتی گرفتند یاد

On the eighth day, a letter came from the king

To the leader of the Turanian army

به هشتم یکی نامه آمد ز شاه

به نزدیک سالار توران سپاه

(Saying that) from there, go to the China Sea

After that, pass through the land of Makran

کزانجا برو تا به دریای چین

ازان پس گذر کن به مکران زمین

Continue thus until the edge of the border of India

And from there, pass through the Indus Sea

همی رو چنین تا سر مرز هند

وزانجا گذر کن به دریای سند

Demand the tribute of the entire country

Deploy the army to the Khazar border

همه باژ کشور سراسر بخواه

بگستر به مرز خزر در سپاه

A cry arose from the champion's door

The earth trembled from the sound of the drums

برآمد خروش از در پهلوان

ز بانگ تبیره زمین شد نوان

From every side, the army gathered and faced (forward)

A battle-seeking army was formed

ز هر سو سپاه انجمن شد به روی

یکی لشکری گشت پرخاش جوی

Much wealth (was sent) to Siavosh

From dinars and adorned horses

به نزد سیاوش بسی خواسته

ز دینار و اسپان آراسته

He remained at the time of farewell

He went by command and moved the army

به هنگام پدرود کردن بماند

به فرمان برفت و سپه را براند

A messenger from near Afrasiab

Came like fire at the time of sleep

هیونی ز نزدیک افراسیاب

چو آتش بیامد به هنگام خواب

A letter to Siavosh, sealed

Written like the revolving heavens

یکی نامه سوی سیاوش به مهر

نوشته به کردار گردان سپهر

That since you left, I have not been happy

I have not been without worry for a moment

که تا تو برفتی نیم شادمان

از اندیشه بی‌غم نیم یک زمان

But I, according to your opinion

Have been seeking your place in Turan

ولیکن من اندر خور رای تو

به توران بجستم همی جای تو

If where you are, it is pleasant and joyous

Just as your heart should be without sorrow

گر آنجا که هستی خوش و خرم است

چنان چون بباید دلت بی‌غم است

Be in happiness and remain in goodness

May you be happy, and your ill-wishers be with sorrows

به شادی بباش و به نیکی بمان

تو شادان بداندیش تو با غمان

Return to that kingdom

Bring the head of the ill-wisher to the dust (defeat him)

بدان پادشاهی همی بازگرد

سر بدسگال اندرآور به گرد

Siavosh took the army and went

Towards the direction that the ardent leader commanded

سیاوش سپه برگرفت و برفت

بدان سو که فرمود سالار تفت

He loaded a hundred camels with treasure and dirhams

Forty of them were all loaded with dinars

صد اشتر ز گنج و درم بار کرد

چهل را همه بار دینار کرد

A thousand Bactrian camels with red hair

They prepared the baggage with (various) colors and fragrances

هزار اشتر بختی سرخ موی

بنه بر نهادند با رنگ و بوی

Chosen riders from Iran and Turan

Ten thousand swordsmen went

از ایران و توران گزیده سوار

برفتند شمشیرزن ده هزار

Wealth within the front of the army

Litters and adorned beauties

به پیش سپاه اندرون خواسته

عماری و خوبان آراسته

Of rubies and royal jewels

Whether from necklaces and crowns and earrings

ز یاقوت و ز گوهر شاهوار

چه از طوق و ز تاج وز گوشوار

Whether musk and camphor and aloeswood and perfume

Whether brocade and silken thrones

چه مشک و چه کافور و عود و عبیر

چه دیبا و چه تختهای حریر

From Egypt and China and Persia

Thirty camel loads were going with him

ز مصری و چینی و از پارسی

همی رفت با او شتر بار سی

When he reached that city

He made its height and width two farsakhs

چو آمد بران شارستان دست آخت

دو فرسنگ بالا و پهناش ساخت

From mansions and squares and tall palaces

From gardens and esteemed flowerbeds

از ایوان و میدان و کاخ بلند

ز پالیز وز گلشن ارجمند

He adorned a city like paradise

In the plain, he planted roses and hyacinths and tulips

بیاراست شهری بسان بهشت

به هامون گل و سنبل و لاله کشت

On the mansion, he painted several paintings

Of kings and of feasts and of battles

بر ایوان نگارید چندی نگار

ز شاهان وز بزم وز کارزار

He painted the image of the head and crown of King Kavus

He painted (him) with bracelets and mace and throne

نگار سر و تاج و کاووس شاه

نگارید با یاره و گرز و گاه

On his throne, Rostam, the elephant-bodied

Also Zal and Gudarz and that assembly (of heroes)

بر تخت او رستم پیلتن

همان زال و گودرز و آن انجمن

On the other side, Afrasiab and his army

Like Piran and Garsivaz, the vengeance-seeker

ز دیگر سو افراسیاب و سپاه

چو پیران و گرسیوز کینه‌خواه

In each corner, he built a dome

Its top was raised to the clouds

بهر گوشه‌ای گنبدی ساخته

سرش را به ابراندر افراخته

The musicians and singers were sitting

Heads among the stars, the leaders of leaders

نشسته سراینده رامشگران

سر اندر ستاره سران سران

They named it (the city) Siavoshgard

The whole city was happy with that city

سیاووش گردش نهادند نام

همه شهر زان شارستان شادکام

When Piran came from India and China

Talk went of that city with praise

چو پیران بیامد ز هند و ز چین

سخن رفت زان شهر با آفرین

Siavoshgard was renowned in Turan

That its foundation was laid under an auspicious star

خنیده به توران سیاووش گرد

کز اختر بنش کرده شد روز ارد

From the mansions and palaces and gardens and orchards

From the mountain and the gate and the river and the plain

از ایوان و کاخ و ز پالیز و باغ

ز کوه و در و رود وز دشت راغ

He hastened to see what the king

Had done in that renowned place

شتاب آمدش تا ببیند که شاه

چه کرد اندران نامور جایگاه

Whoever was involved in the affair

Was worthy of being with him in that land

هرآنکس که او از در کار بود

بدان مرز با او سزاوار بود

A thousand of the skilled warriors

When the time to go came, he took (them)

هزار از هنرمند گردان گرد

چو هنگامهٔ رفتن آمد ببرد

When he came near that place

Siavosh came to greet him with his army

چو آمد به نزدیک آن جایگاه

سیاوش پذیره شدش با سپاه

When Piran reached Siavosh

He dismounted from afar when he saw him

چو پیران به نزد سیاوش رسید

پیاده شد از دور کاو را بدید

Siavosh descended from his dark-colored (horse)

And took him in a tight embrace

سیاوش فرود آمد از نیل رنگ

مر او را گرفت اندر آغوش تنگ

They both toured that city

They spoke stories of art from every gate (building)

بگشتند هر دو بدان شارستان

ز هر در زدند از هنر داستان

Everywhere was garden and square and palace

He saw wide constructions everywhere

سراسر همه باغ و میدان و کاخ

همی دید هرسو بنای فراخ

The commander Piran roamed everywhere

He recited many blessings upon Siavosh

سپهدار پیران ز هر سو براند

بسی آفرین بر سیاوش بخواند

He said to him, "If the glory and height of the Kayanians

Were not with you, along with knowledge in the world"

بدو گفت گر فر و برز کیان

نبودیت با دانش اندر جهان

How could you have begun such a place?

Where would such a place have come to fruition?"

