Divan e Shams | Contents
Divan e Shams


Ghazal No. 1: Oh sudden resurrection, Oh endless mercy

Ghazal No. 2: Oh birds of the sacred realm, your love has grown wings

Ghazal No. 3: Oh heart, what have you thought of in excuse of those faults?

Ghazal No. 4: Oh our good-named Joseph, you walk gracefully on our roof

Ghazal No. 5: See that form and that manner and that stature and cheek and hand and foot

Ghazal No. 6: Flee, Oh lord of death, from our shame, from our shame

Ghazal No. 7: I have sat at your door, hoping fidelity will gush forth

Ghazal No. 8: What is a part that from death can take away our whole

Ghazal No. 9: Where am I, where is advice, turn the wine, O cupbearer

Ghazal No. 10: Every night I am the guest of the king at the table of kindness and loyalty

Ghazal No. 11: Oh parrot with the breath of Jesus, Oh sweet-singing nightingale

Ghazal No. 12: Oh new spring of lovers, do you have news of our friend?

Ghazal No. 13: Oh our restless wind, tell the flower our message

Ghazal No. 14: Oh lovers, Oh lovers, today it is us and you

Ghazal No. 15: Oh you who have tasted the sting, make the selfless with the self

Ghazal No. 16: Oh Joseph, finally come to this blind Jacob

Ghazal No. 17: A call came from the sky for the soul to return

Ghazal No. 18: Oh our good-named Joseph, you walk gracefully on our roof

Ghazal No. 19: Today I saw the friend, the glory of every work

Ghazal No. 20: Fight as much as you want or warm up the threat

Ghazal No. 21: I have no greater sin than that I adore you from the heart

Ghazal No. 22: I cry so many wails, I raise so many colors

Ghazal No. 23: When blood does not sleep, Oh king, where will my eye sleep, Oh enemy

Ghazal No. 24: How will this poor one wail so that mercy comes to that beloved?

Ghazal No. 25: I did not tell you yesterday, Oh incomparable beautiful one

Ghazal No. 26: Every moment the revelation of the sky comes to the souls

Ghazal No. 27: That master has sunk his foot into the mud in our alley

Ghazal No. 28: Oh king of our body and soul, make our teeth smile

Ghazal No. 29: Oh from behind the curtains, your warmth is our summer

Ghazal No. 30: Oh season of our rain, pour on our friends

Ghazal No. 31: May our celebrations and weddings be blessed in the world

Ghazal No. 32: I saw that king at dawn on the highway of Elati

Ghazal No. 33: Give excessive wine, O cupbearer, so that fear and hope decrease

Ghazal No. 34: Oh lovers, Oh lovers, the time for union and meeting has come

Ghazal No. 35: Oh our friend, our beloved, Oh world of our secrets

Ghazal No. 36: Master come, master come, master come again

Ghazal No. 37: My friend, my cave, my liver-consuming love

Ghazal No. 38: I am tired of this self and desires, alive disaster, dead disaster

Ghazal No. 39: Oh that high chamber does not grant me an audience

Ghazal No. 40: The collar of madness became a chain, do not undo the chain

Ghazal No. 41: The candle of the world was not, your light was in our circle

Ghazal No. 42: You have your affairs, my idol, your value, my idol

Ghazal No. 43: I was lazy and inexperienced, but he desired me

Ghazal No. 44: In both worlds, delicate and pleasant, where is like our commander

Ghazal No. 45: How pleasant it was with his lips, talking and listening and adventure

Ghazal No. 46: Yesterday my friend caressed the sorrowful servant

Ghazal No. 47: Oh you who are the moon of the sky, where is the moon and where are you

Ghazal No. 48: See the full moon that broke our sleep

Ghazal No. 49: With you is life and living, without you is annihilation and dying

Ghazal No. 50: Oh you who have taken a corner from loyalty, why, why

Ghazal No. 51: If you are weary, father, come to my friend's side

Ghazal No. 52: Since all the love is your face, all our soul's contentment is ours

Ghazal No. 53: Your love brought a cup full of calamities

Ghazal No. 54: Do not be happy alone in this place of fortune, heart

Ghazal No. 55: Your body is the night of power, from which fortunes are found

Ghazal No. 56: Mercury and Jupiter are needed for the celestial merchandise

Ghazal No. 57: Muslims, Muslims, what should be said to help?

Ghazal No. 58: That king has arrived, that king has arrived, decorate the hall

Ghazal No. 59: You complain of humiliation, do you not see the favors?

Ghazal No. 60: Oh light of Moses' face, do not blind Sefura

Ghazal No. 61: Oh Venus, Venus, pull that ear of Zahra

Ghazal No. 62: Spring has come, spring has come, it brought greetings to the drunken

Ghazal No. 63: What is it that his reflection gave sweetness to the form?

Ghazal No. 64: Have you ever seen a lover who was satiated from this passion?

Ghazal No. 65: See the spiritual particles that became radiant from this desert

Ghazal No. 66: The cupbearer of life tells you, for shame and fame

Ghazal No. 67: You are from us, Oh lord, whether today or tomorrow

Ghazal No. 68: When love's script was washed in my soul, its script became recognizable

Ghazal No. 69: What if my beloved takes my hand tomorrow?

Ghazal No. 70: Your travel document has come, set the candle for the traveler

Ghazal No. 71: If it were not for the love of Shamsuddin in our day and night

Ghazal No. 72: He brings our king of the soul from house to house like a pawn

Ghazal No. 73: The idol of the tavern came to take us home

Ghazal No. 74: If you are not a seeker, you will become one with us

Ghazal No. 75: Oh master, do you not see this day of resurrection?

Ghazal No. 76: Finally that moon heard our dawn sighs

Ghazal No. 77: The water of life is needed to enhance the spirit

Ghazal No. 78: Cupbearer, fill the cup with the wine of truth

Ghazal No. 79: Oh master, do you not see this day of resurrection?

Ghazal No. 80: Today, give an excess of that pure wine

Ghazal No. 81: Oh cupbearer, fill that previous goblet with life

Ghazal No. 82: The beloved is well, may it always be so

Ghazal No. 83: Oh moon-faced friend, oh sweet-singing musician

Ghazal No. 84: Like a flower, I laugh with my whole body, not just through my mouth

Ghazal No. 85: For God's sake, look at my gold-like face, my dear

Ghazal No. 86: Oh you who made the garden and the beautiful flower smile

Ghazal No. 87: My dear, don't leave us like this, my friend

Ghazal No. 88: You came happily, oh moon-faced one, oh joy of the soul, come joyfully

Ghazal No. 89: Listen to one advice from me if you don't want to be disgraced

Ghazal No. 90: Oh happy one, we are in your sorrow, my dear

Ghazal No. 91: Throw the water-born duck into the water, oh cupbearer

Ghazal No. 92: Oh what a garden, oh what a garden that bloomed from above

Ghazal No. 93: Do not think, do not think, that thinking is cunning

Ghazal No. 94: Oh what love, oh what love we have, oh God

Ghazal No. 95: Oh what love, oh what love we have, oh God

Ghazal No. 96: Do not taint your lips with every kiss and every morsel

Ghazal No. 97: I went to Egypt and bought sugar

Ghazal No. 98: Oh you who made name and named intoxicated by your sight

Ghazal No. 99: The comforting one has hidden from the clamor

Ghazal No. 100: Come, oh soul that has given new life to the world

Ghazal No. 101: Let us burn the madness and passion

Ghazal No. 102: Oh Solomon, bring the ring

Ghazal No. 103: Purify the heart and soul in this presence

Ghazal No. 104: Inform our friend, oh star

Ghazal No. 105: When he is the heart's compassion for us

Ghazal No. 106: I craved sweets, oh sweets

Ghazal No. 107: Oh Amir Hassan, make the servants laugh

Ghazal No. 108: You reached the heart's tower, wait here

Ghazal No. 109: My eyes wept tears on the morning of separation

Ghazal No. 110: Break our lute, oh exalted one!

Ghazal No. 111: We sacrificed our lives for you

Ghazal No. 112: The Eid signs are from your face for us

Ghazal No. 113: Oh minstrel of the heart, for the sake of the friend

Ghazal No. 114: You are in our heart, oh beloved

Ghazal No. 115: Oh life and sustenance of all lives

Ghazal No. 116: Oh you who have tightly grasped the magic

Ghazal No. 117: From afar I saw Shams of the Faith

Ghazal No. 118: Loyalty was shown from here

Ghazal No. 119: Rise and decorate the morning wine

Ghazal No. 120: How long will you retreat, come forward

Ghazal No. 121: When you leave our house

Ghazal No. 122: I saw the beautiful face of a flower garden

Ghazal No. 123: I saw the beautiful face of a good king

Ghazal No. 124: Oh cupbearer, give the wine of nowhere

Ghazal No. 125: You said that you have chosen us

Ghazal No. 126: Do not embolden the unworthy

Ghazal No. 127: Where is the skillful and wise minstrel of love

Ghazal No. 128: We embarked on a journey without us

Ghazal No. 129: Do not break the heart of the buyer

Ghazal No. 130: Wake up the intoxicated ones

Ghazal No. 131: I am like Moses in the moment of the fire of longing and reunion

Ghazal No. 132: In the midst of the curtain are the gardens of love's blood

Ghazal No. 133: The flirtation of your love brings a needy one to that state

Ghazal No. 134: Cupbearer, bring the juice of the grape cluster

Ghazal No. 135: Cupbearer, finally serve that clear wine

Ghazal No. 136: Do not play any other tune except the tune of our beloved

Ghazal No. 137: With such a sword of fortune, why do you remain weak?

Ghazal No. 138: The coin of our face should be nothing but gold without you

Ghazal No. 139: The pain of the body is far from you, oh comfort of our souls

Ghazal No. 140: May our pain in the world not be cured without you

Ghazal No. 141: All your friends are stones, and you are the coral, why?

Ghazal No. 142: A fortune has become a neighbor, a call to the neighbors

Ghazal No. 143: Last night I sent a message to you, the star

Ghazal No. 144: Can reason grasp you, or love, or the pure soul?

