The introduction (دیباچه) to Hafez's Divan
Ghazal 1: O Saki, pass around and offer the cup
Ghazal 2: Where is righteousness and where am I in my ruined state
Ghazal 3: If that Shirazi Turk would take my heart in hand
Ghazal 4: O morning breeze, kindly tell that graceful gazelle
Ghazal 5: My heart is slipping away, O spiritual ones, for God's sake
Ghazal 6: Who will deliver this prayer to the Sultan's attendants?
Ghazal 7: Come, O Sufi, for the cup is a clear mirror
Ghazal 8: O Saki, rise and pass the cup
Ghazal 9: The garden is once again in the glory of youth
Ghazal 10: Last night our spiritual guide came from the mosque to the tavern
Ghazal 11: O Saki, illuminate our cup with the light of wine
Ghazal 12: O radiance of the moon of beauty, from your shining face
Ghazal 13: Dawn is breaking and the clouds are gathering
Ghazal 14: I said, O sultan of the beautiful ones, have mercy on this stranger
Ghazal 15: O holy beloved, who will remove your veil?
Ghazal 16: The curve that your playful eyebrow cast into the bow
Ghazal 17: The breast burned from the heart's fire in grief for the beloved
Ghazal 18: O Saki, blessed be the arrival of Eid to you
Ghazal 19: O morning breeze, where is the beloved's resting place?
Ghazal 20: The fast has ended, Eid has come, and hearts have risen
Ghazal 21: My heart and faith departed, and the beloved rose in reproach
Ghazal 22: When you hear the words of the spiritual ones, don't say they're wrong
Ghazal 23: The vision of your face accompanies us on every path
Ghazal 24: Don't seek devotion, covenant, and righteousness from drunken me
Ghazal 25: The red rose has bloomed and the nightingale became intoxicated
Ghazal 26: Disheveled locks, sweating, smiling lips, and drunk
Ghazal 27: My beloved came to the Magian temple, a cup in hand
Ghazal 28: By the master's soul, ancient truth, and righteous covenant
Ghazal 29: With thoughts of you, what need have we for wine?
Ghazal 30: Your tress bound a thousand hearts with a single strand of hair
Ghazal 31: That Night of Power which the mystics say is tonight
Ghazal 32: When God drew the form of your heart-opening eyebrow
Ghazal 33: What need has the recluse for spectacle?
Ghazal 34: The portico of my eyes is your dwelling place
Ghazal 35: Go about your business, O preacher, what is this outcry?
Ghazal 36: Since the tip of your tress fell into the hands of the breeze
Ghazal 37: Come, for the palace of hope has very weak foundations
Ghazal 38: Without the love of your face, my day has no light left
Ghazal 39: What need has my garden for cypress and pine?
Ghazal 40: Thanks be to God that the tavern door is open
Ghazal 41: Although the wine brings joy and the wind scatters roses
Ghazal 42: To tell you the state of my heart is my desire
Ghazal 43: The garden courtyard brings delight and friends' company is pleasant
Ghazal 44: Now that in the flower's palm the wine cup is pure
Ghazal 45: In these times, a friend who is free from fault
Ghazal 46: Flowers in arms, wine in hand, and the beloved to our desire
Ghazal 47: To the tavern's lane, every wayfarer who knew the path
Ghazal 48: The Sufi learned the hidden secret from wine's radiance
Ghazal 49: The highest paradise is the dervishes' solitude
Ghazal 50: In the snare of your tress, the heart is afflicted by itself
Ghazal 51: The blood-thirsty saturated ruby is my beloved's lip
Ghazal 52: It's been a while that love for idols is my religion
Ghazal 53: I am the one whose monastery is the corner of the tavern
Ghazal 54: From weeping, the people of my eyes sit in blood
Ghazal 55: The curl of your tress is a trap for both faith and infidelity
Ghazal 56: The heart is the pavilion of their love
Ghazal 57: That dark-complexioned one who holds the world's sweetness
Ghazal 58: Our devoted head and the threshold of the beloved
Ghazal 59: I hope for kindness from the presence of the friend
Ghazal 60: That famous messenger who arrived from the friend's realm
Ghazal 61: O morning breeze, if your path takes you to the beloved's land
Ghazal 62: Welcome, O messenger of the yearning ones, deliver the beloved's message
Ghazal 63: None has seen your face, yet you have a thousand rivals
Ghazal 64: Though showing off skill before the beloved is impolite
Ghazal 65: What is sweeter than pleasure, companionship, garden and spring?
Ghazal 66: Sing, O nightingale, if you wish to be my friend
Ghazal 67: O Lord, from whose home is this heart-illuminating candle?
Ghazal 68: My moon left this week, and to my eyes it's been a year
Ghazal 69: There is no one who hasn't fallen for those twisting tresses
Ghazal 70: The pupil of our eye gazes at nothing but your face
Ghazal 71: The outward-worshipping ascetic knows nothing of our state
Ghazal 72: The path of love is a path that has no end
Ghazal 73: There is no gaze that isn't brightened by the radiance of your face
Ghazal 74: The product of the workshop of existence is not just this
Ghazal 75: The slumber of your enchanting narcissus eyes is not without purpose
Ghazal 76: In this world, I have no refuge except your threshold
Ghazal 77: A nightingale held a beautiful rose petal in its beak
Ghazal 78: You saw that the beloved had nothing but thoughts of cruelty and tyranny
Ghazal 79: Now that paradise's breeze blows from the garden
Ghazal 80: Don't fault the libertines, O pure-natured ascetic
Ghazal 81: At dawn, the meadow bird said to the newly bloomed flower
Ghazal 82: That fairy-faced Turk who left our presence last night
Ghazal 83: If your musk-scented tress committed an error, let it be
Ghazal 84: Saki, bring wine for the month of fasting has passed
Ghazal 85: We didn't taste a drop from those ruby lips, and they departed
Ghazal 86: Come, Saki, for the beloved has unveiled their face
Ghazal 87: Your beauty, in alliance with grace, has conquered the world
Ghazal 88: I heard a sweet saying that the elder of Canaan spoke
Ghazal 89: O Lord, make it so that my beloved safely
Ghazal 90: O hoopoe of the morning breeze, I send you to Saba
Ghazal 91: O one absent from sight, I entrust you to God
Ghazal 92: My prince, you walk so gracefully that I die for you head to toe
Ghazal 93: What grace it was when suddenly the drop of your pen
Ghazal 94: From that heart-consoling friend, there's gratitude with complaint
Ghazal 95: The breeze of your curling tresses keeps me constantly intoxicated
Ghazal 96: Our pain has no cure, help!
Ghazal 97: You who sit like a crown upon the beauties of the land
Ghazal 98: If in your faith the lover's blood is permissible
Ghazal 99: My heart in desire for the blessed face
Ghazal 100: Yesterday the wine-seller elder, may he be remembered well
Ghazal 101: What is this hidden wine and pleasure? A baseless affair
Ghazal 102: Last night the wind brought news of the traveling beloved
Ghazal 103: May the day of lovers' union be remembered
Ghazal 104: May your beauty be the sun of every gaze
Ghazal 105: If the Sufi drinks wine in moderation, may it be sweet to him
Ghazal No. 106: May your body never need the grace of physicians
Ghazal No. 107: May your beauty ever increase
Ghazal No. 108: O king, may the ball of the heavens remain under your chogan (mallet)
Ghazal No. 109: It has been a while since the beloved has sent a message
Ghazal No. 110: In my old age, the passion of youth has come over me
Ghazal No. 111: The reflection of your face appeared in the mirror of the goblet
Ghazal No. 112: The one who gave your face the hues of roses and jasmine
Ghazal No. 113: Last night, the violet spoke to the rose and gave a sweet sign
Ghazal No. 114: The phoenix of lofty fortune will fall into our trap
Ghazal No. 115: Plant the tree of friendship so that it may bear the fruit of your heart's desire
Ghazal No. 116: The one who beholds the beauty and charm of the beloved
Ghazal No. 117: Our heart, in the presence of your face, feels detached from the meadow
Ghazal No. 118: The one who holds the goblet in hand
Ghazal No. 119: A heart that reveals the unseen and holds the goblet of Jam
Ghazal No. 120: I have an idol whose hyacinth-like hair casts a shadow over the rose
Ghazal No. 121: Whoever has a collected mind and a gentle beloved
Ghazal No. 122: Whoever safeguards the side of the people of God
Ghazal No. 123: The minstrel of love has such a wondrous tune and melody
Ghazal No. 124: The one whose hyacinth-like locks carry the fragrance of musk
Ghazal No. 125: That witness is not defined by a lock of hair or a slender waist
Ghazal No. 126: A soul without the beauty of the beloved has no desire for the world
Ghazal No. 127: The radiance of your countenance is unmatched by the moon
Ghazal No. 128: There is no beauty in the city that can steal my heart
Ghazal No. 129: If not for wine, the sorrow of the heart would not leave our memory
Ghazal No. 130: At dawn, the nightingale shared its tale with the breeze
Ghazal No. 131: Come, for the celestial Turk has looted the fasting table
Ghazal No. 132: A mystic purified himself with the bright water of wine
Ghazal No. 133: The Sufi set the trap and unveiled the trick
Ghazal No. 134: A nightingale suffered heartbreak and reaped a rose
Ghazal No. 135: Like the wind, I shall head toward the lane of the beloved
Ghazal No. 136: One cannot place a hand in the curls of those locks
Ghazal No. 137: She stole my heart and hid her face from me
Ghazal No. 138: Remember the one who did not think of us at the time of departure
Ghazal No. 139: I placed my face on her path, yet she did not pass by me
Ghazal No. 140: The beloved left without informing the heartbroken ones
Ghazal No. 141: Did you see, O heart, what the sorrow of love did this time?
Ghazal No. 142: Friends, the daughter of the vine renounced modesty
Ghazal No. 143: For years, the heart sought the goblet of Jam from us
Ghazal No. 144: Only then can you gaze into the goblet of Jam
Ghazal No. 145: What intoxication is this? I do not know who turned toward us
Ghazal No. 146: At dawn, the morning breeze brings the scent of the beloved's locks
Ghazal No. 147: Last night, the gentle breeze brought me news
Ghazal No. 148: When my beloved holds the goblet in her hand
Ghazal No. 149: My heart follows no path but the love of moon-faced beauties
Ghazal No. 150: If the cupbearer pours wine like this into the goblet
Ghazal No. 151: To spend a moment with sorrow is not worth the entire world
Ghazal No. 152: In the beginning, the radiance of your beauty shone brightly
Ghazal No. 153: At dawn, the king of the east raised his banner over the mountains
Ghazal No. 154: Play a tune to which a sigh can harmonize
Ghazal No. 155: If I follow her, it will stir up turmoil
Ghazal No. 156: None can match my beloved in beauty, character, and loyalty
Ghazal No. 157: Anyone obsessed with your green script is lost in thought
Ghazal No. 158: Me denying wine! What kind of tale is this?
Ghazal No. 159: The mystic's wine is not always pure and untainted
Ghazal No. 160: Solitude is delightful if my beloved is with me
Ghazal No. 161: How can a sorrowful mind inspire eloquent poetry?
Ghazal No. 162: The flower has arrived, and there is nothing sweeter than that
Ghazal No. 163: A flower without the beloved's face is not beautiful
Ghazal No. 164: The breath of the morning breeze will soon scatter musk
Ghazal No. 165: My love for the dark-eyed ones will never leave my mind
Ghazal No. 166: The day of separation and the night of parting from the beloved finally ended
Ghazal No. 167: A star shone, and the moon graced the gathering
Ghazal No. 168: My soul melted, hoping to heal the heart, but it did not happen
Ghazal No. 169: We see no friendship in anyone; what happened to the companions?
Ghazal No. 170: The recluse ascetic went to the tavern last night
Ghazal No. 171: Last night, a herald of glad tidings came from Asif's domain
Ghazal No. 172: Your love is a sapling of wonder
Ghazal No. 173: During my prayers, I remembered the curve of your eyebrow
Ghazal No. 174: Rejoice, O heart, for the morning breeze has returned once more
Ghazal No. 175: The morning breeze came to congratulate the old wine-seller
Ghazal No. 176: At dawn, the grace of wakefulness came to my bedside
Ghazal No. 177: Not everyone who displays beauty knows how to captivate hearts
Ghazal No. 178: Whoever became close to the beloved remained in their sanctuary
Ghazal No. 179: The good news arrived that the days of sorrow will not last
Ghazal No. 180: O pistachio, you smile sweetly at the story of sugar
Ghazal No. 181: From now on, my hand will seek the hem of that tall cypress
Ghazal No. 182: You haven’t written to me for several days now
Ghazal No. 183: At dawn last night, they freed me from sorrow
Ghazal No. 184: Last night, I saw angels striking at the tavern
Ghazal No. 185: Will there ever be a standard to assess the true worth?
Ghazal No. 186: If the wine-seller fulfills the needs of the carefree ones
Ghazal No. 187: O heart, burn, for your burning can accomplish great deeds
Ghazal No. 188: That meddler faults me for my carefree ways and love
Ghazal No. 189: If the bird of fortune once again takes flight
Ghazal No. 190: The day your musk-filled pen remembers us
Ghazal No. 191: Who is it that, out of kindness, will remain loyal to us?
Ghazal No. 192: Why does my swaying cypress not yearn for the garden?
Ghazal No. 193: In our game of glances, the unaware remain bewildered
Ghazal No. 194: When the jasmine-scented ones settle the dust of sorrow, they bring peace
Ghazal No. 195: The servants of your intoxicated narcissus are crowned ones
Ghazal No. 196: Those who turn dust into alchemy with their gaze
Ghazal No. 197: If the beloveds captivate hearts in this manner
Ghazal No. 198: I asked when your lips and mouth will bring me joy?
Ghazal No. 199: The preachers who display this grandeur in the pulpit and altar
Ghazal No. 200: Do you know what the harp and lute convey?
Ghazal No. 201: Pure wine and a charming cupbearer are two traps on the path
Ghazal No. 202: Will the doors of the taverns ever open?
Ghazal No. 203: For years, our ledger was bound to the wine
Ghazal No. 204: Remember the time when you secretly glanced at us
Ghazal No. 205: As long as the tavern and wine have a name and sign
Ghazal No. 206: Before this, lovers' thoughts were more about you
Ghazal No. 207: Let us remember when my dwelling was at your street's end
Ghazal No. 208: When the weary have the desire but lack the strength
Ghazal No. 209: The killing of this weary soul was not destined by your sword
Ghazal No. 210: Last night in our circle, the story was of your tresses
Ghazal No. 211: Last night, they came with a glowing countenance
Ghazal No. 212: Yesterday at dawn, I happened upon one or two goblets
Ghazal No. 213: The gem of the treasury of secrets is still the same
Ghazal No. 214: I saw in a pleasant dream that a goblet was in my hand
Ghazal No. 215: O Lord, what commotion was there in the tavern's alley at dawn?
Ghazal No. 216: That friend, whose presence turned our home into a fairy's abode
Ghazal No. 217: O Muslims, there was a time I had a heart
Ghazal No. 218: In eternity, whoever was graced with fortune's blessing
Ghazal No. 219: Now that in the garden, flowers have come into existence from nonexistence
Ghazal No. 220: From the heart's blood, all flows down upon my face
Ghazal No. 221: When I touch her curls, they sway gracefully
Ghazal No. 222: Whoever leaves your street in discontent
Ghazal No. 223: Your image never fades from the tablet of my heart and soul
Ghazal No. 224: Blessed is the heart that always follows the gaze
Ghazal No. 225: Cupbearer, the tale of the cypress, rose, and tulip continues
Ghazal No. 226: I fear that tears in our sorrow will tear the veil apart
Ghazal No. 227: Although this speech may not be easy for the preacher of the town
Ghazal No. 228: What would happen if I pick a fruit from your garden?
Ghazal No. 229: Fortune does not show me from the mouth of a friend
Ghazal No. 230: If my heart is drawn to the amber wine, perhaps
Ghazal No. 231: I said I have sorrow for you, and he replied, 'Your sorrow will end.'
Ghazal No. 232: I am determined that if it is within my power
Ghazal No. 233: I will not cease to seek until my wish is fulfilled
Ghazal No. 234: Like the sun rising from the east, the wine pours from the goblet
Ghazal No. 235: How fortunate is the time when the beloved returns
Ghazal No. 236: If that holy bird returns through my door
Ghazal No. 237: My breath rises, but my desire cannot be fulfilled by you
Ghazal No. 238: The world drew the festival's crescent on the brow of the holiday
Ghazal No. 239: The tidings came that spring had arrived, and the greenery bloomed
Ghazal No. 240: The cloud of adornment arose, and the wind of Nowruz blew
Ghazal No. 241: Remember the companions of the nightly gathering
Ghazal No. 242: Come, for the banner of the victorious king has arrived
Ghazal No. 243: Your sweet scent, whoever hears it from the morning breeze
Ghazal No. 244: Companions, untangle the locks of the beloved's hair
Ghazal No. 245: O parrot, speak the secrets
Ghazal No. 246: It is the festival, the end of the flower, and the companions await
Ghazal No. 247: O morning breeze, pass by the beloved's home, do not delay
Ghazal No. 248: O breeze, bring me a token from the alley of such and such
Ghazal No. 249: O breeze, bring me a token from the dust of the lover’s path
Ghazal No. 250: Show your face and forget my existence
Ghazal No. 251: It is the night of union, and the letter of separation has been completed
Ghazal No. 252: If there were life, I would visit the tavern once more
Ghazal No. 253: O joyful one, from the radiance of your face, the meadow of life blooms
Ghazal No. 254: No longer from the branch of the tall cypress does the patient nightingale sing
Ghazal No. 255: The lost Joseph will return to Canaan, do not grieve
Ghazal No. 256: I give you advice, listen to it and do not make excuses
Ghazal No. 257: Show your face and tell me to take my heart from my soul
Ghazal No. 258: A thousand thanks that I saw my own desire fulfilled
Ghazal No. 259: It is I who reopened my eyes to the sight of my friend
Ghazal No. 260: O graceful cypress of beauty, how sweetly you walk with elegance
Ghazal No. 261: Enter, for in a tired heart, you can return
Ghazal No. 262: Who can speak of the state of bleeding hearts?
Ghazal No. 263: Come, and cast our boat into the river of wine
Ghazal No. 264: Rise, and pour the joyful water into the golden bowl
Ghazal No. 265: My desire from the wish of your lips has not yet been fulfilled
Ghazal No. 266: My heart is restless, like a passionate gypsy
Ghazal No. 267: O breeze, if you pass by the bank of the Aras river
Ghazal No. 268: A charming flower from the garden of the world is enough for us
Ghazal No. 269: O heart, a companion of the journey, good fortune is enough for you
Ghazal No. 270: I have endured the pain of love, do not ask about it
Ghazal No. 271: I have so many complaints about his black tresses, do not ask
Ghazal No. 272: Come again and be the solace of my heart and soul
Ghazal No. 273: If you are a true companion, keep your promises
Ghazal No. 274: Take the cup of wine around the tulip and be sincere
Ghazal No. 275: The Sufi picks a flower and offers a robe made of thorns
Ghazal No. 276: If the gardener wishes to converse with the flower for five days
Ghazal No. 277: The nightingale's thought is that the flower has become his companion
Ghazal No. 278: I want bitter wine that has the power to kill
Ghazal No. 279: How fortunate is Shiraz and its unparalleled condition
Ghazal No. 280: When the breeze scattered his locks, they spread like vines
Ghazal No. 281: O Lord, this new smiling flower that you entrusted to my care
Ghazal No. 282: It took away my peace, patience, and mind
Ghazal No. 283: In the morning, a message from the unseen reached my ears
Ghazal No. 284: A voice from the corner of the tavern spoke last night
Ghazal No. 285: In the era of the king, a generous one covers sins
Ghazal No. 286: Last night, a hidden wise person with sharp intellect spoke to me
Ghazal No. 287: O, your form is delightful, and every place of yours is pleasant
Ghazal No. 288: By the water, beneath the willow, with the spirit of poetry and a kind companion
Ghazal No. 289: A gathering of beauty and grace, her face like the moon
Ghazal No. 290: My heart has wandered, and I, the dervish, am unaware
Ghazal No. 291: We have tested our fate in this city
Ghazal No. 292: I swear by the majesty, power, and glory of the brave king
Ghazal No. 293: At dawn, when from the solitude of the palace of creation
Ghazal No. 294: In loyalty to your love, I am famous among the good, like a candle
Ghazal No. 295: In the morning, with the fragrance of the garden, I spent a moment in the orchard
Ghazal No. 296: If fortune assists, I will bring its hem into my hand
Ghazal No. 297: The pen's tongue has no head to express the pain of separation
Ghazal No. 298: The place of safety, pure wine, and a sincere companion
Ghazal No. 299: If you drink wine, spill a drop on the earth
Ghazal No. 300: Even if a thousand enemies plot my destruction
Ghazal No. 301: O broken heart, my fate is in your hands, with the salt of your lips
Ghazal No. 302: Be a bearer of good news, O northern breeze
Ghazal No. 303: You smell the spirit of affection, and you see the lightning of union
Ghazal No. 304: The possessor of the world, the perfect king, supporter of the religion
Ghazal No. 305: In the time of the flower, I became ashamed of my repentance from wine
Ghazal No. 306: If I have the chance to reach your street
Ghazal No. 307: Every point I made was in praise of that divine image
Ghazal No. 308: O, your garment is like paradise, and your ruby is a stream of paradise
Ghazal No. 309: The play of love, youth, and the wine of ruby hue
Ghazal No. 310: Welcome, O bird of fortune, with your auspicious message
Ghazal No. 311: I am a lover of the fresh, youthful face
Ghazal No. 312: A human has found safety in the abode of peace
Ghazal No. 313: Come again, O cupbearer, for I am devoted to your service
Ghazal No. 314: Last night, the illness of your eyes took my strength away
Ghazal No. 315: Except that religion and knowledge have slipped from my grasp
Ghazal No. 316: Do not let your hair flutter in the wind, or it will blow me away.
Ghazal No. 317: I speak openly, and I am intro with what I have said.
Ghazal No. 318: You see me, and with each moment, you increase my pain.
Ghazal No. 319: For years, I have followed the path of the carefree.
Ghazal No. 320: Last night, I wandered through a flood of tears on my way to sleep.
Ghazal No. 321: Though I have grown old, weary of heart, and weakened.
Ghazal No. 322: The image of you, I drew in the workshop of my eyes.
Ghazal No. 323: I am burdened by my own short-sightedness.
Ghazal No. 324: Though a knot from her hair has tangled my affairs.
Ghazal No. 325: If my hand reaches, I will gather the dust at the feet of my beloved.
Ghazal No. 326: In the hidden chamber of pleasure, I have a delightful companion.
Ghazal No. 327: I have a promise with my beloved that as long as I have life in my body.
Ghazal No. 328: Who am I to pass by that fragrant memory?
Ghazal No. 329: In the morning, the constellation Gemini placed its support before me.
Ghazal No. 330: You are like the morning, and I am the candle of the dawn's solitude.
Ghazal No. 331: If her hand pulls out a sword, I will not stop her.
Ghazal No. 332: Do not strike my heart with the arrow of your gaze.
Ghazal No. 333: The evening prayer of the strangers begins with my tears.
Ghazal No. 334: If I reach your tangled hair, I will return.
Ghazal No. 335: If I pass by the tavern of the magi, I will return.
Ghazal No. 336: Where is the news of your union, from which I shall rise with my soul?
Ghazal No. 337: Why not seek the determination of my homeland?
Ghazal No. 338: I am a lover of the beautiful face and the captivating hair.
Ghazal No. 339: When the thought of your face passes through the garden of my eyes.
Ghazal No. 340: I, who boil like wine from the fire of my heart.
Ghazal No. 341: If I think about the blame of the accusers.
Ghazal No. 342: The veil of my soul becomes the dust of my body.
Ghazal No. 343: It has been more than forty years that I boast.
Ghazal No. 344: I have spent my life searching, taking a step each day.
Ghazal No. 345: Without you, O graceful cypress, what can I do with flowers and gardens?
Ghazal No. 346: I am not the rogue who would abandon the cupbearer and the wineglass.
Ghazal No. 347: O my beloved, what should I do with the sorrow of your love?
Ghazal No. 348: I will make my sight the sea and cast patience into the desert.
Ghazal No. 349: Last night, I told myself to rid my heart of thoughts of my steed.
Ghazal No. 350: With the resolve of repentance, I told myself to perform Istikhara in the morning.
Ghazal No. 351: I swear I will not abandon the season of flowers.
Ghazal No. 352: There came a time when I served in the tavern.
Ghazal No. 353: I will not abandon the love of the cupbearer and the wineglass.
Ghazal No. 354: With your dark lashes, you made thousands of breaches in my faith.
Ghazal No. 355: Now, I see the wisdom of the moment in that.
Ghazal No. 356: If I rise from the heat, I will sit with my lover.
Ghazal No. 357: In the tavern of the magi, I see the light of God.
Ghazal No. 358: The sorrow of the times has no limit, and I cannot see its end.
Ghazal No. 359: I will be joyous the day I leave this ruined place.
Ghazal No. 360: If I move from this ruined home towards my house.
Ghazal No. 361: He who trampled me with injustice, like the dust of my path.
Ghazal No. 362: The meeting became possible, with kisses and embraces.
Ghazal No. 363: My pain is from my lover, and the cure is from her as well.
Ghazal No. 364: We, without sorrow, are intoxicated and have lost our hearts.
Ghazal No. 365: We have spent a lifetime on the path of your sorrow.
Ghazal No. 366: We did not come to this door seeking wealth and glory.
Ghazal No. 367: I have the fatwa of the old sage of the magi, and it is an ancient promise.
Ghazal No. 368: Rise, so that we may seek freedom from the door of the tavern.
Ghazal No. 369: We had hoped for support from our companions.
Ghazal No. 371: We have placed the lesson of the dawn on the path of the tavern.
Ghazal No. 372: Let us pass through the street of the tavern.
Ghazal No. 373: Rise, so that we may go to the tavern in the Sufi's cloak.
Ghazal No. 374: Come, let us scatter flowers and pour wine into the goblet.
Ghazal No. 375: Sufi, come, so that we may remove the cloak of hypocrisy.
Ghazal No. 376: Friends, at the time of the flower, it is better that we strive for joy.
Ghazal No. 377: One night, we will raise our hands and make a prayer.
Ghazal No. 378: We will not speak ill, nor will we incline to falsehood.
Ghazal No. 379: My head is intro, and I speak aloud.
Ghazal No. 380: I have said it many times, and I say it again.
Ghazal No. 381: Although we are the servants of the king.
Ghazal No. 382: When you come, read a prayer for the weary.
Ghazal No. 383: As much as I told the physicians about my sorrow.
Ghazal No. 384: I burn from your separation, turn away your face from cruelty.
Ghazal No. 385: O Lord, that musk-deer, let it wander in the fields of Khorasan.
Ghazal No. 386: Do not sit much with those wearing the cloak of piety.
Ghazal No. 387: The king of cypress stature, Khosrow of sweet tongue.
Ghazal No. 388: Spring and the enchanting flowers came, and the penitent broke their vows.
Ghazal No. 389: Like the flower, I wear my clothes imbued with your scent.
Ghazal No. 390: The crown of the flower king appeared from the side of the garden.
Ghazal No. 391: What could be better than the thought of wine and the garment it adorns?
Ghazal No. 392: Do you know what fortune is? It is the sight of the beloved.
Ghazal No. 393: I am the one famous in the city for my love.
Ghazal No. 394: O moon-faced one, your beauty is the spring of all charm.
Ghazal No. 395: Cover the petal with the veil of the black hyacinth.
Ghazal No. 396: It is morning, cupbearer, fill the cup with wine.
Ghazal No. 397: Come from the door, and light up our bedroom.
Ghazal No. 398: O light of my eyes, there is something to listen to.
Ghazal No. 399: Make a gesture and break the market of magic.
Ghazal No. 400: O my flirtatious one, my high-flying enchantress.
Ghazal No. 401: When I become dust upon her path, she will scatter my cloak from me.
Ghazal No. 402: I will say a charming point, look at the mole of that moon-faced one.
Ghazal No. 403: See the ruby-red wine and the face of the moon-like beauties.
Ghazal No. 404: Throw your glance on the row of the mischievous ones, better than this.
Ghazal No. 405: By the soul of the old man of the tavern and the truth of his company.
Ghazal No. 406: He said, you went out to gaze at the new moon.
Ghazal No. 407: I saw the green field of the sky and the sickle of the new moon.
Ghazal No. 408: O sun, mirror of your beauty.
Ghazal No. 409: O precious blood of the musky braid, dust of your path.
Ghazal No. 410: O robe of kingship, truly worn over your shoulders.
Ghazal No. 411: The curl of your hair gives the violet a radiant glow.
Ghazal No. 412: I have an eye that sheds blood from the hand of that bow-shaped eyebrow.
Ghazal No. 413: The line of the beloved's cheek, from which the moon took its shape.
Ghazal No. 414: The garden of joy is blooming, where is the cupbearer of the flower-cheeked one?
Ghazal No. 415: O messenger of the truth, tell us the news of our beloved.
Ghazal No. 416: How pleasant is the breeze, scented with the jasmine of my heart's desire.
Ghazal No. 417: My joy is constant, from the ruby of my heart's desire.
Ghazal No. 418: If the sword falls in the alley of that moon-faced one.
Ghazal No. 419: Her union is worth more than an eternal life.
Ghazal No. 420: What does it mean that you suddenly reveal the veil?
Ghazal No. 421: He had gone to the house of the magi and sprinkled water.
Ghazal No. 422: O you who have come with the long chain of your locks.
Ghazal No. 423: Last night, I went to the door of the tavern, sleepy.
Ghazal No. 424: Do not separate from me, for you are the light of my eyes.
Ghazal No. 425: He was dragging his robe as he sipped the golden wine.
Ghazal No. 426: I wrote a letter to my dear friend with the blood of my heart.
Ghazal No. 427: The moth became the candle that lit your face.
Ghazal No. 428: At dawn, intoxicated by the night's dreams.
Ghazal No. 429: Cupbearer, come, for the cup of tulips is filled with wine.
Ghazal No. 430: If you do not drink wine, what would you hear from the nightingale and the dove?
Ghazal No. 431: I kiss her lips and sip the wine.
Ghazal No. 432: Intoxicated by the cup of my love, cupbearer, give me more wine.
Ghazal No. 433: O you who cast a veil on the moon with your dark hair.
Ghazal No. 434: O heart, do not be empty for a moment of love and intoxication.
Ghazal No. 435: Do not reveal the secrets of love and intoxication to the skeptic.
Ghazal No. 436: If that skilled calligrapher wrote a letter to us.
Ghazal No. 437: O tale of paradise, tell us of your story from your corner.
Ghazal No. 438: My heart is devoted to the beloved, to the point of sacrifice.
Ghazal No. 439: Last night, I saw in a dream that the moon rose.
Ghazal No. 440: At dawn, I spoke to the wind of my yearning.
Ghazal No. 441: What would you have been if the heart of that kind moon were yours?
Ghazal No. 442: By his life, who was always within reach of the soul.
Ghazal No. 443: Like a cypress, if you sway, do so for a moment in a flower garden.
Ghazal No. 444: It is a city full of fine people, with a beautiful face on every side.
Ghazal No. 445: You, who have everything your heart desires in this world.
Ghazal No. 446: O morning breeze, you carry the fragrance of that musk-scented hair.
Ghazal No. 447: Come, join us, and abandon this grudge.
Ghazal No. 448: O you who have a place in the alley of the tavern.
Ghazal No. 449: O you who permit the separation of lovers.
Ghazal No. 450: It is an era where you keep us in worry.
Ghazal No. 451: How fortunate you are, your fortune will be judged on the day of reckoning.
Ghazal No. 452: All creatures of existence, both humans and angels, are in love.
Ghazal No. 453: O you who are always proud of yourself.
Ghazal No. 454: From the street of the beloved comes the breeze of the new year's wind.
Ghazal No. 455: Life has passed in futility and foolish desires.
Ghazal No. 456: It is springtime; strive to be joyful and light-hearted.
