Ghazal No. 315: Except that religion and knowledge have slipped from my grasp
غزل شماره ۳۱۵: به غیر از آن که بشد دین و دانش از دستم
Other than losing my religion and knowledge
Come and tell me what benefit I gained from your love
به غیر از آن که بشد دین و دانش از دستم
بیا بگو که ز عشقت چه طرف بربستم
Even though the harvest of my life was blown away by your sorrow
By the dust of your dear feet, I did not break my vow
اگر چه خرمن عمرم غم تو داد به باد
به خاک پای عزیزت که عهد نشکستم
Though I am insignificant like a particle, see me with the grace of love
That in the desire for your face, I am joined with affection
چو ذره گر چه حقیرم ببین به دولت عشق
که در هوای رخت چون به مهر پیوستم
Bring the wine, for it has been a lifetime that I
Have not sat in the corner of safety for the sake of pleasure
بیار باده که عمریست تا من از سر امن
به کنج عافیت از بهر عیش ننشستم
If you are among the wise people, O advisor
Do not throw your words to the ground, for I am intoxicated
اگر ز مردم هشیاری ای نصیحتگو
سخن به خاک میفکن چرا که من مستم
How can I raise my head in shame before the friend
When a deserving service did not come from my hands
چگونه سر ز خجالت برآورم بر دوست
که خدمتی به سزا برنیامد از دستم
Hafez burned and that kind beloved did not say
That I will send a balm for his troubled mind
بسوخت حافظ و آن یار دلنواز نگفت
که مرهمی بفرستم که خاطرش خستم
Ghazal No. 315: Except that religion and knowledge have slipped from my grasp
Book: Divan of Hafez