Ghazal No. 145: Oh, your union has been a moment, your separation, years

Ghazal No. 146: In the clarity of the wine, show our color, oh cupbearer

Ghazal No. 147: Finally, from separation, you have reached reunion, oh heart

Ghazal No. 148: For the sake of Shams of Truth and Faith, our eyes are weeping

Ghazal No. 149: Serving Shams of Truth and Faith is your legacy, oh cupbearer

Ghazal No. 150: The pain of Shams al-Din is the capital of our cure

Ghazal No. 151: Peek out from the window of the soul, see the lovers

Ghazal No. 152: Last night our beloved, stumbling and rising, one cloak

Ghazal No. 153: I saw the candle around which moths gather like crowds

Ghazal No. 154: Gain insight, heart, then see Tabriz

Ghazal No. 155: From the separation of Shams al-Din, I have fallen into straits

Ghazal No. 156: Oh desires of my heart, come, come, come, come

Ghazal No. 157: Oh desires of my heart, at least come and show yourself

Ghazal No. 158: The blending of spirits in times of peace and wars

Ghazal No. 159: Oh from your destiny, thousands of insignificant prides

Ghazal No. 160: Do not sell the bow, armor, and sword to the women

Ghazal No. 161: When favor sent the torches to the earth

Ghazal No. 162: You are my life and world, what should I do with life and world

Ghazal No. 163: Go, oh companions, bring our friend

Ghazal No. 164: When they pulled me to the prison from above

Ghazal No. 165: If that wine you drank at dawn was not captivating

Ghazal No. 166: A meadow whose flowers may blossom until the resurrection

Ghazal No. 167: Who will ask about you except you, tired and weary

Ghazal No. 168: Oh grown without desire like a weed

Ghazal No. 169: Frown, for everyone frowns here

Ghazal No. 170: Until the night, oh sweet-singing mystic

Ghazal No. 171: When will you show that rose-colored face

Ghazal No. 172: Do not be among the lovers, oh wise one

Ghazal No. 173: I brought you out from one fire

Ghazal No. 174: I brought you out from the fire of lust

Ghazal No. 175: From beyond the head, see the manners of the heart

Ghazal No. 176: The olive soul is in love with the fire

Ghazal No. 177: Oh you who have spoken secrets into my heart

Ghazal No. 178: You became heedless of the secrets of fate

Ghazal No. 179: If you are an oud, come to this censer

Ghazal No. 180: Oh you, the water of life, make us drink

Ghazal No. 181: The heart is like a seed, we are like the mill

Ghazal No. 182: Do not be wise among the lovers

Ghazal No. 183: Oh heart that has left, do not return

Ghazal No. 184: I reached the bank of the stream of loyalty

Ghazal No. 185: So much has been poured on our ground from above

Ghazal No. 186: Oh water steward, open that flowing spring

Ghazal No. 187: I cleansed philosophical thoughts from my chest

Ghazal No. 188: There is someone hidden here, do not stay alone

Ghazal No. 189: The spring of souls has come, oh green branch, dance

Ghazal No. 190: With that which you deliver, that wine of permanence

Ghazal No. 191: Awaken joy, hit yourself on me

Ghazal No. 192: Break the jug and pot, oh water steward of souls

Ghazal No. 193: My dear, accept this search of ours

Ghazal No. 194: I now want to take that essence of forms

Ghazal No. 195: Lust that drives with you makes the soul a hundredfold

Ghazal No. 196: Make the hair, shaking with lessons, move

Ghazal No. 197: Oh servant, return, come to our court

Ghazal No. 198: Oh Sufis of love, tear apart the robes

Ghazal No. 199: Oh you who have remained in your house and are separated from your city

Ghazal No. 200: What is the name of a camel in Turkish, say medicine

Ghazal No. 201: The night passed and yet our story did not end

Ghazal No. 202: Every morning, peace be upon you

Ghazal No. 203: The joyous spring has come, our beloved has come

Ghazal No. 204: The mystic of secrets buries his head in his collar

Ghazal No. 205: How long will you flee from us? How long will you move from place to place?

Ghazal No. 206: Oh you who have all the goodness, who are you and whose opinion are you?

Ghazal No. 207: Oh you who are a comfort to my soul in times of pain

Ghazal No. 208: For the purpose of ambushing, it brings me on the path

Ghazal No. 209: Oh you who knocked on our door, come into the candlelit hall

Ghazal No. 210: If these streams were not mostly empty

Ghazal No. 211: Again, the violet reached the two-branched lily

Ghazal No. 212: Trap those wise jinns in a bottle

Ghazal No. 213: If you are a lover of love and seek love

Ghazal No. 214: If the tree were mobile, it would move from place to place

Ghazal No. 215: Where am I, and where is the sorrow and joy of this world

Ghazal No. 216: I will go to the tailor shop of lovers tomorrow

Ghazal No. 217: How fortunate is the one whom God calls you

Ghazal No. 218: For the sake of jealousy, Adam learned the names

Ghazal No. 219: When my friend comes in, how pleasant it is, by God

Ghazal No. 220: From the morning of happiness, I was given three kisses

Ghazal No. 221: You grabbed my ear, where are you pulling me to

Ghazal No. 222: Let's go and settle by the sea

Ghazal No. 223: Where is the minstrel of the soul to give the call with shouts

Ghazal No. 224: Why are you staring at my face, oh young one

Ghazal No. 225: God has cooked halva for the Sufis

Ghazal No. 226: My friend left and a memento remained for me

Ghazal No. 227: By your pure soul, oh mine of generosity and loyalty

Ghazal No. 228: Bring the one who leads the companion to the companion

Ghazal No. 229: God gave wine to me and to you, master

Ghazal No. 230: From the burning desire, my heart keeps sighing

Ghazal No. 231: You are lighter than the breeze that comes from the morning wind

Ghazal No. 232: If you do not know love, ask the nights

Ghazal No. 233: Where is the soul's cupbearer to mix us together

Ghazal No. 234: Oh heart, when you have drunk from the remaining cup of the cupbearer

