@admin Aug. 9, 2024, 1:36 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: Blessed be the day of the lovers' union, Ghazal 103 by Hafez

Check out the latest ghazal from admin:
Blessed be the day of the lovers' union, Ghazal 103 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

Blessed be the day of the lovers' union,
Blessed be those days, blessed be!

My palate, from the bitterness of sorrow, turned like poison,
Blessed be the sound of the joyful ones' sweet drink.

Though my companions have forgotten me,
May they remember me thousands of times.

I have become entangled in this chain and misfortune,
Blessed be the efforts of those righteous ones.

Though a hundred rivers constantly flow in my eyes,
Blessed be the living river of the garden of those who do good deeds.

Hafez's secret will remain untold after this,
Alas, blessed be those who knew the secret.

@admin Aug. 9, 2024, 1:30 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: Yesterday, the wind brought news of my beloved's departure, Ghazal 102 by Hafez

Check out the latest ghazal from admin:
Yesterday, the wind brought news of my beloved's departure, Ghazal 102 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

Yesterday, the wind brought news of my beloved's departure,
So I too will give my heart to the wind, let whatever happen, happen.

My affairs have reached such a point that I make my confidant
The flashing lightning every night and the morning breeze.

In the curls of your hair, my unprotected heart
Never remembered its familiar dwelling.

Today I have understood the value of the wise ones' advice,
O Lord, may the soul of our advisor be happy with You.

My heart turned to blood in remembrance of you, whenever in the garden
The button of the rosebud opened with the wind.

My weak existence had been lost,
But the morning breeze, with the scent of your union, gave me life.

Hafez, may your good intentions be fulfilled,
May the lives of good people be sacrificed.

@admin Aug. 9, 2024, 1:21 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: What is secret wine and pleasure? A foundationless affair. Ghazal 101 by Hafez

Check out the latest ghazal from admin:
What is secret wine and pleasure? A foundationless affair. Ghazal 101 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

What is secret wine and pleasure? A foundationless affair.
We've joined the ranks of the revelers, and let whatever happen, happen.

Untie the knot from your heart and forget about the heavens,
For no engineer's mind has ever untied such a knot.

Don't be surprised by the revolution of time, for the celestial sphere
Remembers thousands and thousands of such tales.

Take a cup, with due respect, from the one whose mixture
Comes from the cup of Jamshid, Bahman, and Qabad.

Who knows where Kavus and Kay went?
Who is aware of how Jam's throne was blown to the wind?

From the longing for a sweet lip, I still see
The tulip blooming from the blood of Farhad's eyes.

Perhaps the tulip knew the treachery of time,
That until it bloomed and grew, it did not put the cup of wine down.

Come, come, let us be ruined by wine for a while,
Perhaps we will find a treasure in this ruined city.

They don't give me permission to travel far,
Just the breeze of the Musalla and the water of Ruknabad.

Don't take a cup, O Hafez, unless it's to the sound of the lute,
For they have tied the joyful heart to the silk of sorrow.

@admin Aug. 9, 2024, 1:05 p.m.

New Video Posted: Divan e Hafez Episode 13

Check out the latest video from admin:
Divan e Hafez Episode 13

Description: Hafez’s Ghazal 95 is a captivating exploration of intoxicating love. The opening line, "The breeze of your curly locks keeps me perpetually intoxicated," immediately immerses the reader in a world of sensual and ethereal longing. This powerful image sets the stage for a poem that goes deep into the complexities of desire, obsession, and spiritual yearning.

@admin Aug. 9, 2024, 8:59 a.m.

New Blog Post: Ghazal 95 by Hafez

Check out the latest blog post from admin:
Ghazal 95 by Hafez

Hafez’s Ghazal 95 is a captivating exploration of intoxicating love. The opening line, "The breeze of your curly locks keeps me perpetually intoxicated," immediately immerses the reader in a world of sensual and ethereal longing. This powerful image sets the stage for a poem that goes deep into the complexities…

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 6:16 p.m.

New Rubaei Posted: Rubaei 20 By Hafez Shirazi

Check out the latest rubaei from admin:
Rubaei 20 By Hafez Shirazi

Description: Literal Translation:

A flood has engulfed the ruins of life,
And begun to fill the cup of life.
Wake up, O master, for the porter of time
Will happily carry away your belongings from the house of life.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

Time's flood has swept through life's decay,
Filling the cup of days that ebb away.
Awake, dear friend, the hour is near,
When time will claim all that you hold dear.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 6:14 p.m.

New Rubaei Posted: Rubaei 19 By Hafez Shirazi

Check out the latest rubaei from admin:
Rubaei 19 By Hafez Shirazi

Description: Literal Translation:

The beauties of the world can be hunted with gold,
One can happily enjoy them with gold.
See the narcissus, the crown of the world,
How it too has emerged, thanks to gold.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

With gold, the world’s fair ones can be won,
And pleasure bought when day is done.
The narcissus, beauty's queen, behold,
Has risen too, its splendor bought with gold.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 6:12 p.m.

New Rubaei Posted: Rubaei 18 By Hafez Shirazi

Check out the latest rubaei from admin:
Rubaei 18 By Hafez Shirazi

Description: Literal Translation:

The wine of youth is preferable,
With green-robed ones, pure wine is better.
The world is entirely a ruined inn,
In a ruined place, ruin is better.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

The wine of youth, a joy that's pure and sweet,
With youthful friends, a perfect treat.
The world's a crumbling inn, a weary place,
In such a world, surrender to grace.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 6:09 p.m.

New Rubaei Posted: Rubaei 17 By Hafez Shirazi

Check out the latest rubaei from admin:
Rubaei 17 By Hafez Shirazi

Description: Literal Translation:

From the celestial sphere, I always have hope,
But from the vicissitudes of time, I tremble like an aspen.
You said that after blackness, there is no color,
Then why has my black hair turned white?

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

I cling to hope, though fate may seem unkind,
Yet time's relentless march disturbs my mind.
You promised colors after darkest night,
But why, then, has my hair turned pure white?

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 6:07 p.m.

New Rubaei Posted: Rubaei 16 By Hafez Shirazi

Check out the latest rubaei from admin:
Rubaei 16 By Hafez Shirazi

Description: Literal Translation:

This flower brings companionship to my heart,
From it, much joy comes to my heart.
I constantly seek companionship from its face,
For from its color, I smell someone's scent.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

This flower, a friend to my lonely heart,
Fills me with joy from its very start.
I seek its company, day and night,
For in its hue, I find a sweet delight.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 6:05 p.m.

New Rubaei Posted: Rubaei 15 By Hafez Shirazi

Check out the latest rubaei from admin:
Rubaei 15 By Hafez Shirazi

Description: Literal Translation:

One should be by the stream with wine,
And far away from sorrow one should strive.
This period of our life, like a flower for ten days,
Should be with a smiling face and fresh complexion.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

Beside a stream, with wine, one should abide,
And sorrow's company should be denied.
Our lives, like blossoms, fleeting and sweet,
Should be filled with joy, from head to feet.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 6:02 p.m.

New Rubaei Posted: Rubaei 14 By Hafez Shirazi

Check out the latest rubaei from admin:
Rubaei 14 By Hafez Shirazi

Description: Literal Translation:

When the flower bud becomes a wine server,
The narcissus becomes eager to fill the cup.
Heart is free for one who, like a bubble,
Dives into the depths of the tavern.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

When the bud of love becomes a wine-bearer's art,
The narcissus longs to play its part.
Free is the heart that, bubble-like and fleet,
Dives deep into the tavern's sweet retreat.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 5:58 p.m.

New Rubaei Posted: Rubaei 13 By Hafez Shirazi

Check out the latest rubaei from admin:
Rubaei 13 By Hafez Shirazi

Description: Literal Translation:

Every friend who spoke of loyalty became an enemy,
Every pure-faced one proved to be fickle.
They say she conceived at night, and this is strange,
How could she conceive without seeing a man?

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

Each friend who vowed their love betrayed my trust,
And those with purest hearts proved least robust.
They say she conceived beneath the midnight sky,
How could she bear a child, if none was nigh?

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 5:56 p.m.

New Rubaei Posted: Rubaei 12 By Hafez Shirazi

Check out the latest rubaei from admin:
Rubaei 12 By Hafez Shirazi

Description: Literal Translation:

The wealth of the world is not worth oppression,
Nor is the pleasure of intoxication worth its pain.
Not seven thousand years of joy in the world
Are worth this seven-day tribulation of sorrow.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

The world's riches, gained through cruelty,
Are not worth the pain of such a victory.
Seven thousand years of joy, the world may give,
Yet cannot match the pain in which I live.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 5:53 p.m.

New Rubaei Posted: Rubaei 11 By Hafez Shirazi

Check out the latest rubaei from admin:
Rubaei 11 By Hafez Shirazi

Description: Literal Translation:

First, he gave me the wine of union,
When I was drunk, he gave me the cup of cruelty.
With eyes full of water and a heart full of fire,
I became the dust of his path, and the wind carried me away.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

He promised love, then served me bitter gall,
When drunk on hope, he watched me stumble and fall.
With tearful eyes and heart aflame, I've turned
To dust beneath his feet, by sorrow burned.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 5:46 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: "The old wine-seller, whose mention is blessed," he said, Ghazal 100 by Hafez

Check out the latest ghazal from admin:
"The old wine-seller, whose mention is blessed," he said, Ghazal 100 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

"The old wine-seller, whose mention is blessed," he said,
"Drink wine and forget the sorrow of your heart."

I said, "I'll give the wine its name and shame to the wind."
He said, "Accept my words, and let whatever happens, happen."

"When profit, loss, and capital are all about to slip away,
Don't be sad or happy about this transaction."

"If you put your heart into nothing, the wind will be in your hands.
In a situation where even Solomon's throne can be blown away by the wind."

"Hafez, if you are weary of the wise men's advice,
Let us shorten the story, for your life may be long."

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 5:40 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: My heart, in the air of Farrukh's radiant face, Ghazal 99 by Hafez

Check out the latest ghazal from admin:
My heart, in the air of Farrukh's radiant face, Ghazal 99 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

My heart, in the air of Farrukh's radiant face,
Is as disheveled as Farrukh's flowing hair.

Besides the Indian darkness of his locks, no one else
Has been blessed with the sight of Farrukh.

That fortunate blackness is always
A companion and confidante of Farrukh.

The free cypress will tremble like a willow
If it sees the beloved form of Farrukh.

Bring, O wine-server, purple wine,
In memory of Farrukh's magical narcissus.

My stature has become double, like a bow,
From the constant sorrow like Farrukh's eyebrow.

The Tatar musk-scented breeze is ashamed
Of the fragrance of Farrukh's amber-scented locks.

If everyone's heart is inclined towards something,
My heart is inclined towards Farrukh.

I am the slave of the spirit of the one who,
Like Hafez, is a servant of Farrukh.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 5:34 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: If, according to your religion, the blood of lovers is permissible, Ghazal 98 by Hafez

Check out the latest ghazal from admin:
If, according to your religion, the blood of lovers is permissible, Ghazal 98 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

If, according to your religion, the blood of lovers is permissible,
Then our best course is whatever is right in your sight.

The blackness of your dark locks is the creator of darkness,
The whiteness of your moon-like face is the divider of the dawn.

No one has escaped from the snare of your curly locks,
Nor from the bow of your eyebrow and the arrow of your eye.

From my eye has become a spring flowing beside a river,
No boatman can find a way through it.

Your lips, like the water of life, are the strength of the soul,
From them comes the mention of the spirit for our earthly existence.

With much begging, your ruby lips gave me a kiss,
And my heart's desire was fulfilled with a thousand entreaties.

The prayer of your soul is the incantation on the lips of the longing,
Always, as long as the morning and evening are connected.

Do not seek piety, repentance, and devotion from me, Hafez,
No good has ever come to the rogue, the lover, or the madman.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 5:19 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: You, who are like a crown upon the heads of all beauties, Ghazal 97 by Hafez

Check out the latest ghazal from admin:
You, who are like a crown upon the heads of all beauties, Ghazal 97 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

You, who are like a crown upon the heads of all beauties,
It would be fitting if all the heartbreakers paid you tribute.

Your two playful eyes have defeated both the Ethiopians and the Abyssinians,
To the curls of your hair, China and India have paid tribute.

The whiteness of your face is as bright as the cheek of the day,
The blackness of your dark locks is the darkness of a storm cloud.

Your honeyed mouth has made the water of Khidr famous,
Your sugar-like lips have taken precedence over the sugar cane of Egypt.

Truly, I will never find a cure for this sickness,
For the heartache I have from you, O my life, has no remedy.

Why do you break my heart with your heartlessness?
A weak heart, which is as delicate as glass.

Your lips are Khidr, and your mouth is the water of life,
Your stature is a cypress, and your waist, hair, and brow are like ivory.

A desire for a beauty like you has fallen into Hafez's heart,
I would be content to be the smallest speck of dust at your door.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 5:15 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: There is no cure for our pain, O Helper! Ghazal 96 by Hafez

Check out the latest ghazal from admin:
There is no cure for our pain, O Helper! Ghazal 96 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

There is no cure for our pain, O Helper!
There is no end to our separation, O Helper!

They have stolen my religion and my heart, and now they aim for my life.
O Helper, from the cruelty of the beautiful ones, O Helper!

