Divan e Hafez Episode Three

By admin on July 31, 2024

URL: https://www.youtube.com/embed/Z5p4MCPnh_4?wmode=opaque Thumbnail: https://img.youtube.com/vi/Z5p4MCPnh_4/maxresdefault.jpg Backend: YoutubeBackend

Divan e Hafez Episode Three

In this episode we discuss Ghazal number 12. In this Ghazal hazarat e Hafez says:

ای فروغِ ماهِ حُسن، از روی رخشان شما
آبِ‌روی خوبی از چاه زَنَخدان شما

O radiant moon of beauty, from your luminous face, The water of beauty flows from the well of your chin’s dimple.