Ghazal No. 235: He saw me and did not ask, why, oh beloved

Ghazal No. 236: The blessing that is present in all weddings

Ghazal No. 237: Our friend, our beloved, the world of our secrets

Ghazal No. 238: Oh, what a moment, come

Ghazal No. 239: Our desert has no boundaries

Ghazal No. 240: You are my life and world, oh generous one

Ghazal No. 241: The dice in your hand have won me

Ghazal No. 242: The leather bag of our heart, the musk of our body

Ghazal No. 243: Open the door, come in, for the joy without you is not acceptable

Ghazal No. 244: What would happen if you became a lover like me, oh young man

Ghazal No. 245: For the sake of advising the madman

Ghazal No. 246: A hundred drums are being beaten in our hearts

Ghazal No. 247: Hear the sound of glorification from above

Ghazal No. 248: My ear is waiting for your message

Ghazal No. 249: Our beloved has become our heart

Ghazal No. 250: Hey, I am at the door, open it

Ghazal No. 251: Come closer, come closer, oh faithful one

Ghazal No. 252: The friend vows that tonight it is for you

Ghazal No. 253: How long will you hide that smile?

Ghazal No. 254: Give wine to that friend who carries the goblet

Ghazal No. 255: Rise, make a morning drink, and pour the call

Ghazal No. 256: You give justice to the goblet and the measure

Ghazal No. 257: Now the ruby of his lips has given justice to me

Ghazal No. 258: If you do not sleep one night, oh moon-faced one

Ghazal No. 259: Offer that king of the sugar house

Ghazal No. 260: The celestial sphere with all its work and splendor

Ghazal No. 261: Hey, oh physician of lovers, have you seen someone as mad as us?

Ghazal No. 262: In what you see, in what you see, oh you who sees and does not see

Ghazal No. 263: If his sweet smile takes away my soul

Ghazal No. 264: My beloved, whose love warms the heart

Ghazal No. 265: The spirit is in it and the soul is in it

Ghazal No. 266: There is no sleep, and the wind blows over the valley

Ghazal No. 267: The world has brightened from the light of our passion

Ghazal No. 268: I would sacrifice for you, oh bearer of revelation, whose signs are continuous

Ghazal No. 269: Come, let's pick the pampered date palms

Ghazal No. 270: I would sacrifice for the moon that shone upon us and sparkled

Ghazal No. 271: Come, all of us are drunk today

Ghazal No. 272: The singer sang in the morning with your love, and we came

Ghazal No. 273: We spent a long time without you, oh generous ones, and we missed you

Ghazal No. 274: Oh people of paradise, read our manifesto

Ghazal No. 275: My soul saw a beautiful one, and it was shaken like an earthquake

Ghazal No. 276: Oh hidden beauty among people, oh light of the darkness

Ghazal No. 277: Good fortune came to us, love descended upon us

Ghazal No. 278: I only swear by men who have been truthful to us

Ghazal No. 279: Our master, our master, made us rich, made us rich

Ghazal No. 280: Oh radiant-cheeked one, oh spirit of eternal life

Ghazal No. 281: Oh cupbearer of the wine, come to the call

Ghazal No. 282: Oh you whose banner of love is still flying high

Ghazal No. 283: Spring came boasting in our neighborhood

Ghazal No. 284: Brother, I saw beauty that captured hearts completely

Ghazal No. 285: The feast of union has come to you, do not taste sorrow

Ghazal No. 286: Oh you who built the palace of perfection

Ghazal No. 287: The bringer of good news came with a good tidings

Ghazal No. 288: Oh like the port, oh our ruler

Ghazal No. 289: Oh you who shames the full moon, shine upon us brilliantly

Ghazal No. 290: Do not leave us without a friend, do not sleep without a friend tonight

Ghazal No. 291: Oh sleep! By your life! You will be troubled tonight

Ghazal No. 292: From that sweet-lipped beloved, from that pleasant-mannered cupbearer

Ghazal No. 293: I am your guest, oh soul, do not sleep tonight

Ghazal No. 294: The world's water was cut off from this stream

Ghazal No. 295: Oh your face is a hundred moons and moonlights

Ghazal No. 296: Do not sleep, oh friend, host tonight

Ghazal No. 297: Oh, in your sorrow, burning and calling

Ghazal No. 298: Oh, from these ugly ones who show a moon-face from the veil

Ghazal No. 299: Either the union with the friend is needed or wine for the companions

Ghazal No. 300: Where is all the kindness that I saw in your face all night

Ghazal No. 301: Oh leader and moon of the world, do not sit, do not sleep tonight

Ghazal No. 302: In your air, I am restless day and night

Ghazal No. 303: Make the gathering pleasant with those two pieces of wood

Ghazal No. 304: Do you know what the rebab is saying?

