Ghazal No. 220: From the morning of happiness, I was given three kisses

غزل شماره ۲۲۰: ز بامداد سعادت سه بوسه داد مرا

At the dawn of felicity, (He) gave me three kisses

May the dawn of grace be auspicious for me

ز بامداد سعادت سه بوسه داد مرا

که بامداد عنایت خجسته باد مرا

Remember, O heart, what dream you saw last night

That the dawn of felicity opened a door for me

به یاد آر دلا تا چه خواب دیدی دوش

که بامداد سعادت دری گشاد مرا

Perhaps in a dream I saw that the moon lifted me up

Carried me to the heavens and placed me upon the heavens

مگر به خواب بدیدم که مه مرا برداشت

ببرد بر فلک و بر فلک نهاد مرا

I saw my heart fallen and ruined in his path

Singing songs that 'at this moment, this is what has befallen me'

فتاده دیدم دل را خراب در راهش

ترانه گویان کاین دم چنین فتاد مرا

Between love and my heart, there have been previous affairs

Which little by little come to my memory

میان عشق و دلم پیش کارها بوده‌ست

که اندک اندک آیدهمی به یاد مرا

Even if it appeared outwardly that love was born from me

Know in truth that love was born for me

اگر نمود به ظاهر که عشق زاد ز من

همی‌بدان به حقیقت که عشق زاد مرا

O you whose attributes are apparent, your essence hidden like the soul

By your essence, which is you, (you are) all my desire

ایا پدید صفاتت نهان چو جان ذاتت

به ذات تو که تویی جملگی مراد مرا

The kiss comes to me from you, and I do not see (the giver)

From the veils of nature, who gave this to me?

همی‌رسد ز توام بوسه و نمی‌بینم

ز پرده‌های طبیعت که این کی داد مرا

Do not take away the duty of mercy, for I will fall into annihilation

I will cry out where (He) bestowed (it) upon me

مبر وظیفه رحمت که در فنا افتم

فغان برآورم آن جا که داد داد مرا

If, instead of a kiss, abuse itself reaches me

I am happy that the master has made me an event (a lesson/experience)

به جای بوسه اگر خود مرا رسد دشنام

خوشم که حادثه کردست اوستاد مرا