On Sept. 22, 2024, 7 a.m. hamed:

@hamed Sept. 22, 2024, 7 a.m.

New Ghazal Posted: O slender cypress of beauty, who walks so gracefully and proudly, Ghazal 260 by Hafez

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O slender cypress of beauty, who walks so gracefully and proudly, Ghazal 260 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

O slender cypress of beauty, who walks so gracefully and proudly,
A hundred needs arise each moment for lovers because of your coquetry.

Blessed be your beautiful countenance, for from eternity,
A robe of pride has been cut to fit your cypress-like stature.

He who desires the scent of amber from your locks,
Like incense, let him burn and sing on the fire of passion.

The moth’s heart burns from the candle, but
Without the candle of your face, my heart is consumed.

The Sufi who had sworn off wine yesterday,
Broke his vow when he saw the tavern door open.

I shall not be weighed down by the rival's taunt,
Like gold, even if they put me in a crucible.

The heart that has found its way to the Kaaba of your court,
Has no desire for the pilgrimage to the holy land of Hijaz.

What need is there for ablution with tears every moment, when
Without the arch of your eyebrow, my prayers are not accepted?

Like a wine drinker who has gone to the wine cellar, clapping his hands,
Hafez, who yesterday heard a secret from the cupbearer’s lips.