No. 26: By the glory of the world-illuminating reign of Shah Shuja - Who had no quarrel with anyone over wealth or status.
شماره ۲۶: به فر دولت گیتی فروز شاه شجاع - که با کسم نبود بهر مال و جاه نزاع
By the glory of the world-illuminating reign of Shah Shuja,
That I have no quarrel with anyone for wealth and position.
به فر دولت گیتی فروز شاه شجاع
که با کسم نبود بهر مال و جاه نزاع
Bring wine, for how brightly the sun of occupation shines,
So that the blessing of its rays reaches even the dervish's hut.
بیار می که چه خورشید مشغل افروزد
رسد به کلبه درویش نیز فیض شعاع
Honesty and a good companion are enough for me from the world,
For other than this, all are causes of discord and headache.
صراحتی و حریفی خوشم زدنیا بس
که غیر از این همه اسباب تفرقست و صداع
Go, O scholar, exchange this piety for a cup (of wine),
For I am an obedient servant, not a king to be obeyed.
برو ادیب به جامی بدل کن این شفقت
که من غلام مطیعم نه پادشاه مطاع
Love sends me from the mosque to the tavern,
The wine companion has arrived; farewell, O companion of repentance!
ز مسجدم به خرابات میفرستد عشق
حریف باده رسید ای رفیق توبه وداع
The times do not buy any skill; I have nothing other than this,
Where should I go to trade with this depreciated merchandise?
هنر نمی خرد ایام غیر از اینم نیست
کجا روم به تجارت بدین کساد متاع
I have become weary of Hafez's asceticism and his pretenses,
Prepare the lute and sing ghazals, for I am going to ecstatic dance.
ز زهد حافظ و طامات او ملول شدم
بساز رود و غزل خوان که می روم به سماع
No. 26: By the glory of the world-illuminating reign of Shah Shuja - Who had no quarrel with anyone over wealth or status.
Book: Divan of Hafez