No. 37: O breeze, you carry the scent of the beloved.

شماره ۳۷: ای باد نسیم یار داری - زآن نفحه مشکبار داری

O gentle breeze, you carry the scent of the beloved,

From that musk-laden breath you possess.

ای باد نسیم یار داری

زآن نفحهٔ مشکبار داری

Beware! Do not be presumptuous,

What business do you have with her tresses?

زنهار! مکن درازدستی

با طرهٔ او چه کار داری؟

O flower! Where are you compared to her beautiful face?

She is musk, and you carry thorns.

ای گل! تو کجا و روی زیباش

او مشک و تو بار خار داری

O narcissus! Where are you compared to her intoxicated eyes?

She is joyful, and you are hungover.

نرگس! تو کجا و چشم مستش

او سرخوش و تو خمار داری

O basil! Where are you compared to her verdant down?

She is fresh, and you are dusty.

ریحان! تو کجا و خط سبزش

او تازه و تو غبار داری

O cypress! With your tall stature,

What standing do you have in the garden (compared to her)?

ای سرو! تو با قد بلندش

در باغ چه اعتبار داری

O reason! With the presence of her love,

What choice do you have in hand?

ای عقل! تو با وجود عشقش

در دست چه اختیار داری؟

One day you will reach union, Hafez,

If you have the patience to wait!

روزی برسی به وصل! حافظ

گر طاقت انتظار داری!