Ghazal No. 305: The star's voice is very bright tonight

Ghazal No. 306: Show eagerness to the lovers, oh soul of the absent leader

Ghazal No. 307: All lovers' affairs are like gold tonight

Ghazal No. 308: You have closed my sleep, oh moon, unveil yourself

Ghazal No. 309: It becomes obligatory as love has ruined my heart

Ghazal No. 310: That moon has returned, which the sky did not see in its sleep

Ghazal No. 311: Ugly is the one who did not become the beloved's jester

Ghazal No. 312: By your life, do not leave, do not sleep in the midst of the work

Ghazal No. 313: The rebab is the drink of love and the companion of friends

Ghazal No. 314: For you who do not have love, it is appropriate for you to sleep

Ghazal No. 315: The eyes do not open from sleep

Ghazal No. 316: When we enter the tumult of the night

Ghazal No. 317: The friend came for peace, oh companions

Ghazal No. 318: The sky of love has risen without a greeting

Ghazal No. 319: I spent the night and the morning in the stream, suffering

Ghazal No. 320: Rejoice, oh people, this is the opening of a door

Ghazal No. 321: That master has shown an illness since midnight

Ghazal No. 322: I have come to drag you to yourself by the ear

Ghazal No. 323: That breath when you are with yourself, the friend appears as a thorn

Ghazal No. 324: Come in so I can throw off the robe of form at this moment

Ghazal No. 325: Who has seen, oh lovers, a city that is the city of the fortunate

Ghazal No. 326: Give state and amazement, oh originator without a state

Ghazal No. 327: From our life's book, a single page remains

Ghazal No. 328: Hit me on the head and in the mustache

Ghazal No. 329: Come, come, the rose garden has blossomed

Ghazal No. 330: Once again, that clever beloved found me

Ghazal No. 331: From that king who has no desire for drum and banner

Ghazal No. 332: This house where the sound of the drum is constant

Ghazal No. 333: In the heart of anyone who has no trace of this love

Ghazal No. 334: From the beginning of today, the companions of the tavern

Ghazal No. 335: All of man's fear is from within

Ghazal No. 336: Give a cup, oh old man of the tavern

Ghazal No. 337: You closed your eyes, meaning it is time to sleep

Ghazal No. 338: The dance is for the restless soul

Ghazal No. 339: The dance is the comfort of the living soul

Ghazal No. 340: Once again, my heart has caught fire

Ghazal No. 341: Come, today is our day of celebration

Ghazal No. 342: As long as this friend is mine until the resurrection

Ghazal No. 343: Separation from companions is not advisable

Ghazal No. 344: By your life, which is a great oath

Ghazal No. 345: Tell me, oh intimate friend, what manner is this

Ghazal No. 346: I heard your kindness pray for me

Ghazal No. 347: The stability of life is that beloved

Ghazal No. 348: A sound that comes from the bow is an augury

Ghazal No. 349: Do not endure hardship, oh brother, the master is harsh

Ghazal No. 350: After the time of despair, there is hope

Ghazal No. 351: Which is the physician of the incurable pain

Ghazal No. 352: When today our friend is with us as a pair

Ghazal No. 353: Oh, the wine that is in that hand, alas

Ghazal No. 354: What is this scent from the tavern once again

Ghazal No. 355: In this house, oh heart, there is sometimes crookedness and sometimes straightness

