Ghazal No. 224: Why are you staring at my face, oh young one

غزل شماره ۲۲۴: چه خیره می‌نگری در رخ من ای برنا

Why do you stare so intently at my face, O young man?

Perhaps there is a sign of that passion in my face?

چه خیره می‌نگری در رخ من ای برنا

مگر که در رخمست آیتی از آن سودا

Perhaps you see the brand of love on my face?

Between the brands, it is written: 'We have truly sent it down.'

مگر که بر رخ من داغ عشق می‌بینی

میان داغ نبشته که نحن نزلنا

I desire a thousand musk pods and a thousand stomachs

For the water of Khidr is delicious, and I suffer from dropsy

هزار مشک همی‌خواهم و هزار شکم

که آب خضر لذیذست و من در استسقا

What fidelity do you seek from one who has become heartless?

When the heart departs, fidelity and cruelty also depart

وفا چه می‌طلبی از کسی که بی‌دل شد

چو دل برفت برفت از پیش وفا و جفا

By the right of this ruined heart and your well-built beauty

The treasure of your memory is pleasant in this ruin of ours

به حق این دل ویران و حسن معمورت

خوش است گنج خیالت در این خرابه ما

The clamor and wailing of souls from the direction of the unknown

Awakened me from the sleep of the world last night at the time of prayer

غریو و ناله جان‌ها ز سوی بی‌سویی

مرا ز خواب جهانید دوش وقت دعا

Shall I speak of the wailing, or of the beauty that makes one wail?

From the wailing, the ear worships, from his beauty, that very eye

ز ناله گویم یا از جمال ناله کنان

ز ناله گوش پرست از جمالش آن عینا

There is no rest for you for a moment, my brother

See how desires pull you in every direction

قرار نیست زمانی تو را برادر من

ببین که می‌کشدت هر طرف تقاضاها

You are like a ball in the midst of a hundred polo sticks

Running sometimes to the head of the field and sometimes from head to foot

مثال گویی اندر میان صد چوگان

دوانه تا سر میدان و گه ز سر تا پا

Where is the king's intention, and where is the intention of the ball?

Where is the stature of the beloved, and where is the sound of the call to prayer?

کجاست نیت شاه و کجاست نیت گوی

کجاست قامت یار و کجاست بانگ صلا

From the boiling of my longing for you, I roared like the sea

Tell (it), O wise king, and O pearl that makes the sea eloquent

ز جوش شوق تو من همچو بحر غریدم

بگو تو ای شه دانا و گوهر دریا گویا