On Sept. 23, 2024, 6:22 a.m. hamed:

@hamed Sept. 23, 2024, 6:22 a.m.

New Ghazal Posted: Come, and cast our ship into the sea of wine, Ghazal 262 by Hafez

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Come, and cast our ship into the sea of wine, Ghazal 262 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

Come, and cast our ship into the sea of wine,
Create a tumult and commotion in the hearts of the pious and the young.

Cast me into the ship of wine, O cupbearer,
For it has been said, “Do good and cast it into the water.”

I have returned from the tavern, having strayed from the path,
Guide me back to the right path through Your grace.

Bring me a cup of that rose-colored, musk-scented wine,
And cast the fire of envy and jealousy into the heart of the rosewater.

Though I am drunk and ruined, show me some kindness,
Cast a glance upon this bewildered and ruined heart.

If you need sunlight in the middle of the night,
Remove the veil from the face of the rose-cheeked maiden.

When the day of my death comes and they bury me in the earth,
Carry me to the tavern and cast me into the wine vat.

If the cruelty of fate has pierced your heart, as it has Hafez’s,
Aim the arrow of a shooting star at the demon of affliction.