Ghazal No. 268: I would sacrifice for you, oh bearer of revelation, whose signs are continuous
غزل شماره ۲۶۸: فدیتک یا ذا الوحی آیاته تتری
I sacrifice myself for you, O possessor of revelation, whose verses come successively
You interpret them secretly and hint at them openly
فدیتک یا ذا الوحی آیاته تتری
تفسرها سرا و تکنی به جهرا
And you resurrected the dead and gave them life by it
I sacrifice myself for you, what should I know about the matter? I do not know
و انشرت امواتا و احییتهم بها
فدیتک ما ادریک بالامر ما ادری
So they all returned intoxicated in your attributes
And they did not taste fruit nor drink wine
فعادوا سکاری فی صفاتک کلهم
و ما طعموا ثما و لا شربوا خمرا
But the flash of nearness annihilated their minds
So glory be to Him who established, and glory be to Him who caused to travel by night
ولکن بریق القرب افنی عقولهم
فسبحان من ارسی و سبحان من اسری
Peace be upon a people whose hearts call out
With the tongues of secrets, thanks to Him, thanks
سلام علی قوم تنادی قلوبهم
بالسنه الاسرار شکرا له شکرا
So blessed is he who lowered his bucket from earnestness
And in the bucket, a beautiful Joseph said, 'O good tidings!'
فطوبی لمن ادلی من الجد دلوه
و فی الدلو حسنا یوسف قال یا بشری
He gazes in the radiance and paradise of Joseph
The realities of secrets, he encompasses them with knowledge
یطالع فی شعشاع و جنه یوسف
حقائق اسرار یحیط بها خبرا
The unseen manifested to him, and his mind was crushed
As that mount was crushed and the rock was demolished
تجلی علیه الغیب و اندک عقله
کما اندک ذاک الطور و استهدم الصخرا
So he remained drowned in love, a soul embodied
And a great light that left no veil before it
فظل غریق العشق روحا مجسما
و نورا عظیما لم یذر دونه سترا
Ghazal No. 268: I would sacrifice for you, oh bearer of revelation, whose signs are continuous
Book: Divan e Shams
Author: Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī