Ghazal No. 231: I said I have sorrow for you, and he replied, 'Your sorrow will end.'

غزل شماره ۲۳۱: گفتم غم تو دارم گفتا غمت سرآید

I said I am afflicted by your sorrow, she said your sorrow will end

I said become my moon, she said if it rises

گفتم غم تو دارم گفتا غمت سر آید

گفتم که ماه من شو گفتا اگر برآید

I said learn loyalty from the lovers

She said this is less common among the beautiful ones

گفتم ز مهرورزان رسم وفا بیاموز

گفتا ز خوبرویان این کار کمتر آید

I said I will block the way of thought from your imagination

She said he is a night traveler, he will come from another path

گفتم که بر خیالت راه نظر ببندم

گفتا که شب رو است او از راه دیگر آید

I said the scent of your tresses led me astray

She said if you knew, he would be your guide

گفتم که بوی زلفت گمراه عالمم کرد

گفتا اگر بدانی هم اوت رهبر آید

I said how delightful is the air that rises with the morning breeze

She said how pleasant is the breeze that comes from the beloved's alley

گفتم خوشا هوایی کز باد صبح خیزد

گفتا خنک نسیمی کز کوی دلبر آید

I said your ruby lips killed me with desire

She said you serve, for he who nurtures servants will come

گفتم که نوش لعلت ما را به آرزو کشت

گفتا تو بندگی کن کو بنده پرور آید

I said when will your merciful heart decide to make peace

She said do not tell anyone until that time comes

گفتم دل رحیمت کی عزم صلح دارد

گفتا مگوی با کس تا وقت آن درآید

I said did you see how the time of joy ended

She said be silent, Hafez, for this sorrow will also end

گفتم زمان عشرت دیدی که چون سر آمد

گفتا خموش حافظ کاین غصه هم سر آید