Khayyam Rubaei number 57

By admin on July 31, 2024

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In this post we want to discuss Khayyam’s Rubaei number 57, when he says:

آن‌کس که زمین و چرخ و افلاک نهاد
بس داغ که او بر دل غمناک نهاد

بسیار لب چو لعل و زلفین چو مشک
در طبل زمین و حقهٔ خاک نهاد

The One who set the Earth and the Heavens in motion,
Many a wound did He place upon the heart of the sorrowful.
With lips like rubies and tresses fragrant as musk,
He placed them in the drum of the Earth and the box of dust.