Ghazal No. 226: My friend left and a memento remained for me

غزل شماره ۲۲۶: برفت یار من و یادگار ماند مرا

My beloved is gone, and a memento remains for me

A saffron-colored face, tearful eyes, and alas!

برفت یار من و یادگار ماند مرا

رخ معصفر و چشم پرآب و وااسفا

My two eyes are full of moisture, as long as he resides within them

(Like) the Euphrates and Kauthar, the life-giving water of life

دو دیده باشد پرنم چو در ویست مقیم

فرات و کوثر آب حیات جان افزا

Why does my face not become like gold, since it is connected

To the boundless treasure and mine of beauty, loveliness, and worth?

چرا رخم نکند زرگری چو متصلست

به گنج بی‌حد و کان جمال و حسن و بها

Why does it say 'alas!' because it is Jacob

Separated from his moon-faced Joseph

چراست وااسفاگوی زانک یعقوبست

ز یوسف کش مه روی خویش گشته جدا

If he departs in coquetry, I will become laden with stars

When the sun of eternal life reaches him, he will arrive

ز ناز اگر برود تا ستاره بار شوم

رسد چو می‌زندش آفتاب طال بقا

If he has driven me out of the pasture of the soul

Where is the courage and strength that I may say to him, 'Why?'

اگر چیم ز چراگاه جان برون کردست

کجاست زهره و یارا که گویمش که چرا

The 'Am I not?' of love arrived, and whoever said 'Yes'

As witness, (he) said, 'Yes, there are a hundred thousand afflictions'

الست عشق رسید و هر آن که گفت بلی

گواه گفت بلی هست صد هزار بلا

Affliction is correct, and in affliction, it makes you clever

Especially in the orphanhood that is from that sea

بلا درست و بلادر تو را کند زیرک

خصوص در یتیمی که هست از آن دریا

I am his dove, even if he drives me from the top of the reed

Where shall I fly, (I will) not fly except around his roof and house

منم کبوتر او گر براندم سر نی

کجا پرم نپرم جز که گرد بام و سرا

I am, from his shadow, the world-conquering sun

That kingship will reach the one who finds the shadow of the homa (royal bird)

منم ز سایه او آفتاب عالمگیر

که سلطنت رسد آن را که یافت ظل هما

Enough of invitation, invitation, leave it and say a prayer

The Messiah went to the fourth heaven on the wings of prayer

بس است دعوت دعوت بهل دعا می‌گو

مسیح رفت به چارم سما به پر دعا