کی آغاز کردی بدین گونه جای

کجا آمدی جای زین سان به پای

May this sign remain until the resurrection

Among the brave and the arrogant

بماناد تا رستخیز این نشان

میان دلیران و گردنکشان

May son after son be thus happy

World-possessing and victorious and of blessed lineage

پسر بر پسر همچنین شاد باد

جهاندار و پیروز و فرخ نژاد

When he saw one part of the joyous city

He arrived at the mansion and garden of Siavosh

چو یک بهره از شهر خرم بدید

به ایوان و باغ سیاوش رسید

He set his face towards the palace of Farangis

So happy and victorious and seeking the diadem

به کاخ فرنگیس بنهاد روی

چنان شاد و پیروز و دیهیم جوی

The king's daughter came to greet him

She inquired and scattered dinars for him

پذیره شدش دختر شهریار

بپرسید و دینار کردش نثار

When he sat on the throne and saw that place

He saw it, so beautiful, like paradise

چو بر تخت بنشست و آن جای دید

بران سان بهشتی دلارای دید

He also offered some praise for that

He offered worship to the Creator of the world

بدان نیز چندی ستایش گرفت

جهان آفرین را نیایش گرفت

After that, they engaged in eating

Wine and food and musicians and wine-drinkers

ازان پس بخوردن گرفتند کار

می و خوان و رامشگر و میگسار

They remained for a week with wine in hand

Sometimes joyous and happy-hearted, sometimes drunk

ببودند یک هفته با می به دست

گهی خرم و شاددل گاه مست

On the eighth day, gifts were brought forth

Also, the gifts of the city, as was fitting

به هشتم ره‌آورد پیش آورید

همان هدیهٔ شارستان چون سزید

Of rubies and royal jewels

Of dinars and jeweled crowns

ز یاقوت و زگوهر شاهوار

ز دینار وز تاج گوهرنگار

Of brocade and leopardskin-saddled horses

With golden stirrups and arrowheads

ز دیبا و اسپان به زین پلنگ

به زرین ستام و جناغ خدنگ

For Farangis, a crown and earrings

Also bracelets and jeweled necklaces

فرنگیس را افسر و گوشوار

همان یاره و طوق گوهرنگار

He gave (them) and came towards Khotan

He consulted happily with the assembly

بداد و بیامد بسوی ختن

همی رای زد شاد با انجمن

When he came happily to his own palace

He immediately went to his private quarters

چو آمد به شادی به ایوان خویش

همانگاه شد در شبستان خویش

He said to Golshahr, "That joyous paradise

(Whoever) has not seen it, does not know what the keeper of paradise has planted"

به گلشهر گفت آنک خرم بهشت

ندید و نداند که رضوان چه کشت

When the sun (Siavosh) upon the blessed throne of Soroush (angel)

Sits according to custom, with glory and wisdom

چو خورشید بر گاه فرخ سروش

نشسته به آیین و با فر و هوش

Travel a bit of the land for pleasure

Go and see the city of Siavosh

به رامش بپیمای لختی زمین

برو شارستان سیاوش ببین

The lord of that city is better than it

You would say he is the illuminator of the East

خداوند ازان شهر نیکوترست

تو گویی فروزندهٔ خاورست

And from that place, to Afrasiab

He went like a ship on water

وزان جایگه نزد افراسیاب

همی رفت برسان کشتی بر آب

He came and told what he had done

Also, the tribute of the country that he had brought

بیامد بگفت آن کجا کرده بود

همان باژ کشور که آورده بود

He brought it all before him

He gave him news of the entire country

بیاورد پیشش همه سربسر

بدادش ز کشور سراسر خبر

That from the justice of the king, the land became prosperous

From the China Sea to the Roman Sea

که از داد شه گشت آباد بوم

ز دریای چین تا به دریای روم

And from there, he came to Siavosh's affairs

He recounted all that he had seen

وزانجا به کار سیاوش رسید

سراسر همه یاد کرد آنچ دید

The king asked about Siavosh's affairs

And about that city and that country and that place

ز کار سیاوش بپرسید شاه

وزان شهر و آن کشور و جایگاه

Piran said to him, "A joyous paradise

Which whoever does not see in Ordibehesht (a month in the Persian calendar)

بدو گفت پیران که خرم بهشت

کسی کاو نبیند به اردیبهشت

Soroush (angel) must have brought news of it

For such is the beauty of that land and territory

سروش آوریدش همانا خبر

که چونان نگاریدش آن بوم و بر

Indeed, they do not know of that city

Nor is the sun more exalted than that (city or its lord)

همانا ندانند ازان شهر باز

نه خورشید ازان مهتر سرافراز

I saw a city that in the world

No one else will see in Turan and China

یکی شهر دیدم که اندر زمین

نبیند دگر کس به توران و چین

From the abundance of gardens and mansions and flowing water

You would say that intellect mingled with the soul

ز بس باغ و ایوان و آب روان

برآمیخت گفتی خرد با روان

When I saw the palace of Farangis from afar

It was like a treasure of jewels in a feast square

چو کاخ فرنگیس دیدم ز دور

چو گنج گهر بد به میدان سور

With that beauty and custom that is worthy of your son-in-law

From its goodness, your heart is happy

بدان زیب و آیین که داماد تست

ز خوبی به کام دل شاد تست

One must complain freely in the world

How can you not have a complaint from the world?

گله کرد باید به گیتی یله

ترا چون نباشد ز گیتی گله

Even if Soroush comes from heaven

He will not have that glory and throne and wisdom

گر ایدونک آید ز مینو سروش

نباشد بدان فر و اورنگ و هوش

And again the two countries, from war and turmoil

Were at peace when the leader (Siavosh) came to his senses

و دیگر دو کشور ز جنگ و ز جوش

برآسود چون مهتر آمد به هوش

May it remain thus forever upon us

The hearts of the wise and the opinions of the generous

بماناد بر ما چنین جاودان

دل هوشمندان و رای ردان

The king became happy from his words

That his prosperous daughter had borne fruit (given birth)

زگفتار او شاد شد شهریار

که دخت برومندش آمد به بار

He related this story to Garsivaz

He recalled all the words of Piran

به گرسیوز این داستان برگشاد

سخنهای پیران همه کرد یاد

Then he said softly to Garsivaz

He revealed all that was hidden

پس آنگه به گرسیوز آهسته گفت

نهفته همه برگشاد از نهفت

He said to him, "Go to Siavoshgard

See what kind of place it is all around"

بدو گفت رو تا سیاووش گرد

ببین تا چه جایست بر گرد گرد

Siavosh has set his heart on the land of Turan

He no longer remembers anything of Iran

سیاوش به توران زمین دل نهاد

از ایران نگیرد دگر هیچ یاد

Except that he bid farewell to the throne and crown

Like Gudarz and Bahram and King Kavus

مگر کرد پدرود تخت و کلاه

چو گودرز و بهرام و کاووس شاه

In that joyous place, in a thorn field

He is building land and territory and a city

بران خرمی بر یکی خارستان

همی بوم و بر سازد و شارستان

For Farangis, tall palaces

He has erected and holds (them) dear

فرنگیس را کاخهای بلند

برآورد و دارد همی ارجمند

When you see it, speak much of its goodness

Look upon it with the eye of greatness

چو بینی به خوبی فراوان بگوی

به چشم بزرگی نگه کن به روی

When there is hunting and wine and plain and mountain

Groups from Iran will sit before you

چو نخچیر و می باشد و دشت و کوه

نشینند پیشت ز ایران گروه

At the time when the memory of me comes to mind

When you have eaten, you must sit in happiness

بدانگه که یاد من آید به دست

چو خوردی به شادی بباید نشست

Prepare a very large gift

Of dinars and horses and golden belts

یکی هدیه آرای بسیار مر

ز دینار وز اسب و زرین کمر

Also jewels and thrones and Chinese brocade

Also bracelets and maces and swords and rings

همان گوهر و تخت و دیبای چین

همان یاره و گرز و تیغ و نگین

Of carpets and fragrances and colors

See what you can get from your treasury

ز گستردنیها و از بوی و رنگ

ببین تا ز گنجت چه آید به چنگ

For Farangis, a gift like this as well

Go with a tongue full of blessings

فرنگیس را هدیه بر همچنین

برو با زبانی پر از آفرین

If your host has water (i.e., if the place is pleasant)

Stay in that joyous city for two weeks

اگر آب دارد ترا میزبان

بران شهر خرم دو هفته بمان