Ghazal No. 356: You have a complete mastery in lovemaking

Ghazal No. 357: Like that mine of generosity that is our prey

Ghazal No. 358: How is the good and sweet beloved

Ghazal No. 359: In this stream, the heart is like a broken wheel

Ghazal No. 360: Oh cupbearer, you are the judge of needs

Ghazal No. 361: If Eve knew from your color

Ghazal No. 362: His two doe-like eyes are lion-catching

Ghazal No. 363: As this heart is intoxicated by that beloved

Ghazal No. 364: As long as the image of the friend's imagination is with us

Ghazal No. 365: Know that the times are the image of the passion

Ghazal No. 366: The smoke of our heart is a sign of passion

Ghazal No. 367: The heart came and yesterday it said to the ear of the soul

Ghazal No. 368: I will speak of your sugarcane words

Ghazal No. 369: In your city, there is a beloved

Ghazal No. 370: Ramadan has come and Eid is with us

Ghazal No. 371: If the cup of the sky, is a poison-measurer

Ghazal No. 372: I will not bow my head for it is heavy

Ghazal No. 373: If my lips do not express it

Ghazal No. 374: Someone asked which is the path

Ghazal No. 375: What fear does the lover have from the path

Ghazal No. 376: Today, a new madness has arrived

Ghazal No. 377: For those who end in foolishness

Ghazal No. 378: Oh, you who have been checkmated by the king of love

Ghazal No. 379: Oh, you who have plundered the heart

Ghazal No. 380: That master, though he has sharp ears

Ghazal No. 381: Which path is it that I have come

Ghazal No. 382: Oh, from your generosity, our work is right

Ghazal No. 383: Hey, you who have relaxed your neck, where is your kebab? Where is your wine?

Ghazal No. 384: Though lovers have another world inside

Ghazal No. 385: Your good deeds will be before you like smoke after death

Ghazal No. 386: Since you cannot endure knowledge, open your eyes to the attributes

Ghazal No. 387: Be the dust of the one whose water of life is clear

Ghazal No. 388: Service without friendship has no value or price

Ghazal No. 389: Since your heart is not with me, companionship is useless

Ghazal No. 390: Oh caravan leader, see the camels, head to head, in a drunk line

Ghazal No. 391: Oh musician, play this tune, for our friend has come intoxicated

Ghazal No. 392: If that happy soul did not see this garden, what is happiness?

Ghazal No. 393: Be gathered, oh companions, for it is not the time to sleep

Ghazal No. 394: I want a spring that increases all

Ghazal No. 395: Love is not in virtue and knowledge and books and papers

Ghazal No. 396: In the path of our beloved, there is no place for the fearful

Ghazal No. 397: The sun today is shining in a different way

Ghazal No. 398: From their Lord's drink, see all the righteous intoxicated

Ghazal No. 399: Finally, oh beloved, it is not the time for revelry

Ghazal No. 400: Since looking at all the good attributes is within the heart

Divan e Shams

The Divan-e Shams-e Tabrizi is a masterful collection of mystical poetry composed by Jalaluddin Muhammad Balkhi, known in the West as Rumi, during the 13th century. What makes this work particularly fascinating is that although it was written by Rumi, he attributed it to his spiritual mentor and beloved friend, Shams-e Tabrizi, naming the entire collection after him rather than himself.

The collection consists of approximately 40,000 verses, primarily written in Persian, though it also contains poems in Arabic and Turkish. These verses take various traditional Persian poetic forms, including ghazals (lyrical poems), tarji'band (poems with refrains), and rubaiyat (quatrains). Each poem serves as a vessel for expressing profound spiritual truths and the intense emotions of divine love.

The historical context of this work is deeply intertwined with Rumi's transformative encounter with Shams-e Tabrizi in 1244 in Konya (present-day Turkey). Prior to meeting Shams, Rumi was a respected religious scholar and teacher. However, this fateful meeting sparked a spiritual awakening that transformed him from a conventional religious scholar into a mystical poet whose work would transcend centuries and cultures.

The themes within the Divan are remarkably diverse yet interconnected. At its core, the collection explores the concept of divine love (ishq) and the soul's yearning for union with the beloved (God). This spiritual journey is often described through metaphors of intoxication, dance, and music – elements that would have been considered unconventional in traditional religious discourse of the time. The poems speak of separation and unity, sobriety and drunkenness, reason and ecstasy, always moving between these apparent opposites to express the ineffable nature of mystical experience.

