Ghazal No. 478: Drink the cup of wine, it is yours.
غزل شماره ۴۷۸: نوش کن جام شراب یک منی
Drink a cup of wine, one man (measure),
So that you may uproot sorrow from your heart with it.
نوش کن جام شراب یک منی
تا بدان بیخ غم از دل برکنی
Keep your heart open like a cup of wine,
How long will you be closed like a wine jar of the world?
دل گشاده دار چون جام شراب
سر گرفته چند چون خم دنی
When you draw a large cup from the cup of selflessness,
You will boast less about yourself.
چون ز جام بیخودی رطلی کشی
کم زنی از خویشتن لاف منی
Be like stone in steadfastness, not like water,
All (water) is color mixing and fickleness.
سنگسان شو در قدم نی همچو آب
جمله رنگ آمیزی و تردامنی
Tie your heart to wine so that, like a man,
You may break the neck of hypocrisy and piety (that is not genuine).
دل به می دربند تا مردانه وار
گردن سالوس و تقوا بشکنی
Arise and strive like Hafez, so that perhaps,
You may cast yourself at the feet of the beloved.
خیز و جهدی کن چو حافظ تا مگر
خویشتن در پای معشوق افکنی
Ghazal No. 478: Drink the cup of wine, it is yours.
Book: Divan of Hafez