Ghazal No. 405: By the soul of the old man of the tavern and the truth of his company.

غزل شماره ۴۰۵: به جان پیر خرابات و حق صحبت او

By the life of the old master of the tavern and the right of his companionship

There is nothing in my head but the desire to serve him

به جان پیر خرابات و حق صحبت او

که نیست در سر من جز هوای خدمت او

Though paradise is not a place for sinners

Bring wine, for I am supported by his ambition

بهشت اگر چه نه جای گناهکاران است

بیار باده که مستظهرم به همت او

May the lightning lamp of that bright cloud shine

For it set the fire of his love to our harvest

چراغ صاعقه آن سحاب روشن باد

که زد به خرمن ما آتش محبت او

If you see a head at the threshold of the tavern

Do not kick it, for its intention is unknown

بر آستانه میخانه گر سری بینی

مزن به پای که معلوم نیست نیت او

Come, for last night the heavenly messenger of the unseen world

Gave the glad tidings that his grace is universal

بیا که دوش به مستی سروش عالم غیب

نوید داد که عام است فیض رحمت او

Do not look at me with disdain, for I am drunk

For sin and piety are not without his will

مکن به چشم حقارت نگاه در من مست

که نیست معصیت و زهد بی مشیت او

My heart does not incline towards asceticism and repentance, but

Let us strive in the name of the master and the grandeur of his fortune

نمی‌کند دل من میل زهد و توبه ولی

به نام خواجه بکوشیم و فر دولت او

Hafez's cloak is always pawned for wine

Perhaps his nature is from the dust of the tavern

مدام خرقه حافظ به باده در گرو است

مگر ز خاک خرابات بود فطرت او