Ghazal No. 264: My beloved, whose love warms the heart
غزل شماره ۲۶۴: لی حبیب حبه یشوی الحشا
I have a beloved whose love burns the entrails
If he wishes, he walks upon my eyes
لی حبیب حبه یشوی الحشا
لو یشا یمشی علی عینی مشا
The day is that when my sustenance is he
O how blessed is that day and that sustenance
روز آن باشد که روزیم او بود
ای خوشا آن روز و روزی ای خوشا
What is it that he does that is not good?
We are pleased, may God do what he wishes
آن چه باشد کو کند کان نیست خوش
قد رضینا یفعل الله ما یشا
His thorn is the capital of flowers
Verily, he is the giver in unveiling the covering
خار او سرمایه گلها بود
انه المنان فی کشف الغشا
Whatever you said or heard was husk
The core of love is not a secret that has spread
هر چه گفتی یا شنیدی پوست بود
لیس لب العشق سرا قد فشا
Who is satisfied with the shell of husks?
He who has a core, raised in manifestation
کی به قشر پوستها قانع شود
ذو لباب فی التجلی قد نشا
I silenced myself, but his grief did not silence
Protect us from the evil of the slanderer who has slandered
من خمش کردم غمش خامش نکرد
عافنا من شر واش قد وشا
Ghazal No. 264: My beloved, whose love warms the heart
Book: Divan e Shams
Author: Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī