Ghazal No. 281: Oh cupbearer of the wine, come to the call
غزل شماره ۲۸۱: یا ساقی المدامه حی علی الصلا
O cupbearer of wine, hasten to prayer
Fill our glass with wine, for it has emptied
یا ساقی المدامه حی علی الصلا
املا زجاجنا بحمیا فقد خلا
My body is my glass, and your face is my coffee
O perfect in beauty, kindness, and loftiness
جسمی زجاجتی و محیاک قهوتی
یا کامل الملاحه و اللطف و العلا
No lover has triumphed with your face for an hour
Except that in rejection, he has vanished from affliction
ما فاز عاشق بمحیاک ساعه
الا و فی الصدود تلاشی من البلا
Death in meeting you, O full moon, is good
Far be it from you, rather meeting you is safety from affliction
الموت فی لقائک یا بدر طیب
حاشاک بل لقاؤک امن من البلا
When your love recited attributes to my soul
In it are doves receiving what it recited
لما تلا هواک صفاتا لمهجتی
فیها حمائم یتلقین ما تلا
You gave me to drink wine from your beautiful glance
Until my heart was cleared with the best of clearings
اسقیتنی المدامه من طرفک البهی
حتی جلا فؤادی من احسن الجلا
Ghazal No. 281: Oh cupbearer of the wine, come to the call
Book: Divan e Shams
Author: Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī