Ghazal No. 276: Oh hidden beauty among people, oh light of the darkness
غزل شماره ۲۷۶: یا خفی الحسن بین الناس یا نور الدجی
O hidden beauty among people, O light of darkness
You are the sun of truth, hidden among the rays of dawn
یا خفی الحسن بین الناس یا نور الدجی
انت شمس الحق تخفی بین شعشاع الضحی
The Lord of the Throne almost hid His beauty from Himself
Out of jealousy for that ultimate perfection
کاد رب العرش یخفی حسنه من نفسه
غیره منه علی ذاک الکمال المنتهی
I wish I would die one day in His mouth
For in my death there is a state that cannot be hoped for
لیتنی یوما اخر میتا فی فیه
ان فی موتی هناک دوله لا ترتجی
In the dust of His sandal is kohl that removes blindness
In the eyes of His abundant grace is cool water for thirst
فی غبار نعله کحل یجلی عن عمی
فی عیون فضله الوافی زلال للظما
However, walking and moving in that love
Is a difficult, hard, and fearful problem in which blood is shed
غیر ان السیر و النقلان فی ذاک الهوی
مشکل صعب مخوف فیه اهراق الدما
His light guides to a high and safe palace
I do not care about misguidance in it, for I have this guidance
نوره یهدی الی قصر رفیع آمن
لا ابالی من ضلال فیه لی هذا الهدی
Rejoice, O eye, from the shining of a comprehensive light
You have nothing to fear from an eternal blind man who does not see
ابشری یا عین من اشراق نور شامل
ما علیک من ضریر سرمدی لا یری
Tabriz has become my qibla or my rising place
When it becomes light, when I seek prayer
اصبحت تبریز عندی قبله او مشرقا
ساعه اضحی لنور ساعه ابغی الصلا
O cupbearer, circulate the cup of eternity from His love
For a long time we have been sick, seeking this cure
ایها الساقی ادر کاس البقا من حبه
طال ما بتنا مریضا نبتغی هذا الشفا
We do not care about nights that aged us for a while
After we became young from a perpetual nectar
لا نبالی من لیال شیبتنا برهه
بعد ما صرنا شبابا من رحیق دائما
O you who shout in His days, woe to you
Drink, our brothers, from His cup, blessed are we
ایها الصاحون فی ایامه تعسا لکم
اشربوا اخواننا من کاسه طوبی لنا
The real truth has become clear, illuminated by His grace
He will guide people from their darkness to space
حصحص الحق الحقیق المستضی من فضله
سوف یهدی الناس من ظلماتهم نحو الفضا
What bad luck for one who turns away from His grace
A denying, arrogant, bewildered one in the valley of ruin
یا لها من سؤ حظ معرض عن فضله
منکر مستکبر حیران فی وادی الردی
Turning away from a flowing spring, continuous for eternity
Seeking water in the delusions of a day of sleep
معرض عن عین هدل مستدیم للبقا
طالب للماء فی وسواس یوم للکری
A spring of the sea gushed forth from the land of Tabriz for it
O land of Tabriz, our souls are sacrificed for you, what a blessed soil
عین بحر فجرت من ارض تبریز لها
ارض تبریز فداک روحنا نعم الثری
Ghazal No. 276: Oh hidden beauty among people, oh light of the darkness
Book: Divan e Shams
Author: Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī