Ghazal No. 204: The mystic of secrets buries his head in his collar

غزل شماره ۲۰۴: سر به گریبان درست صوفی اسرار را

The Sufi of secrets has his head in his collar

So that (he may see) what the end of the matter will bring forth from the unseen

سر بر گریبان درست صوفی اسرار را

تا چه برآرد ز غیب عاقبت کار را

The wine that is in the vat of truth, its heart's secret is absolute

But it also causes restlessness for the awake lover

می که به خم حقست راز دلش مطلق‌ست

لیک بر او هم دق‌ست عاشق بیدار را

Water, like earth, give it to the wind, (it has) become fire

Love has mingled the tent of these four (elements)

آب چو خاکی بده باد در آتش شده

عشق به هم برزده خیمه این چار را

Love, which is pitching tents in pursuit of those intoxicated ones

In the signless heaven, it gives light to the fire

عشق که چادرکشان در پی آن سرخوشان

بر فلک بی‌نشان نور دهد نار را

Do not knock on the ring of this door, do not boast of being a Qalandar (wandering dervish)

You are not a bird, do not flap your wings, do not say 'qar' (sound of a crow)

حلقه این در مزن لاف قلندر مزن

مرغ نه‌ای پر مزن قیر مگو قار را

Listen to my words, drink the wine of the soul

Make the conscious mind senseless and unconscious

حرف مرا گوش کن باده جان نوش کن

بیخود و بی‌هوش کن خاطر هشیار را

Before the negation of existence, it was the house of intoxication

Quickly make those doors and walls your qibla (direction of prayer)

پیش ز نفی وجود خانه خمار بود

قبله خود ساز زود آن در و دیوار را

(One) becomes intoxicated, truly intoxicated, from the wine of the Cup of Alast

Fill the house of intoxication with the wine of worship

مست شود نیک مست از می جام الست

پر کن از می پرست خانه خمار را

The gift of the Lord of the Religion is Shams al-Haqq, see this!

O you who have become the China of Tabriz, (look at) that pomegranate-flower face!

داد خداوند دین شمس حق‌ست این ببین

ای شده تبریز چین آن رخ گلنار را