They demand a life as the price of a kiss,
These heartless ones, O Helper!

These infidels have drunk our blood,
O Muslims, what is the cure? O Helper!

Like Hafez, day and night I have been without myself,
Burning and weeping, O Helper!

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 4:10 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: The breeze of your curly locks keeps me perpetually intoxicated, Ghazal 95 by Hafez Shirazi

Check out the latest ghazal from admin:
The breeze of your curly locks keeps me perpetually intoxicated, Ghazal 95 by Hafez Shirazi

Description: English Translation:

The breeze of your curly locks keeps me perpetually intoxicated,
The deceit of your magical eyes ruins me every moment.

After so much patience, O Lord, may I be able to see one night
When the candle of my sight shines in the prayer niche of your eyebrows.

I cherish the darkness of the tablet of my perception
Because it may have a prescription for my soul from the tablet of your Indian mole.

If you wish to adorn the world forever,
Tell the morning breeze to remove your veil for a while.

And if you wish to destroy the order of mortality from the world,
Let your hair fall so that thousands of lives may fall from each strand.

I and the morning breeze, two poor wanderers without fruit,
I am intoxicated by the magic of your eyes, and he by the scent of your hair.

What a high aspiration Hafez has, from this world and the next,
Nothing enters his eyes except the dust of your threshold.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 4:04 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: For that enchanting beloved, gratitude is mixed with complaint, Ghazal 94 by Hafez

Check out the latest ghazal from admin:
For that enchanting beloved, gratitude is mixed with complaint, Ghazal 94 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

For that enchanting beloved, gratitude is mixed with complaint,
If you are knowledgeable about love, listen to this tale.

Every service I have done was without pay or favor,
May God forbid anyone to have a master who is without grace.

No one gives water to the thirsty revelers,
It seems the saints have left this province.

Do not get entangled in her hair, like a noose, O heart, for there
You will see heads severed without crime or wrongdoing.

Your eye, with a glance, has shed our blood and you approve,
Beloved, it is not right to support a bloodshedder.

In this dark night, the path to my goal has been lost,
Come out from a corner, O guiding star.

Wherever I went, it only increased my fear,
Beware of this desert and this endless path.

O sun of beauties, my heart is boiling,
Include me in the shade of your grace for an hour.

Where can one put an end to this path?
There are a hundred thousand more stages at the beginning.

Although you have taken my water, I will not turn away from your door,
Injustice from a beloved is better than kindness from a claimant.

May your love come to my aid,
even if I recite the Quran fourteen times.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 3:55 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: What grace it was, when suddenly a drop of your pen: Ghazal 93 by Hafez

Check out the latest ghazal from admin:
What grace it was, when suddenly a drop of your pen: Ghazal 93 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

What grace it was, when suddenly a drop of your pen
Presented the rights of my service to your generosity.

With the tip of your pen, you have written my greeting,
May the workshop of time never be without your number.

I won’t say that you remembered me, the heartbroken one, by mistake,
For there is no mistake in the calculations of your pen.

Do not humble me with gratitude for this blessing,
For your eternal fortune is precious and honorable.

Come, so that I may find peace with your curly locks,
For even if my head is lost, I will not remove it from your footstep.

Perhaps your heart will become aware of our condition,
When a tulip blooms from the soil of those killed by your grief.

Quench the thirst of our soul with a sip,
As they give the clear water of Khidr from the cup of Jam.

May your time always be auspicious, O Jesus of the morning breeze,
For the soul of the heartbroken Hafez has come alive with your breath.

@admin Aug. 8, 2024, 3:49 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: My beloved, you go so gracefully, for I follow you with my head and feet. Ghazal 92 by Hafez

Check out the latest ghazal from admin:
My beloved, you go so gracefully, for I follow you with my head and feet. Ghazal 92 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

My beloved, you go so gracefully, for I follow you with my head and feet.
Walk gracefully, for I follow you in front of your beautiful stature.

You said, “When will you die before me, what is the hurry?”
You make a good request, for I am coming to your request.

Where is the lover, intoxicated, and forsaken by the wine-serving beauty?
Tell her to come gracefully, for I am following her in front of her tall cypress.

She who has made me ill with her love for a lifetime,
Tell her to glance at me, for I am coming before her doe-like eyes.

You have said, “My ruby lips bring both pain and cure,”
Sometimes I come to the pain, sometimes to the cure.

Walk gracefully, may the evil eye be far from your face.
I have in my mind the thought of the one I am following.

Although Hafez has no place in the privacy of your union,
O you who are so lovely everywhere, I follow you everywhere.
