Quatrain 4 from Rubiyat of Omar Khayyam
Khayyam Robaei number 4:
گر می نخوری طعنه مزن مستان را
بنیاد مکن تو حیله و دستان را
تو غره بدان مشو که می مینخوری
صد لقمه خوری که می غلام است آن را
If you don’t drink wine, don’t judge the drunkards, Nor lay traps when they’ve …
Quatrain 13 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Embrace and savor your existence before your moments slip away. This is the wisdom imparted by Khayyam in Quatrain number 13. Let’s read the Persian verse first, followed by its translation in English:
ای دل چو زمانه می کند غمناکت
ناگه برود ز تن روان پاکت
بر سبزه …
Quatrain 130 from Rubiyat of Omar Khayyam
Hey poetry lovers! In today's post, we're diving deep into a powerful quatrain by the legendary Omar Khayyam. This one explores the idea of human responsibility through the lens of self-reflection. We'll be checking out the original Persian verses alongside its English translation to unlock the wisdom within!
First …
A ghazal from Hafez
Divan e Hafez Episode 8. In this video we will read a ghazal from Divan of Hafez that he is speaking to a beloved and tries to earn her love.
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I said, " …