Ghazal No. 41: The candle of the world was not, your light was in our circle

غزل شماره ۴۱: شمع جهان دوش نبد نور تو در حلقه ما

O candle of the world, last night your light was not in our circle

Tell the truth, O candle of your face, where were you last night, where?

شمع جهان دوش نبد نور تو در حلقه ما

راست بگو شمع رخت دوش کجا بود کجا

Look towards our hearts, for from the desire to see you

Fortune is where your beauty opened its collar

سوی دل ما بنگر کز هوس دیدن تو

دولت آن جا که در او حسن تو بگشاد قبا

Last night wherever you were, I know that today from sorrow

(That place) has become like my heart, a mosque of "La hawla wa la..." (There is no power nor strength but with God)

دوش به هر جا که بدی دانم کامروز ز غم

گشته بود همچو دلم مسجد لا حول و لا

Last night I was wandering until dawn, lamenting

May the morning come quickly! Alas, there is no sleep and no denial

دوش همی‌گشتم من تا به سحر ناله کنان

بدرک بالصبح بدا هیج نومی‌و نفی

You are the shadow of light, and we are all the world your shadow

When has light been seen that it would be separate from the shadow?

سایه نوری تو و ما جمله جهان سایه تو

نور کی دیدست که او باشد از سایه جدا

Sometimes (the shadow) is beside it (light), sometimes it becomes absorbed in it

Being beside it is (like being with) God, being absorbed in it is (like) meeting (God)

گاه بود پهلوی او گاه شود محو در او

پهلوی او هست خدا محو در او هست لقا

The shadow has stretched out the hand of intense seeking towards that wondrous light

So that when it diminishes, God's light will draw it to God

سایه زده دست طلب سخت در آن نور عجب

تا چو بکاهد بکشد نور خدایش به خدا

The explanation of the separation and intermingling of shadow and light

Is infinite, and "If you come with weakness, (I will) provide help"

شرح جدایی و درآمیختگی سایه و نور

لا یتناهی و لئن جئت بضعف مددا

The light is the causer, and whatever is caused is its shadow

Without a cause, God has indeed made a cause for everything

نور مسبب بود و هر چه سبب سایه او

بی سببی قد جعل الله لکل سببا

The causer and the caused have become mirrors for each other

Whoever has not become like a mirror has not seen the mirror

آینه همدگر افتاد مسبب و سبب

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