Ghazal No. 68: When love's script was washed in my soul, its script became recognizable

غزل شماره ۶۸: چو شست عشق در جانم شناسا گشت شستش را

When the hand of love became acquainted with my soul, it washed it.

My soul, which worshipped idols, reached (purified) hands through the hand of love.

چو شست عشق در جانم شناسا گشت شستش را

به شست عشق دست آورد جان بت پرستش را

In the ear of my heart, (Love) said, "That soul has attained salvation through our love."

This heart made thousands of souls sacrificed for that word of its salvation.

به گوش دل بگفت اقبال رست آن جان به عشق ما

بکرد این دل هزاران جان نثار آن گفت رستش را

Because of jealousy, when the soul fell, (Love) said, "Fortune will not leap either."

This heart and soul of mine have settled and are waiting for its (fortune's) not leaping.

ز غیرت چونک جان افتاد گفت اقبال هم نجهد

نشستست این دل و جانم همی‌پاید نجستش را

When (Love) is in non-existence, it exists, and in existence, there is no (true) existence.

A fire came into my soul and burned its (perceived) existence.

چو اندر نیستی هستست و در هستی نباشد هست

بیامد آتشی در جان بسوزانید هستش را

When the decree of the life of the fortunate soul read the number fifty-six,

(Love) erased it and wrote eternity on the scroll of its sixty (years).

برات عمر جان اقبال چون برخواند پنجه شصت

تراشید و ابد بنوشت بر طومار شصتش را

The lord of the spirit, Shams al-Din, from the abundance of (his) loftiness,

Gabriel himself does not know the place of his sitting for (receiving) revelation.

خدیو روح شمس الدین که از بسیاری رفعت

نداند جبرئیل وحی خود جای نشستش را

When my intellect saw his (Shams's) cup, it became broken like a flask.

(Love) bestowed endless soundness upon that brokenness of it (the intellect).

چو جامش دید این عقلم چو قرابه شد اشکسته

درستی‌های بی‌پایان ببخشید آن شکستش را

When his (Shams's) love saw my soul, which is above this existence,

It gave height, through his (Shams's) fortune, to its highness and lowness.

چو عشقش دید جانم را به بالای‌یست از این هستی

بلندی داد از اقبال او بالا و پستش را

Although you are a lion-catcher, O heart, fear that gazelle,

For lions are helpless before that intoxicated gazelle of his (Shams).

اگر چه شیرگیری تو دلا می‌ترس از آن آهو

که شیرانند بیچاره مر آن آهوی مستش را

When (Love), with the life-giving sword, struck the neck of death,

(Love) descended from the horse of fortune and kissed his (Love's) hand.

چو از تیغ حیات انگیز زد مر مرگ را گردن

فروآمد ز اسپ اقبال و می‌بوسید دستش را

On that day when, in the realm of Alast (pre-existence), the call came from God,

Give, O Tabriz, from the beginning, the "yes" sayers of Alast to him (Shams).

در آن روزی که در عالم الست آمد ندا از حق

بده تبریز از اول بلی گویان الستش را