Khayyam Rubaei number 13

By admin on July 31, 2024

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Embrace and savor your existence before your moments slip away. This is the wisdom imparted by Khayyam in Quatrain number 13. Let’s read the Persian verse first, followed by its translation in English:

ای دل چو زمانه می کند غمناکت
ناگه برود ز تن روان پاکت

بر سبزه نشین و خوش بزی روزی چند
زآن پیش که سبزه بر دمد از خاکت

O heart, when the world makes you sorrowful, Suddenly, your pure soul will leave your body.
Sit on the grass and be happy for a few days, Before grass grows out from your dust.