Ghazal No. 39: Oh that high chamber does not grant me an audience
غزل شماره ۳۹: آه که آن صدر سرا میندهد بار مرا
Alas, that chief of the assembly does not grant me access
He does not make (me) the confidant of (his) soul, the confidant of my secrets
آه که آن صدر سرا میندهد بار مرا
مینکند محرم جان محرم اسرار مرا
His beauty and goodness and (fiery) glance like a consuming fire
His question, like his sugar (sweetness), has captivated me
نغزی و خوبی و فرش آتش تیز نظرش
پرسش همچون شکرش کرد گرفتار مرا
He said to me, "Where is your affection, where is your hue, where is your glory?"
Where does hue and scent remain at the hour of my meeting (with him)?
گفت مرا مهر تو کو رنگ تو کو فر تو کو
رنگ کجا ماند و بو ساعت دیدار مرا
I am drowned in the stream of his generosity, a slave of that dawn
For that sweet-smelling flower draws me towards the rose garden
غرقه جوی کرمم بنده آن صبحدمم
کان گل خوش بوی کشد جانب گلزار مرا
Whoever is by the stream, his garment is a burden upon him
How much loss and heavy is my patched coat and turban
هر که به جوبار بود جامه بر او بار بود
چند زیانست و گران خرقه و دستار مرا
Kingdom and possessions that are from these sweet-faced moon-like ones
Exist in meaning as long as a faithful friend is mine
ملکت و اسباب کز این ماه رخان شکرین
هست به معنی چو بود یار وفادار مرا
Position and profession are yours, knowledge and thought are yours
The lion is yours, the thicket is yours, and the Tartar deer is mine
دستگه و پیشه تو را دانش و اندیشه تو را
شیر تو را بیشه تو را آهوی تاتار مرا
He makes the non-existent existent, he makes (one) without heart and without hands
He gives wine, makes (one) intoxicated, (he is) the cupbearer of my hangover
نیست کند هست کند بیدل و بیدست کند
باده دهد مست کند ساقی خمار مرا
O rogue heart, do not create sedition and quarrel
Do not make me famous, do not reveal (my secrets) in the marketplace
ای دل قلاش مکن فتنه و پرخاش مکن
شهره مکن فاش مکن بر سر بازار مرا
If he breaks my advice, he will make my bond strong
(He does this) out of the desire to make a friend and a purchaser of me
گر شکند پند مرا زفت کند بند مرا
بر طمع ساختن یار خریدار مرا
Do not speak more of duality, do not say "two, two" like a dualist
Seek the origin of the cause, enough (has come) from its effects upon me
بیش مزن دم ز دوی دو دو مگو چون ثنوی
اصل سبب را بطلب بس شد از آثار مرا
Ghazal No. 39: Oh that high chamber does not grant me an audience
Book: Divan e Shams
Author: Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī