Ghazal No. 267: The world has brightened from the light of our passion

غزل شماره ۲۶۷: قد اشرقت الدنیا من نور حمیانا

The world has shone from the light of our protector

The moon has become the cupbearer, and the cup is our Pleiades

قد اشرقت الدنیا من نور حمیانا

البدر غدا ساقی و الکأس ثریانا

Youthful passion is my faith, and solitude is my garden

And the grove is my companion, and the rose is our life

الصبوه ایمانی و الخلوه بستانی

و المشجر ندمانی و الورد محیانا

Whoever has love, the assembly is his abode

Whoever has reason, beware of him and us

من کان له عشق فالمجلس مثواه

من کان له عقل ایاه و ایانا

Whoever is constrained by a house or thirsted by fire

He is guided to a spring to regain his quenching

من ضاق به دار او اعطشه نار

تهدیه الی عین یسترجع ریانا

Whoever has no eye to see the unseen

Let him come with longing in the service of our master

من لیس له عین یستبصر عن غیب

فلیأت علی شوق فی خدمه مولانا

O time, besides the bosom of Shams of Truth, Tabriz

Have you seen in the world your human being a human being?

یا دهر سوی صدر شمس الحق تبریز

هل ابصر فی الدنیا انسانک انسانا

Blessed are you, O guided one, you have melted from effort

You have turned away from the form to grasp our meaning

طوبی لک یا مهدی قد ذبت من الجهد

اعرضت عن الصوره کی تدرک معنانا

Whoever has a worry that consumes and destroys him

Let him drink and become intoxicated from the coffee of our master

من کان له هم یفنیه و یردیه

فلیشرب و لیسکر من قهوه مولانا