Ghazal No. 83: Oh moon-faced friend, oh sweet-singing musician

غزل شماره ۸۳: ای یار قمرسیما ای مطرب شکرخا

O moon-faced friend, O sugar-speaking musician,

Your voice is life-giving, may you never tire until the day (of judgment).

ای یار قمرسیما ای مطرب شکرخا

آواز تو جان افزا تا روز مشین از پا

All profit, all profit, you have increased upon all,

As long as it is thus, may you never tire until the day (of judgment).

سودی همگی سودی بر جمله برافزودی

تا بود چنین بودی تا روز مشین از پا

A hundred cities have received the news, "O troubled people,"

"The sleeper has awakened," may you never tire until the day (of judgment).

صد شهر خبر رفته کای مردم آشفته

بیدار شد آن خفته تا روز مشین از پا

That sedition has awakened, which, when it strikes a taunt,

Makes a breach in the mountain, may you never tire until the day (of judgment).

بیدار شد آن فتنه کو چون بزند طعنه

در کوه کند رخنه تا روز مشین از پا

In the house, such a gathering, in the gathering, such a candle,

I have a desire from you, may you never tire until the day (of judgment).

در خانه چنین جمعی در جمع چنین شمعی

دارم ز تو من طمعی تا روز مشین از پا

The leader has come, the leader has come, and that luminous full moon has come,

And that sugar and milk have come, may you never tire until the day (of judgment).

میر آمد میر آمد وان بدر منیر آمد

وان شکر و شیر آمد تا روز مشین از پا

O your cry and melody, fresher and sweeter than the morning breeze,

You take us out of our senses, may you never tire until the day (of judgment).

ای بانگ و نوایت تر وز باد صبا خوشتر

ما را تو بری از سر تا روز مشین از پا

The gathering is blessed by you, pleasure is alive from your breath,

Like a blazing candle, may you never tire until the day (of judgment).

مجلس به تو فرخنده عشرت ز دمت زنده

چون شمع فروزنده تا روز مشین از پا

This sky and earth are a tent, who has seen such a tent?

O pillar of this tent, may you never tire until the day (of judgment).

این چرخ و زمین خیمه کس دید چنین خیمه

ای استن این خیمه تا روز مشین از پا

These people fly because of you, are virgins and children because of you,

Are upside down and right side up because of you, may you never tire until the day (of judgment).

این قوم پرند از تو باکر و فرند از تو

زیر و زبرند از تو تا روز مشین از پا

In the sea, like a ship captain, shaking that elephant (the soul),

Until the resting place of the lovers, may you never tire until the day (of judgment).

در بحر چو کشتیبان آن پیل همی‌جنبان

تا منزل آباقان تا روز مشین از پا

O sweet-breathed flute player, such a rare youth,

How, with all (this) youthfulness, may you never tire until the day (of judgment).

ای خوش نفس نایی بس نادره برنایی

چون با همه برنایی تا روز مشین از پا

The tambourine comes from the palm of the hand, the flute from the breath of the intoxicated,

With the flute, all baseness comes, may you never tire until the day (of judgment).

دف از کف دست آید نی از دم مست آید

با نی همه پست آید تا روز مشین از پا

Though we are silent like the soul, how can the soul sleep, O beloved of the soul?

You be our tongue, may you never tire until the day (of judgment).

چون جان خمشیم اما کی خسبد جان جانا

تو باش زبان ما تا روز مشین از پا