On Sept. 22, 2024, 6:04 a.m. hamed:

@hamed Sept. 22, 2024, 6:04 a.m.

New Ghazal Posted: Listen to my advice and don’t make excuses, Ghazal 256 by Hafez

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Listen to my advice and don’t make excuses, Ghazal 256 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

Listen to my advice and don’t make excuses,
Accept whatever a wise advisor tells you.

Take pleasure from the sight of the young,
For the deceit of the old world lies in wait.

The pleasures of both worlds are flowing for lovers,
For this worldly good is little, and the divine gift is great.

I desire a pleasant company and a flowing river,
So that I may express my pain with a low and mournful cry.

I’m determined not to drink wine and commit sin,
If fate agrees with my plan.

Since destiny has decreed our separation,
Don’t take it amiss if things aren’t entirely to our liking.

O cupbearer, pour wine and musk into the goblet like a tulip,
For the image of my beloved’s mole doesn’t leave my mind.

Bring the goblet of sweet-tasting pearls, O cupbearer,
Let the envious one see the generosity of Asaf and die.

A hundred times I’ve put down the cup with the intention of repenting,
But the cupbearer’s coquetry is not at fault.

Two-year-old wine and a fourteen-year-old beloved,
This is enough for me, the company of the young and old.

Who can console our weary heart?
Tell the weary, chained Majnun.

Don’t speak of repentance in this gathering, Hafez,
For the cupbearers will shoot you with the arrows of their eyebrows.