What sets the Divan apart from other mystical works is its raw emotional intensity. The verses often seem to pour forth as spontaneous expressions of spiritual ecstasy rather than carefully crafted literary pieces. Yet they maintain an extraordinary aesthetic beauty and technical sophistication. Rumi frequently employs symbols from everyday life – the sun, moon, wine, bread, markets, and musical instruments – to convey profound spiritual concepts, making the divine accessible through familiar imagery.

The language of the Divan ranges from simple and direct to complex and multilayered. Some poems speak plainly of love and longing, while others are intricate puzzles of metaphor and allegory. This variety reflects Rumi's belief that divine truth can be approached through multiple paths and expressed in countless ways.

One of the most striking aspects of the Divan is its musical quality. Many of the poems were composed during sama sessions – spiritual gatherings involving music and movement – and were meant to be sung or chanted. This musical element is not merely decorative but fundamental to the work's spiritual function, as Rumi believed that music could help transport the soul beyond the limitations of rational thought.

The influence of the Divan-e Shams has been profound and far-reaching. It has inspired generations of Sufi practitioners, influenced countless poets across various languages and cultures, and continues to speak to modern readers seeking spiritual insight. Contemporary translations and interpretations have made these poems accessible to a global audience, though scholars often note that the full impact of the original Persian, with its rich wordplay and cultural references, can never be fully captured in translation.

Today, the Divan-e Shams stands as both a literary masterpiece and a spiritual guide, offering readers a glimpse into the transformative power of divine love as experienced and expressed by one of history's greatest mystical poets. Its enduring relevance speaks to the universal nature of the spiritual quest it describes and the timeless beauty of its expression.


The Divan-e Shams employs several key themes and poetic techniques:

Major Themes:

  • Divine Love (ishq): Central theme expressing the soul's longing for God
  • Separation and Union: The pain of being apart from the divine and ecstasy of unity
  • Spiritual Transformation: Journey from ego-consciousness to divine awareness
  • Universal Oneness: Breaking down dualities between lover/beloved, self/divine
  • Transcendence: Moving beyond rational thought into mystical experience

Poetic Techniques:

  • Paradox: Juxtaposing opposites ("I am sober when drunk, drunk when sober")
  • Symbolism: Using everyday objects (wine, sun, mirror) for spiritual concepts
  • Multiple Meanings: Layered interpretations of words and phrases
  • Musical Elements: Rhythmic patterns and internal rhyme schemes
  • Metaphoric Language: Extended metaphors comparing spiritual states to physical experiences
  • Code-Switching: Alternating between Persian, Arabic, and Turkish
  • Repetition: Strategic use of refrains and repeated phrases for emphasis
  • Imagery: Vivid sensory descriptions to convey abstract spiritual concepts

The poems often combine these elements, using accessible imagery to express complex mystical concepts while maintaining musical qualities suitable for recitation and chanting.


Historical Impact: The Divan-e Shams profoundly influenced Sufi literature and Islamic mysticism during the medieval period. It helped establish Persian as a primary language for mystical poetry and shaped the development of Sufi orders across Central Asia, Turkey, and India. The work introduced new ways of expressing spiritual concepts through everyday metaphors, making mystical ideas more accessible to common people.

Contemporary Impact:

  1. Literary: Continues to influence modern poetry and literature globally, particularly in Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, and South Asia.
  2. Cultural: Popular among spiritual seekers worldwide, transcending religious boundaries. Frequently quoted in contemporary media, art, and music.
  3. Academic: Subject of extensive scholarly research and translation projects. Major universities offer courses studying its philosophical and literary aspects.
  4. Spiritual: Used in modern Sufi practices and meditation. Its themes resonate with contemporary spirituality movements.
  5. Translation Impact: Coleman Barks' translations made Rumi the best-selling poet in the US during the late 20th century, though scholars debate the accuracy of modern interpretations.

The work's universal themes of love, spirituality, and human connection continue making it relevant to modern audiences, while maintaining its historical significance in Islamic mysticism and Persian literature.