Ghazal No. 52: Since all the love is your face, all our soul's contentment is ours

غزل شماره ۵۲: چون همه عشق روی تست جمله رضای نفس ما

Since all (our) desire is the love of your face, (then)

It is inevitably infidelity to abandon the desire of our (lower) self

چون همه عشق روی تست جمله رضای نفس ما

کفر شدست لاجرم ترک هوای نفس ما

Since (the soul) is alive by love, how can I intend to fight against it?

Your blood-shedding glance has become the pilgrimage and holy war of our (lower) self

چونک به عشق زنده شد قصد غزاش چون کنم

غمزه خونی تو شد حج و غزای نفس ما

There is nothing of our (lower) self except the image and trace of a shadow

Since the curve of your two locks is the dwelling and place of our (lower) self

نیست ز نفس ما مگر نقش و نشان سایه‌ای

چون به خم دو زلف تست مسکن و جای نفس ما

Love kindled a fire from which the water of life is ashamed

Ask for whose sake (it is), (it is) for the sake of our (lower) self

عشق فروخت آتشی کآب حیات از او خجل

پرس که از برای که آن ز برای نفس ما

Eighteen thousand worlds of pleasure and desire were presented

Except for your beauty, there was no stirring and inclination of our (lower) self

هژده هزار عالم عیش و مراد عرضه شد

جز به جمال تو نبود جوشش و رای نفس ما

Hell is the place of infidels, paradise is the place of believers

Love is for lovers, annihilation is the fitting reward of our (lower) self

دوزخ جای کافران جنت جای مؤمنان

عشق برای عاشقان محو سزای نفس ما

The essence of truth is fidelity, the secret is the summary of contentment

The master, the soul of Shams al-Din, was the purity of our (lower) self

اصل حقیقت وفا سر خلاصه رضا

خواجه روح شمس دین بود صفای نفس ما

In place of the ambergris of the soul, in the body (are) a thousand stones

From Tabriz, the dust (is) the kohl of the light of our (lower) self

در عوض عبیر جان در بدن هزار سنگ

از تبریز خاک را کحل ضیای نفس ما