Ghazal No. 457: I made countless efforts to have you as my beloved.
Ghazal No. 458: O heart, at that moment when you are intoxicated by the ruby wine.
Ghazal No. 459: This sweet line you draw on the rosy face.
Ghazal No. 460: Salima, from the time she arrived in Iraq.
Ghazal No. 461: I wrote the story of my longing, and my tears did not stop.
Ghazal No. 462: Either you smile or speak like a parrot in place.
Ghazal No. 463: Peace be upon us, those who cherish the nights.
Ghazal No. 464: Your beauty captured the world, just as my love captured perfection.
Ghazal No. 465: I went to the garden at dawn to pick a flower.
Ghazal No. 466: This cloak that I wear is pledged for the first wine.
Ghazal No. 467: From that wine of love, every raw soul is perfected.
Ghazal No. 468: Who will take my message to the kings, for I am but a beggar?
Ghazal No. 469: The scent of the cupbearer came, and my passion increased.
Ghazal No. 470: My heart is full of pain, alas, where is the remedy?
Ghazal No. 471: Who will bring the caress of my lover’s pen?
Ghazal No. 472: Praise be to God for the justice of the sultan.
Ghazal No. 473: Seize the time as much as you can.
Ghazal No. 474: I am your admirer, my dear, and I know that you know.
Ghazal No. 475: The people said that you are the second Joseph.
Ghazal No. 476: O breeze of the morning happiness! Know the sign that you know.
Ghazal No. 477: Two clever friends, and two portions of ancient wine.
Ghazal No. 478: Drink the cup of wine, it is yours.
Ghazal No. 479: It is morning, and the dew drips from the cloud of winter.
Ghazal No. 480: O you who show no mercy in killing us.
Ghazal No. 481: Listen to this point, that you free yourself from sorrow.
Ghazal No. 482: O heart, why do you not walk in the path of love?
Ghazal No. 483: In the morning, you walk the path in a land of dreams.
Ghazal No. 484: Unless you sit by a river, lost in desire.
Ghazal No. 485: O cupbearer, there is the shadow of a cloud, spring, and the bank of a stream.
Ghazal No. 487: O unaware one, strive to become the one who knows.
Ghazal No. 488: In the morning, the voice of the tavern calls for fortune.
Ghazal No. 489: In your face, the lights of kingship are visible.
Ghazal No. 490: In all the taverns of the magi, there is no one as mad as me.
Ghazal No. 491: I have made the moon's brow visible in my eyes.
Ghazal No. 492: A greeting like the fragrance of a familiar acquaintance.
Ghazal No. 493: O king of the beautiful ones, how much I suffer from the sorrow of loneliness.
Ghazal No. 494: O heart, if you escape from the pit of the mole on her chin.
Ghazal No. 495: Drink wine and scatter flowers, what else do you seek from life?
Ruba'i No. 1: Nothing but your image came to our sight. *(Attributed to several poets)
Ruba'i No. 2: Take the joyous wine and come.
Ruba'i No. 3: I said your lips, and they replied, 'My lips are the water of life.'
Ruba'i No. 4: The moon whose stature resembles the upright cypress.
Ruba'i No. 5: I placed my hand around your waist. *(Attributed to several poets)
Ruba'i No. 6: You are the full moon, and the sun has become your servant.
Ruba'i No. 7: Each day, my heart is burdened with another load.
Ruba'i No. 9: Tonight, I shall sleep in blood from your sorrow. *(Attributed to several poets)
Ruba'i No. 10: The tale of that radiant candle cannot be told.
Ruba'i No. 11: At first, it was loyalty that granted me union.
Ruba'i No. 12: The wealth of the world is not worth injustice.
Ruba'i No. 13: Every friend who spoke of loyalty became an enemy.
Ruba'i No. 14: When the bud of the rose prepares the wine jar.
Ruba'i No. 15: With wine, one must be by the stream.
Ruba'i No. 16: This flower comes from the presence of a companion.
Ruba'i No. 17: Have hope from the heavens in every way.
Ruba'i No. 18: It is the days of youth, and wine is better. *(Attributed to several poets)
Ruba'i No. 19: The beauties of the world can be captured with gold.
Ruba'i No. 20: The flood has surrounded the ruins of life.
Ruba'i No. 21: Do not take the love of the beloved's face away from my wretched self.
Ruba'i No. 22: I clung to her tresses out of need. *(Attributed to several poets)
Ruba'i No. 23: Ask about the bravery of the one who opened the gate of Khaibar.
Ruba'i No. 24: Your eyes, which are the master of Babylonian magic.
Ruba'i No. 25: O friend, draw your heart away from the enemy's cruelty.
Ruba'i No. 26: A moon whose beauty has no equal.
Ruba'i No. 27: In the garden, when the morning breeze becomes the nurse of flowers.
Ruba'i No. 28: Do not part your lips from the rim of the cup for a moment.
Ruba'i No. 29: I perished in longing for your kiss and embrace.
Ruba'i No. 30: I have wasted a lifetime in pursuit of desire.
Ruba'i No. 31: I have nothing to show for my life but sorrow.
Ruba'i No. 32: Why should you, like wine, boil over with grief?
Ruba'i No. 33: O bashful bud, hidden because of you. *(Attributed to several poets)
Ruba'i No. 34: Your eyes, which pour out charm and color.
Ruba'i No. 35: O wind, tell my tale to her in secret.
Ruba'i No. 36: O shadow of your tress, nurtured by jasmine. *(Attributed to several poets)
Ruba'i No. 37: You said, 'Do not worry; I will become yours.' *(Attributed to several poets)
Ruba'i No. 38: Place that goblet of joy in my hand.
