Ghazal No. 277: Good fortune came to us, love descended upon us
غزل شماره ۲۷۷: سبق الجد الینا نزل الحب علینا
Earnestness preceded us, love descended upon us
Love dwelled within us, so we settled and remained
سبق الجد الینا نزل الحب علینا
سکن العشق لدینا فسکنا و ثوینا
The time of sobriety is regret, the time of intoxication is honor
The danger of love is safety, so we were seduced and perished
زمن الصحو ندامه زمن السکر کرامه
خطر العشق سلامه ففتنا و فنینا
He gave us to drink, captivated us, cherished us, and cared for us
And from the unseen he came to us, so he called us and we came
فسقانا و سبانا و کلانا و رعانا
و من الغیب اتانا فدعانا و اتینا
So we found him a companion, a refuge, and a path
And a drink and a nectar, so he gave us to drink and we gave him to drink
فوجدناه رفیقا و مناصا و طریقا
و شرابا و رحیقا فسقانا و سقینا
The love of speech is true, the generosity of the unseen is continuous
And from behind he rose high, so he fulfilled his promise to us and we fulfilled our promise to him
صدق العشق مقالا کرم الغیب توالی
و من الخلف تعالی فوفانا و وفینا
The one who knocks filled a cup, the cup chased away drowsiness
The cradle of intoxication is the foundation, and upon that we built
ملاء الطارق کاسا طرد الکاس نعاسا
مهد السکر اساسا و علی ذاک بنینا
So we saw modest women and beautiful singers
Lamps in the darkness, so we were amazed and we fell in love
فراینا خفرات و مغان حسنات
سرجا فی ظلمات فدهشنا و هوینا
So we looked in awe, we thanked, and we became intoxicated
And from intoxication we crossed over, the lesson sufficed as our adornment
فالهین نظرنا فشکرنا و سکرنا
و من السکر عبرنا کفت العبره زینا
So we returned in ease, and my Lord has a firm decision
And we narrated to those who walked and we witnessed and came to him
فرحعنا بیسار و ربی ذات قرار
و حکینا لمشاه و شهدنا و الینا
Ghazal No. 277: Good fortune came to us, love descended upon us
Book: Divan e Shams
Author: Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī