Khayyam Quatrain 77: simple life is the fundamental source of happy life

By admin on July 31, 2024

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In Khayyam's Quatrain 77, the pursuit of happiness through a simple life is explored. This video discuses this poem, starting with the original Persian verse. We then move on to the English translation, followed by a concise analysis to unpack the meaning.

در دهر هر آنکه نیم نانی دارد
از بهر نشست آشیانی دارد

نه خادم کس بود نه مخدوم کسی
گو شاد بزی که خوش جهانی دارد

In this world, whoever has half a loaf of bread
Has a home for sitting and resting.

Neither a servant nor a master,
Say, live happily, for he has a pleasant world.