Ruba'i No. 39: With a playful beauty, with the harp and reed flute.
Ruba'i No. 40: The one who decides heaven and hell, that solver of mysteries.
Ruba'i No. 41: If only fate had been kind.
Ruba'i No. 42: If, like me, you fall into this trap. *(Attributed to several poets)
No. 1: We departed, you know of our sorrowful heart - To what end does our bad fortune lead us?
No. 4: His sorrow has found shelter in my heart - My mind, like his locks, has turned to madness.
No. 6: The flask again slipped from my hand - Once again, the wine showed me its treachery.
No. 16: For travelers, love is enough as a guide - I made tears the pathway toward it.
No. 28: Alas for the robe of youthful beauty - If only it bore the embroidery of eternity.
No. 32: Your love is not trivial to be cast out from the heart. *(Attributed to several poets)
No. 33: O cupbearer, bring the goblet of wine. *(Attributed to several poets)
No. 34: May no one be as weary as I, afflicted by separation *(Attributed to several poets)
No. 35: The customs of disloyalty have emerged.
No. 36: Bring the wine and relieve me from intoxication.
No. 37: O breeze, you carry the scent of the beloved.
No. 38: Go, O ascetic, with the hope you have.
No. 39: This abode is a place of presence and a garden of peace.
No. 40: At night, from the minstrel who had a joyous heart.
No. 41: It would be kind if you do not hide your face from beggars. *(Attributed to several)
No. 42: Until your beauty calls the lovers to union.
No. 43: There is no place more beautiful than the alley of the tavern, where
No. 44: Since today in the world of goodness, success is attainable.
No. 45: Saqi, if you are inclined to us
No. 46: Go, O my physician, for I have no news from my head.
No. 47: My beloved and my soul-tender have taken my heart and soul. *(Attributed to several)
No. 48: It is the festival and the season of flowers, Saqi, bring wine.
No. 49: The day the heavens have forsaken me.
No. 50: Now that the garden has turned from a flower into a paradise.
No. 51: From that ancient wine, the farmer has nurtured it.
No. 52: The night has ended, and the story remains.
No. 53: Either my work will fulfill the desires of my wounded heart.
No. 54: The path of your quest is filled with the thorns of grief.
No. 55: I said you made a mistake, and the plan was not this. *(Attributed to several)
The Divan of Hafez (also spelled Hafiz) is one of the most celebrated works of Persian literature, composed by the 14th-century poet Shams al-Din Muhammad Hafez Shirazi. Let me provide a comprehensive overview of this masterpiece.
The Divan is a collection of approximately 500 ghazals (lyric poems), several qasidas (longer odes), rubais (quatrains), and other poetic forms. These poems were compiled after Hafez's death, as he never organized them himself during his lifetime.
The content of the Divan is remarkably multifaceted. At its surface level, the poems speak of love, wine, and nature, but they contain deeper mystical and philosophical meanings. Hafez masterfully employs several key themes:
1. Divine and Earthly Love: Hafez often blends romantic love with spiritual devotion, making it difficult to distinguish whether he's addressing a human beloved or the Divine.
2. Mysticism: His verses incorporate Sufi concepts and terminology, exploring the relationship between the human soul and God. He frequently uses wine as a metaphor for spiritual intoxication and divine love.
3. Social Criticism: Through clever wordplay and metaphor, Hafez criticizes religious hypocrisy and social injustice, particularly targeting self-righteous clerics and rulers.
The language of the Divan is characterized by its extraordinary complexity and beauty. Hafez employs various literary devices including:
- Ihaam (double entendre): Words or phrases with multiple meanings
- Paradox: Seemingly contradictory statements that reveal deeper truths
- Rich imagery: Drawing from nature, love, wine, and mystical traditions
- Complex metaphors: Layered references to both worldly and spiritual concepts
The Divan has had an enormous cultural impact, both within and beyond Iran:
- It is commonly used for bibliomancy (fal-e Hafez), where people open the book randomly for guidance
- It has influenced countless poets and writers across cultures
- Many of its verses have become proverbial expressions in Persian
- It has been translated into numerous languages, though translations often struggle to capture its full complexity
The structure of each ghazal typically follows classical Persian conventions:
- Between 7-14 couplets
- A consistent rhyme and meter throughout
- The poet's pen name (takhallus) appears in the final couplet
The Divan's enduring significance lies in its ability to speak to multiple audiences simultaneously:
- To mystics, it reveals spiritual truths
- To lovers, it expresses the depths of human emotion
- To intellectuals, it offers philosophical insights
- To linguists, it demonstrates the heights of Persian literary achievement
The manuscript tradition of the Divan is complex, with various versions and arrangements existing. The most authoritative modern editions are based on careful comparison of early manuscripts, though debates about certain verses' authenticity continue among scholars.
What makes the Divan particularly remarkable is its universal appeal despite its complexity. Even readers who don't grasp all its layers of meaning can appreciate its musical quality and emotional resonance. This universality has helped maintain its relevance for over 600 years.
The Divan continues to be studied, interpreted, and debated in academic circles while remaining deeply embedded in popular culture. It represents a unique bridge between classical and popular literature, between religious and secular poetry, and between Persian cultural heritage and universal human experiences.
In modern times, the Divan has gained renewed interest as scholars explore its relevance to contemporary issues, from spiritual seeking in a secular age to the role of art in social criticism. Its ability to speak to both traditional and modern sensibilities has ensured its ongoing significance in world literature.