No. 8: My affairs find no order from the wheel of fate - My heart has turned to blood from pain, yet no cure comes.

شماره ۸: کارم ز دور چرخ به سامان نمی‌رسد - خون شد دلم ز درد، به درمان نمی‌رسد

My affairs are not being put in order by the turning of the wheel of fortune,

My heart has become blood from pain, and there is no access to a cure.

کارم ز دور چرخ به سامان نمی‌رسد

خون شد دلم ز درد، به درمان نمی‌رسد

I am equal to the dust of the road due to humiliation,

The water of my face (my honor) is flowing away, and bread (sustenance) does not reach me.

با خاک ره ز روی مذلت برابرم

آب رخم همی‌رود و نان نمی‌رسد

I do not seek a morsel from any bone (I do not beg from anyone),

Until a hundred thousand wounds reach my teeth (until I am completely desperate).

پی‌پاره‌ای نمی‌کنم از هیچ استخوان

تا صدهزار زخم به دندان نمی‌رسد

I am weary of my own life, by the heads of the righteous, but,

What can the helpless one do when no decree (from fate) arrives?

سیرم ز جان خود به سر راستان ولی

بیچاره را چه چاره چو فرمان نمی‌رسد

If my heart has become a storehouse of sorrow, it is from longing,

Alas, my desires are not easily attained.

از آرزوست گشته گر انبار غم دلم

آوخ که آرزوی من ارزان نمی‌رسد

Jacob's two eyes became white from longing (for Joseph),

And no news from Egypt reaches Canaan.

یعقوب را دو دیده ز حسرت سپید گشت

وآوازه‌ای ز مصر به کنعان نمی‌رسد

Through the pomp of the ignorant, they have reached Saturn (high status),

Only the sighs of the virtuous reach Saturn.

از حشمت اهل جهل به کیوان رسیده‌اند

جز آه اهل فضل به کیوان نمی‌رسد

Because of the tyranny of time, the virtuous,

This sorrow is enough that their hand does not reach their soul (they are helpless).

از دستبرد جور زمان اهل فضل را

این غصه بس که دست سوی جان نمی‌رسد

Hafez, be patient, for in the path of love,

Whoever does not give their life does not reach the beloved.

حافظ صبور باش که در راه عاشقی

هر کس که جان نداد به جانان نمی‌رسد