The introduction (دیباچه) to Hafez's Divan

مقدّمهٔ جمع آورندهٔ دیوان حافظ

Infinite praise and endless glorification and immeasurable thanks to the Lord whose permission and will controls the collection of sustenance-providers' works. The Unique One whose raising of the seven layers is a sign of His causeless wisdom. The Wise One who made the sugar-eating parrot of human faculty speak the heart-opening words 'Indeed, some eloquence is magic' in front of the mirror of contemplating the brides of meanings. The Knower who brought the melodious nightingale of language in the narrow cage of mouth to sing 'Indeed, in poetry there is wisdom' through the power of minds.

حمد بی‌حدّ و ثنای بی‌عدّ و سپاس بی‌قیاس خداوندی را که جمع دیوان حافظان ارزاق به پروانهٔ سلطان ارادت و مشیّت اوست. بی‌مانندی که رفع بنیان سبع طِباق نشانهٔ عرفان حکمت بی‌علّت اوست. حکیمی که طوطی شکرخای ناطقهٔ انسانی را در محاذات آیینهٔ تأمّل عرایس معانی به ادای دل‌گشای «اِنَّ مِنَ البَیٰانِ لَسِحْراً» گویا کرد. علیمی که بلبل دستان سرای خوش نوای زبان را در قفس تنگِ دهان بقوّت اذهان در ترنّم و تنغِّم اِنَّ مِنَ الشَعر لَحِکْمَةً آورد.

That Nurturer of servants who placed the tongue in mouth

Placed the pearl of speech in every language's shell

آن بنده‌پروری که زبان در دهان نهاد

درّ کلام در صدف هر زبان نهاد

To the soul He gave from grace a sweet delicate food

For the heart He placed joy from words in expression

جان را ز لطفِ عذب غذایی لطیف داد

دل را مفرّحی ز سخن در بیان نهاد

In the sea of chest, He nurtured the pearl of meanings

In the mine of nature, He placed endless rubies of speech

در بحر سینه، درّ معانی بپرورید

دَر کانِ طبع، لعلِ سخن، بی‌کران نهاد

And infinite arranged jewels of blessings, and scattered pearls of endless salutations be upon the triumphant spirit and expanded chest of the eloquent one who delivered the soul-enhancing call 'I am the most eloquent of Arabs and non-Arabs' to the hearing of the inhabitants of the dusty earth and travelers under the green dome, and from the fragrant breeze of the soul-nurturing 'Indeed, the Holy Spirit has breathed into my heart,' made the souls of the living-hearted in both worlds fragrant and refreshed, and adorned the locks of the brides of speech with the aid of 'Indeed, I have been given the Quran and its like with it,' and decorated the neck and ears of heart's treasures with the soul-enhancing benefits and miracle-showing precious pearls of 'I have been given the comprehensive words' of his pearl-scattering speech.

و جواهر منظومِ صلوات بی‌نهایات، و زواهر منثورِ تحیّات بی‌منتهی و غایات نثار روح برفتوح و صدر مشروحِ زبان آوری که ندای جان‌فزای «اَنَا اَفْصَحُ العَرَبِ وَ العَجَمِ بمسامع سکنهٔ مَضَلّهٔ غَبْراء و سَفَرهٔ مَظَلّهٔ خَضْراء» رسانید، و از شمیم نسیم روح پرورِ «اِنَّ رُوحَ القُدُسِ نَفَثَ فِی رُوعِی» مشام جان زنده‌دلان در دو جهان معطّر و مروّح گردانید، و سر زلف عروسان سخن را به دست‌یاری «اَلَا اِنِّی اُوِتیتُ القُرْآنَ وَ مِثْلَهُ مَعَهُ» حسن بیان او پیراست، و گردن و گوش خزاین دل‌ها بدر فواید جان‌فزای و غرر فراید معجز‌نمایِ «اُوِتیتُ جَوامِعَ الکَلِمِ» لفظ گهربار او آراست.

I mean the prophetic presence, the master of the realm of wisdom, the preface of the book of rhetoric, the truthful proof of 'Sad. By the Quran containing reminder,' the owner of the collection of 'We did not teach him poetry,' the chief of the prophets' scroll, the verse of the chosen ones' ode, Muhammad Mustafa, upon whom be the most excellent blessings and the most perfect, pure, and blessed salutations.

اعنی جناب رسالت‌مآب، خواجهٔ کشور دانائی، دیباچهٔ دفتر سخن‌آرائی، صادقْ برهانِ «ص وَ القُرْآنِ ذِی الذِّکْر»، صاحب دیوانِ «وَ مَا عَلَّمْنَاهُ الشِّعْرَ»، صدر جریدهٔ انبیا، بیت قصیدهٔ اصفیا، محمّد مصطفی علیه افضل الصّلوات و اکمل التّحیّات الزّاکیات المبارکات.

The eye and light of all messengers, guide of paths

Sultan of the four-cushioned palace of the chosen ones

چشم و چراغ جمع رسُل هادی سبل

سلطان چار بالش ایوان اصفیا

Treasury of the truths of universal secrets

Collection of the noble ethics of prophets

گنجینهٔ حقایق اسرار کاینات

مجموعهٔ مکارم اخلاق انبیا

His hand the ocean of generosity, his breath the elixir of knowledge

His speech the place of truth, his heart the mine of purity

دستش محیط جود و دمش کیمیای علم

نطقش مکان صدق و دلش معدن صفا

And endless salutations and infinite greetings be upon the pure spirits and holy forms of the masses of his family and companions and the famous men and beloved ones who placed the adorning saddle on the gracefully-walking steed of expression and the swift horse of metaphor and allegory, and pranced in the field of eloquence, and with the polo stick of fluency and rhetoric stole the ball of artistry and rhetoric from the eloquent orators and writers of far and near, until they delivered the sound of prophetic fame and the call of majestic voice 'Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and those with him are firm against the disbelievers' to the conscious ears of the eloquent ones of the world and the rhetoricians of all nations

و درود بی‌کران و تحیّات بی‌پایان بر ارواح طیّبه و اشباح طاهرهٔ جماهیر آل و اصحاب و مشاهیر رجال و احباب او باد که سمند خوش‌خرام عبارت و رخش تیزگام مجاز و استعارت را زینِ تزیین بر نهاده، و در میدان بیان جولان نموده، و به چوگان فصاحت و بلاغت گوی هنروری و سخن‌دانی از مصاقع خطبا و ادباء اقاصی و ادانی در ربودند، تا صدای صِیت رسالت و ندای صوت جلالتِ «مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ اللّٰهِ وَ اَلّذِینَ مَعَهُ اَشِدَّاءُ عَلَی الکُفَّارِ» به گوش هوش فصحاء اطراف عالم و بلغاء اکناف امم رسانیدند

The spearhead of tongue and sword of expression 'And the poets - [only] the deviators follow them' remained in the sheath of weariness and dullness from the awe of prophetic majesty, and the famous ones of the battle line

سنان لسان و تیغ بیانِ «وَ الشُّعَرَاءُ یَتَّبِعْهُمُ الغَاوُونَ» از هیبت جلالِ نُبُوّت در غِمْد کَلال وَ نبْوَت بماند، و مشاهیرِ صفِّ قتالِ

They cast with long sermons, and at times

The revelation of glances, for fear of the watchers

یَرْمُونَ بِالخُطَبِ الطِّوَالِ وَ تَارَةً

وَحْیَ المَلَاحِظِ خِیفَة الرُّقَبَاءِ

At the time of challenge and dispute, they drew the shield of inability and supplication in the face of argument, [admitting] that 'they could not produce the like of it, even if they backed up one another'

هنگام تحدّی و جدال از معارضه و مقابلهٔ ایشان سپر عجز و ابتهال در روی قیل و قال کشیدند که «لاَیَأْتُونَ بمِثْلِهِ وَ لَوْ کَانَ بَعْضُهُمْ لِبَعْضٍ ظَهِیراً»

May their spirits be immersed in salutations and praise

As long as the day has light and the candle has radiance

مستغرق درود و ثنا باد روحشان

تا روز را فروغ بود شمع را شعاع

It is not hidden from the critics of the path of rhetoric and the jewelers in the daily market of virtue and excellence, the renowned ones of the realm of speech and the horsemen of the field of intelligence and wisdom, the travelers of the paths of poetry and prose and the owners of the kingdoms of poetic subtleties, that the jewel of speech in its essence is highly valuable and pure, and versified speech in itself is greatly precious and costly. In the shop of possibility, no merchandise more valuable than it can be bought, and in the market of ages, no goods loftier than it can be seen. The money-changer of intellect finds no currency dearer than it in the hand of heart, and the painter of thought sees no image more beautiful than it in the veil of imagination.

بر نقّادان رَسْتهٔ بلاغت و جوهریان روز بازارِ فضل و براعت، نامداران خِطّهٔ سخن و شه‌سواران عرصهٔ ذَکَا و فَطَن، سالکان مسالک نظم و نثر و مالکان ممالک دقایق شعر پوشیده نیست که گوهر سخن در اصل خویش سخت قیمتی و با صفا، و کلام منظوم در نفس خود عظیم نفیس و گران‌بهاست. در دکّان امکان هیچ متاعی ازو گران‌مایه‌تر نتوان خرید، و در بازار اَدْوار هیچ بضاعت ازو با رفعت‌تر نتوان دید. صیرفی خرد را نقدی از آن عزیرتر به دست دل نیاید، و نقش‌بند فکرت را صورتی از آن زیباتر در پردهٔ خیال رخ ننماید.

None know the weight and measure of this royal pearl except the perfect sages, and none recognize the worth and value of this full-standard currency except the wise jewelers.

وزن و مقدار این درّ شاه‌وار ندانند الّا خردمندان کامل، و قدر و اعتبار این نقدِ تمام عیار نشناسند الّا جوهریان عاقل.

If there were a jewel beyond speech

It would have descended in place of speech

گر بدی گوهری ورای سخن

آن فرود آمدی به جای سخن

And it is a field that cannot be crossed except by the forerunners of minds, and a scale that cannot be lifted except by the hands of insightful expression. However, the artistry of speech styles and the variety of prose and verse compositions are many and countless, and the difference in states of speakers and the contrast in degrees of artists is according to the correspondence of souls and natures and the observance of conformity with customs and conditions.

وَ هُوَ مَیْدَانٌ لایُقْطَعُ اِلَّا بسَوَابِقِ الأذْهَانِ، وَ مِیزَانٌ لَایُرْفَعُ اِلَّا بِاَیْدِی بَصَائِرِ البَیَانِ، امّا تفنّن اسالیب کلام و تنوّع تراکیب نثر و نظام بسیار و بی‌شمارست، و تفاوت حالات سخنوران و تباین درجات هنرپروران بحسب مناسبت نفوس و طباع و رعایت موافقت رسوم و اوضاع بُوَد،

And it has been said that eloquence is not in lengthening the reins of the pen and its points, or extending the race of speech and its field, but rather it is in reaching the intended goal with precise words and unique meanings. Every skilled poet who reaches the essence of this point and becomes aware of the clarity of this matter, his expression's countenance gains freshness and the beauty of his speech accepts elegance, until it reaches a point where one of his verses becomes equivalent to an ode, and one of his ghazals takes the place of a whole collection, and from a piece receives a territory's grant, and for a quatrain collects tribute from a quarter of the inhabited world.

وَ قَدْ قِیلَ لَیْسَتِ البَلَاغَةُ اَنْ یُطَالَ عِنَانُ القَلَمِ وَ اَسنْنَانُهُ اَوْ یُبْسَطَ رِهَانُ القَوْلِ وَ مَیْدَانُهُ، بَلْ هِیَ اَنْ یُبْلَغَ اَمَدُ المُرَادِ، بِاَلْفَاظٍ اَعْیَانٍ وَ مَعَانٍ اَفْرَادٍ، هر شاعر ماهر که بکنه این نکته رسد و بر جلیّهٔ این قضیّه واقف شود رخسارهٔ عبارت او نضارت گیرد و جمال مقالت او طراوت پذیرد، تا بجائی رسد که یک بیت او نایب مناب قصیدهٔ شود، و یک غزل او واقع موقع دیوانی گردد، و از قطعهٔ مملکتی اِقْطاع یابد، و برباعئی از ربع مسکون خراج ستاند،

When the rhyme-measurers draw their pens

They draw the treasure of both worlds into speech

قافیه سنجان چو قلم برکشند

گنج دو عالم بسخن در کشند

Especially the key that belongs to the treasure's door

Is under the tongue of the speech-weighing man

خاصه کلیدی که درِ گنج راست

زیر زبان مرد سخن سنج راست

And without affectation, the essence of these words and the specialist of these preliminaries was the angelic-natured being, the great blessed master, the deceased martyr, pride of scholars, teacher of accomplished literati, mine of spiritual subtleties, treasury of divine knowledge, Shams al-Milla wa al-Din Muhammad al-Hafiz al-Shirazi - may Allah perfume his grave and elevate his rank in the holy world.

و بی‌تکلّف مخلص این کلمات و متخصّص این مقدّمات ذات ملک صفات مولانا الأعظم السّعید، المرحوم الشهید، مفخر العلماء، استاد نحاریر الأدباء، معدن اللّطائف الرّوحانیّة، مخزن المعارف السّبحانیّة، شمس الملّة و الدّین محمّد الحافظ الشّیرازی بود طیّب اللّه تُرْبَتَه، و رفع فی عالم القدس رُتْبَتَهُ،

Whose flowing poetry is the envy of the water of life, and whose creative thoughts are the jealousy of heavenly maidens and youths, whose heart-attracting verses abrogate the words of Sahban, and whose grace-mixed compositions make one forget the beneficence of Hassan.

که اشعار آبدارش رشک چشمهٔ حیوان، و بنات افکارش غیرت حوق و ولدانست، ابیات دلاویزش ناسخ سخنان سَحْبان و منشآت لطف آمیزش مُنْسیِ احسان حَسّان،

Like the arrangement of pearls and the garden of Paradise

And the peace of heart and the sweetness of sleep

کَنَظْمِ الجُمَانِ وَ رَوْضِ الجِنَانِ

وَ اَمْنِ الفُؤَادِ وَ طیِبِ الرُّقَادِ

He made the taste of common people sweet with firm words, and kept the mouth of the elite savory with clear meanings, opened the doors of familiarity to both the people of the apparent and added materials of enlightenment for the people of the hidden, spoke appropriate words for every occasion, and created a strange novelty for every subtle meaning, spent many meanings with few words, and included various innovations in the jewel box of composition.

مذاق عوام را بلفظ متین شیرین کرده، و دهان خواص را بمعنی مبین نمکین داشته، هم اصحاب ظاهر را بدو ابواب آشنائی گشوده، و هم ارباب باطن را ازو موادّ روشنائی افزوده، در هر واقعهٔ سخنی مناسبِ حال گفته، و برای هر معنی لطیف غریبهٔ انگیخته، و معانی بسیار بلفظ اندک خرج کرده، و انواع اِبداع در دُرْج انشا دَرْج کرده،

Sometimes he kept the intoxicated ones of love's alley on the path of romance and flirtation, and shattered their glass of patience on the stone of instability:

گاه سرخوشان کوی محبّت را بر جادّهٔ معاشقت و نظربازی داشته و شیشهٔ صبر ایشان بر سنگ بی‌ثباتی زده:

Wash away the pages if you are our fellow student

For the science of love is not in books

بشوی اوراق اگر هم‌درس مایی

که علم عشق در دفتر نباشد

And sometimes he encouraged the dregs-drinkers of the tavern of devotion to attend to the elder of the Magian temple and to dwell near the sacred house of the tavern:

و گاه دُردی کشان مصطبهٔ ارادت را بملازمت پیر دیر مغان و مجاورت بیت الحرام خرابات ترغیب کرده:

As long as there remains any trace of the tavern and wine

Our head will be the dust of the Magian elder's path

تا ز میخانه و می نام و نشان خواهد بود

سر ما خاک ره پیر مغان خواهد بود

The outpouring of his gentle nature, which has the quality of 'This is sweet, palatable drinking water,' encompasses both the elite and common people, and the benefit of his overflowing grace's effects, like 'a niche within which is a lamp,' is evident and radiant to those far and near. His lawful magic nature has tied knots in the speaking tongue, and his arranged necklace of thought has outweighed the merchandise of sea and mine. The drops from the springs of his brilliant mind have given freshness to the gardens of intimate gatherings with the quality of 'flowing water and from water is every living thing.'

افاضت سلسال طبع لطیفش که حکم هٰذَا عَذْبٌ فُرَاتْ سَائِغٌ شَرَابُهُ دارد خاص و عام را شامل و شایع است، و افادت آثار فضل فیّاضش کَمِشْکوٰةٍ فِیهَا مِصْبَاحٌ اقاصی و ادانی را لایح و ساطع، سِحْرِ حلال طبعش عقده در زبان ناطق افکنده، و عِقْدِ منظوم فکرتش وزن متاع بحر و کان برده، رشحات ینابیع ذهن وقّادش حدائق مجلس انس را بزُلال مَعِینِ وَ مِنَ المَاءِ کُلَّ شَیٍ حَیٍّ صفت نضارت بخشیده،

And the fragrances of his thought's garden have revealed in the meadows of souls the meaning of the verse 'So observe the effects of the mercy of Allah - how He gives life to the earth after its lifelessness.' His eloquent words, like the breath of Jesus, have given life to the dead heart, and the drops of his Khidr-like pen have shown the white hand on the throne of speech. It's as if the air of commerce gained gentleness from the breeze of his character, and the cheek of rose and wild rose took beauty and freshness from his flowing poetry, and the height of box tree and the heart-attracting stature of the free cypress accepted balance and swaying from the uprightness of his opinion:

و نفحات گلزار فکرش در ریاض جانها معنی آیت فَانْظُرْ اِلَی آثارِ رِحْمَةِ اللّهِ کَیْفَ یُحْییِ الأَرْضَ بَعْد مَوْتِها فاش کرده، کلمات فصیحش چون انفاس مسیح دل مرده را حیات بخشیده، و رشحات اقلام خضر خاصیّتش بر سریر سخن ید بیضا نموده، گوئی هوای بیع کسب لطافت از نسیم اخلاق او کرده، و عذار گلن و نسرین زیب و طراوت از شعر آبدار او گرفته، و قدّ شمشاد و قامت دلجوی سرو آزاد اعتدال و اهتزاز از استقامت رای او پذیرفته:

Why do you envy Hafez, O weak-versed one

The acceptance of mind and grace of speech is God-given

حسد چه می‌بری ای سست‌نظم بر حافظ

قبول خاطر و لطف سخن خدادادست

And without affectation, every pearl and jewel that existed in the corner of nature's jeweler shop, he strung in the thread of poetry for the adornment of the maidens in the private chamber of his consciousness. Inevitably, when he saw himself adorned with the garment and dress of expression and the ornament of metaphor, he opened his tongue in claim and said:

و بی‌تکلّف هر درّ و گوهر که در طرف دکّان جوهری طبیعت موجود بود از بهر زیب و زینت دوشیزگان خلوت سرای ضمیرش در سلک نظم کشیده، لاجرم چون خود را بلباس و کسوت عبارت و حلیهٔ استعارت آراسته دید زبان بدعوی برگشاد و گفت:

The era of Majnun has passed and it's our turn

Everyone has their turn for five days

دور مجنون گذشت و نوبت ماست

هرکسی پنج روز نوبت اوست

And he engaged with both friends and opponents in playfulness and elegance, and arranged gatherings in the assembly of the elite and common people and in the private chambers of religion and state for king and beggar and scholar and layman, and in every station he mixed in disturbances and stirred up excitements,

و با موافق و مخالف بطنّازی و رعنائی درآویخته و در مجلس خواص و عوام و خلوت‌سرای دین و دولت پادشاه و گدا و عالم و عامی بزمها ساخته و در هر مقامی شَغَبها آمیخته و شورها انگیخته،

Hafez the recluse went to the tavern last night

He broke his covenant and became intimate with the wine cup

حافظ خلوت‌نشین دوش به میخانه شد

از سر پیمان برفت با سر پیمانه شد

And since they were protected and guarded from the taint of doubt and the calamity of desire, and no stranger's hand of interference had reached the hem of their chastity, and no one had pulled down the corner of their modesty's lock with the fingertip of betrayal, and the countenance of their conditions remained preserved in the protection of chastity and the amulet of trust from the shame of disgrace and the distress of reproach, as they have said:

و چون از شایبهٔ شبهت و غایلهٔ شهوت مصون و محروس بودند و دست تصرّف بیگانه بدامن عصمتشان نرسیده، و گوشهٔ طرّهٔ عفّتشان بسر انگشت خیانت کسی فرو نکشیده، و رخسارهٔ احوالشان از خجلت عار و ضجرت طعن در صون عصمت و حرز امانت محفوظ مانده چنانکه گفته‌اند:

If I am of sullied skirt, what wonder

The whole world bears witness to his chastity

گر من آلوده‌دامنم چه عجب

همه عالم گواه عصمت اوست

Inevitably, the riding beasts of his world-conquering ghazals reached the furthest parts of Turkestan and India in the shortest time, and the caravans of his heart-pleasing words spread to the regions and corners of the two Iraqs and Azerbaijan in the least time. It blew like the blowing of wind and crept like the creeping of Christ, nay, it traveled like the travel of proverbs and journeyed like the journey of imagination. The Sufis' sama would not warm up without his passion-stirring ghazal, and the wine-worshippers' gathering would not find splendor without the relish of his taste-mixing words.

لاجرم رواحل غزلهای جهانگیرش در ادنی مدّتی باقصای ترکستان و هندوستان رسیده، و قوافل سخنهای دلپذیرش در اقلّ زمانی باطراف و اکناف عراقین و آذربایجان کشیده، قَدْ هَبَّ هُبُوبَ الرِّیح و دَبَّ دَبِیبَ المَسیحِ بَلْ سَارَ مَسِیرَ الأَمْثَالِ وَ سَرَی سُرَی الخَیَالِ سماع صوفیان بی غزل شور انگیز او گرم نشدی و مجلس می پرستان بی نُقْل سخن ذوق‌آمیز او رونق نیافتی،

Hafez's ghazal-composing reached such heights that the heavens

Forgot Venus's melody in Paradise's minstrelsy

غزل‌سرایی حافظ بدان رسید که چرخ

نوای زهره به رامشگری بهشت از یاد

He did justice to speech in ghazal in such a way

That no poet ever did such justice to verse

بداد داد سخن در غزل بدان وجهی

که هیچ شاعر از آنگونه داد نظم نداد

When you memorize his sweet flowing poetry, you say

May a thousand divine mercies be upon Hafez's soul

چو شعر عذب روانش ز بر کنی گویی

هزار رحمت حق بر روان حافظ باد

However, due to his preservation of Quran lessons, and adherence to piety and benevolence, and discussion of Kashshaf and Miftah, and study of Matali and Misbah, and acquisition of literary rules, and investigation of Arab collections, he did not attend to gathering the scattered ghazals and did not occupy himself with compiling and recording the verses,

امّا بواسطهٔ محافظت درس قرآن، و ملازمت بر تقوی و احسان، و بحث کشّاف و مفتاح، و مطالعهٔ مطالع و مصباح، و تحصیل قوانین ادب، و تجسّس دواوین عرب، بجمع اَشْتات غزلیّات نپرداخت و بتدوین و اِثْبات ابیات مشغول نشد،

And the writer of this page - may Allah forgive his past [the humblest of creatures Muhammad Gulandam (or: Gul-andam)] - in the religious school of our master and leader, teacher of mankind, support of the nation and religion, Abdullah - may Allah elevate his ranks in the highest heavens - whenever the discussion turned to what we mentioned, he would say during the conversation that all these precious benefits should be strung in one necklace and these brilliant pearls should be joined in one thread so that they become a necklace for the neck of the existence of the people of the time and an amulet for the sash of the brides of the era,

و مسوّد این ورق عفا اللّه عنه ما سبق [اقلّ انام محمّد گلندام (یا: گل اندام)] در درس‌گاه دین پناه مولانا و سیّدنا استاد البشر قوام الملّة و الدّین عبداللّه اعلی اللّه درجاته فی اعلی علّیّین بکرّات و مرّات که بماذکره رفتی در اثناء محاوره گفتی که این فراید فواید را همه در یک عِقْد می‌باید کشید و این غرر درر را در یک سلک می‌باید پیوست تا قلادهٔ جید وجود اهل زمان و تمیمهٔ وِشاح عروسان دوران گردد،

And that honorable one would refer the raising of this building to the crookedness of time and would make excuses about the treachery of the people of the age until in the year seven hundred and ninety-two he entrusted the deposit of life to the agents of fate and destiny and carried the belongings of existence out from the narrow corridor of death and his pure soul became associated with the dwellers of the higher world and became the companion of the pure-faced houris,

و آن جناب حوالت رفع ترفیع این بنا بر ناراستی روزگار کردی و بغَدْر اهل عصر عُذْر آوردی تا در تاریخ سنهٔ اثنی و تسعین و سبعمائة ودیعت حیات بموکّلان قضا و قدر سپرد و رخت وجود از دهلیز تنگ اجل بیرون برد و روح پاکش با ساکنان عالم علوی قرین شد و همخوابهٔ پاکیزه رویان حورالعین گشت،

In the year of ba and sad and dhal in abjad

From the day of Ahmad's blessed migration

به سال باء و صاد و ذال ابجد

ز روز هجرت میمون احمد

Towards the highest paradise departed

The unique of the age, Shams al-Din Muhammad

به سوی جنّت اعلی روان شد

فرید عهد شمس الدّین محمّد

When I passed by his pure earth

I observed the purity and light of his tomb

به خاک پاک او چون برگذشتم

نگه کردم صفا و نور مرقد

And after some time, the precedents of companionship rights, and the necessities of love's covenants, and the encouragement of pure-hearted dear ones, and the urging of faithful friends, whose faces' radiance gives beauty to the page of circumstances, and whose good upbringing brings perfection to the goods of virtues, became the carrier and cause for this poor one to arrange this book and organize these chapters,

و بعد از مدّتی سوابق حقوق صحبت، و لوازم عهود محبّت، و ترغیب عزیزان با صفا، و تحریض دوستان باوفا، که صحیفهٔ حال از فروغ روی ایشان جمال گیرد، و بضاعت افضال بحسن تربیت ایشان کمال پذیرد، حامل و باعث این فقیر شد بر ترتیب این کتاب و تبویب این ابواب،

Hope in the generosity of the Bestower of existence and the Dispenser of goodness and bounty that He will grant the speaker and transmitter and compiler and listener, during these circumstances and in the midst of this occupation, a fresh life and boundless joy, and overlook the stumbles through encompassing grace and perfect kindness, for He is indeed capable of that and worthy of response.

امید بکرم واهب الوجود و مفقض الخیر و الجود آنکه قائل و ناقل و جامع و سامع را در خلال این احوال و اثنای این اشتغال حیاتی تازه و مسرّتی بی‌اندازه کرامت گرداند و عثرات را بفضل شامل و لطف کامل در گذراند، انّه علی ذلک لقدیر و بالأجبة جدیر.

The introduction (دیباچه) to Hafez's Divan

Book: Divan of Hafez

Author: Khājeh Shams-od-Dīn Moḥammad Ḥāfeẓ-e Shīrāzī