Ghazal No. 98: Oh you who made name and named intoxicated by your sight
غزل شماره ۹۸: ای از نظرت مست شده اسم و مسما
O you, by whose gaze both name and named become intoxicated
O you, Joseph of the soul, become from sugar-eating lips
ای از نظرت مست شده اسم و مسما
ای یوسف جان گشته ز لبهای شکرخا
What is it to us about the story of the cow that came and the donkey that went?
Come, the time is delicate, come back from that brawl
ما را چه از آن قصه که گاو آمد و خر رفت
هین وقت لطیفست از آن عربده بازآ
O king, you be kingly and arrange the feast
O soul, the blessing of every Wameq and Azra
ای شاه تو شاهی کن و آراسته کن بزم
ای جان ولی نعمت هر وامق و عذرا
You are both the nurse of souls and the stream of wine and milk
Both the Paradise of Firdaws and the green Sidra tree
هم دایه جانهایی و هم جوی می و شیر
هم جنت فردوسی و هم سدره خضرا
We will not say other than this, and if we do say (anything)
The mean-spirited will say that it is impossible and nonsense
جز این بنگوییم وگر نیز بگوییم
گویید خسیسان که محالست و علالا
If you want me to tell (more), give that morning cup
So that the sky may come to dance, and a hundred Venus and Zahra (planets may dance)
خواهی که بگویم بده آن جام صبوحی
تا چرخ به رقص آید و صد زهره زهرا
Wherever there is sourness in the sorrow of the world
(Your love) roars and carries away our hearts from that place
هر جا ترشی باشد اندر غم دنیی
میغرد و میبرد از آن جای دل ما
Arise, in a miserly way, and close the door of the house
For where you are, the house becomes a rose garden and a desert
برخیز بخیلانه در خانه فروبند
کان جا که تویی خانه شود گلشن و صحرا
From where did this moon come, and what face is this face?
This is divine light, blessed and exalted be He
این مه ز کجا آمد وین روی چه رویست
این نور خداییست تبارک و تعالی
He is both powerful and dominant, and both the first and the last
At first, sorrow and passion, and at the end, the shining hand
هم قادر و هم قاهر و هم اول و آخر
اول غم و سودا و به آخر ید بیضا
Every heart that did not tremble for you, and every eye that did not weep
O Lord, inform them of this joy and spectacle
هر دل که نلرزیدت و هر چشم که نگریست
یا رب خبرش ده تو از این عیش و تماشا
So that he may cry out in madness and come to the head of the street
Crying out, "My desire is my desire!"
تا شید برآرد وی و آید به سر کوی
فریاد برآرد که تمنیت تمنا
That love will not leave him alone, so that he even scratches his head
Well done, what a chain, and attraction, and demand
نگذاردش آن عشق که سر نیز بخارد
شاباش زهی سلسله و جذب و تقاضا
Perhaps in the city, like me, a fool, love has not seen (anyone)
This love seizes me from above every moment
در شهر چو من گول مگر عشق ندیدست
هر لحظه مرا گیرد این عشق ز بالا
Every giving and taking that is from above is delicate
Whether it is a skilled separation or a beautiful blandishment
هر داد و گرفتی که ز بالاست لطیفست
گر حاذق جدست وگر عشوه تیبا
Ghazal No. 98: Oh you who made name and named intoxicated by your sight
Book: Divan e Shams
Author: Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī